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Bug: Zoom with pinch gesture disabled for sign in modal on mobile and desktop #58960

Open SarahKay8 opened 1 year ago

SarahKay8 commented 1 year ago

Issue Description

On the Sign-in modal i can't use ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom in on desktop (windows/chrome) and I can't use the pinch method to zoom in.

How to reproduce

  1. logging into staging (or prod), on a touch screen device.
  2. click "Sign-In"
  3. Try to zoom in on touch screen device or try to zoom in with mouse. No luck

Acceptance Criteria

The MobileOptimized meta tag was used for a very old version of Windows Mobile 5 / 6 (before even Windows Phone 7, 8 and Windows Mobile 10!).

There also seems to be event listeners in place somewhere (including listeners for wheel, scroll, resize, keydown, etc) on the page...i suspect one or more of them are possibly preventing this behavior. I'd like to brainstorm with DST on how we can remediate this.

RLHecht commented 1 year ago

@caw310 this ticket is for the design system team. Feel free to move it to your board if need be.

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Adding sitewide accessibility label @coforma-terry

coforma-terry commented 9 months ago

Hey @sara-amanda - do we have an update on this? Thanks!

sara-amanda commented 9 months ago

Hey @sara-amanda - do we have an update on this? Thanks!

@coforma-terry Looks like SK has Carol assigned to this ticket and Randi mentions this should be DST, so perhaps now that Ryan is on the DST, this ticket might go to him? Thoughts?

strelichl commented 1 month ago

@sara-amanda I think it's safe to say this one can move off our board?