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Identity Dashboard BE Milestone 1 - Client Configuration #59182

Closed acald-creator closed 4 months ago

acald-creator commented 1 year ago

What is the Client Config application?

This allows a Sign in Service client to view and update their Sign in Service integration (Client Configuration) On lower stacks, a User should be able to make an update and have it immediately propagated to Sign in Service On production, a User should be able to make an update and trigger a notification to an 'admin' (Identity team, or maybe just Joe for now), who can propagate the change manually (we might promise that it updates within 48 hours, so definitely does not need to be triggered within minutes or anything)

Work involved in the Milestone (backend/devops):

Backend VA Identity Dashboard auth w/ SiS User Roles implemented (manual updating only, no ability to update roles from Frontend) Repository set up, proper CI pipelines and repo rules Ability to view and update Client Configs for Sign in Service

Devops Dev stack deployed and accessible Production stack deployed

Potential blockers Frontend: Frontend will facilitate auth Devops: Test/Prod stacks implemented by end of milestone

bramleyjl commented 1 year ago

Backend Scoping Lucid document to pull tickets from