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[a11y Process Work] a11y Champions Community Resurrection #57616

Open sara-amanda opened 1 year ago

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Resurrection of a11y Champions Community

"A11y Champs" Team Members

Feel free to add your name! Join us!

Goal: Community & Support

Feedback requested

We're a grassroots, volunteer-led educational program intent on scaling up VA's accessibility maturity through:

Editing & Reviewing a11y Champs

Assistance Requested

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

a11y Champs Feedback on Level 1

Based on Slack thread that included this feedback c/o @joshkimux on May 15, 2023. Updated in this thread as of 5/19/2023.

Provide multiple options or paths for different kinds of learning.

E.g. don’t force folk to read a bunch of things, give them the option to do something or watch something instead

“I liked being presented with multiple options and being able to choose what I wanted to do”

Encourage engagement on slack, but don’t make it mandatory or make folk feel like it’s mandatory. How can we make this more natural or easy?

e.g. would providing pre-written templates help? or should we focus on providing more options for folk to be heads down on their own without having to engage (unless they want to)

“I liked the engagement on Slack.”

“”I “dislike” posting questions/comments in Slack. Although, I appreciate the community aspect of it. Where it may take one person 30 seconds to post a…”

Folk can get distracted midway through the curriculum. How might we address the context switching of the workplace? Are there ways to make this easier?

e.g. breaking levels into sub-levels?

“I wasn’t able to sit down and complete it one sitting because I kept getting interrupted/distracted”

Expanded Feedback

@BobbyBaileyRB c/o Bobby on Slack on 5/15/2023

I agree with the "Folk can get distracted midway through the curriculum."

It might be helpful to break these into sub-sections within the Curriculum folders and allow people to choose their learning needs.

This could really help us cognitively keep track of sections that were important to us. Instead of trying to remember where that impactful lesson was within the level 1 curriculum.

Provide specific VA related tasks.

“There were some quirks with the Mac OS voiceover training that I got stuck on and were frustrating.”

“The only thing I can think of (and maybe this is level two stuff) is associate a tasks with navigating the with screen reader. Even if it’s just…”

sara-amanda commented 5 months ago

@eli-oat adding you to this ticket for your work on this project

coforma-jamie commented 1 month ago

It's been awhile since anyone's looked at this, and a few folks have left since this ticket was opened.

I think we need to ask a few fundamental questions about A11y Champs before we proceed with any work:

  1. Who owns the A11y Champs program? Is it @artsymartha68? Is it Governance? CAIA? The accessibility COP?
  2. Who should implement the rest of the program? Again, it could be one person, CAIA, Governance, the accessibility COP at large.
  3. Is it a priority? If so, what does the timeline look like? And which parts of it should be prioritized:
    • Tweaking lesson 1 based on feedback (as mentioned above)?
    • Figuring out topics and structure for lessons 2 and 3?
    • Writing lesson 2, 3, both?
coforma-jamie commented 1 month ago

The OCTO accessibility community discussed the A11y Champs program at our weekly sync today. To summarize what we talked about:

Next steps

Before doing anything more, we need to decide what we want the outcomes to be, for someone going through A11y Champs.
