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[Components and pattern standards] Design components or patterns don't align with Design System guidelines. (04.07.4) #59269

Open briandeconinck opened 1 year ago

briandeconinck commented 1 year ago

General Information

VFS team name

Benefits Disability Experience Team

VFS product name

Disability Comp Application (21-526 EZ), Add Self Assessment Part A form information to BDD workflow

VFS feature name

Add Self Assessment Part A form information to BDD workflow

Point of Contact/Reviewers

Brian DeConinck - @briandeconinck - Accessibility

*For more information on how to interpret this ticket, please refer to the Anatomy of a Staging Review issue ticket guidance on Platform Website.

Platform Issue

Design components or patterns don't align with Design System guidelines.

Issue Details

On /supporting-evidence/additional-evidence/, the Upload button isn't actually a button, but instead is coded as a <span role="button"> with supporting JavaScript for keyboard accessibility. While the element responds to the expected keyboard commands and is announced properly with the screen reader/browser combination I tested with, there are likely to be edge cases where some assistive technology doesn't interact with the element as a user might expect it to.

Link, screenshot or steps to recreate Currently coded as:

     <label id="root_additionalDocuments_add_label" for="root_additionalDocuments" class="vads-u-display--inline-block">
          <span role="button" class="usa-button usa-button-secondary vads-u-padding-x--2 vads-u-padding-y--1" tabindex="0" aria-label="Upload Supporting (lay) statements or other evidence">Upload</span>
     <input type="file" accept=".pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif,.bmp,.txt" id="root_additionalDocuments" name="root_additionalDocuments" style="display: none;">

Note that nesting the span inside a label and giving it an aria-label on top of that is... kind of funky markup. It doesn't throw any validation errors but I feel like it's asking for trouble! Experience Standard

Category Number 04, Issue Number 07

Other References

WCAG SC 3.2.4 AA

Platform Recommendation

Maintain material honesty. If it looks like a button, it should be a <button> --- with all of the accessibility features already baked in. The best option here is to update to the design system's file input component.

VFS Guidance

christinec-fftc commented 1 year ago

Having trouble reproducing this on on staging. Am I on the right page? I'm testing the BDD flow and checked both the Upload and Add Another Document buttons on the supporting-evidence/additional-evidence page, but they both look to be using the button tag at this point. image.png image.png

Can you please share the steps to reproduce? I also tried to search through the 526 apps for any cases of <span role="button" but haven't found any.

RakshindaAslam commented 1 year ago

cc @briandeconinck

RakshindaAslam commented 12 months ago

@shiragoodman - can you help us with this question?

briandeconinck commented 11 months ago

Hi @christinec-fftc and @RakshindaAslam! Same note as on #59271 -- sorry for the slow reply, and please feel free to bug me in Slack to get faster responses!

Testing in the BDD flow, I can also confirm that the markup is different than when this was tested in May. It looks like it's using the va-button component rather than the va-file-input component, so there may be opportunities for future refinement. But the concerns I had with assistive technology compatibility should be resolved. You should be good to close this out!