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Design | Profile | Notification settings | Finalize MHV notification labels #59721

Closed andaleliz closed 1 year ago

andaleliz commented 1 year ago


We need to update our mock-ups to reflect the latest copy and IA for MHV notifications.

The three notification types in question are:

Notifications to finalize

Medical images + reports


There’s a table in that section that lists all the available image and radiology reports, and each one has up to three options: View Report, View Images, and Request. If the user clicks request, it triggers the process to get the images in a downloadable format (unsure of exactly what systems/APIs are called). On the front-end, the user sees a modal saying “Your request is currently processing. It may take some time to retrieve your VA Medical Images and Reports. In the meantime, you can choose to [update your profile](link to profile) to get an email notifying you when they are ready to view.”

This screenshot is the modal that appears after you click "Request Images" when looking at the table of all your images and reports. Note: Reports are immediately available when entered, but the user always has to "request" the images. I think "request" in this sense is more of a load/generate action than actually submitting a request for approval.

Here's the actual email that is sent:

Dear [User], The VA Medical Images and Report that you requested are now available. The information will be accessible for 3 days. After 3 days, you will need to resubmit your request. To view your VA medical Images and Report in your browser: log into My HealtheVet navigate to the VA medical images and reports page select a link in the I want to… column Please do not reply directly to this email as it is an automated message from the My HealtheVet System.

With the current flow, a notification name like "Requested medical images and reports available to download" sets better expectations about what the notification actually is.

Secure messaging


Email text:

Dear XYZ, You have a new Secure Message waiting to be read. Sign into MyHealtheVet to read your message.

From: *ZEGEREK_LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Message ID: 123456789

For online help: [hours] [phone number]

This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email.

MHV newsletter notification


andaleliz commented 1 year ago

@adamwhitlock1 I'm looking at the Communication Permissions API and second guessing whether or not the notification channel labels come from the API or not. Do you know if the words "notify me by text" that are next to the inputs today come from the FE or via the service?

mtcA6 commented 1 year ago

@andaleliz which sketch file are you looking at?

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

@mtcA6 all of the relevant sketch files are linked from this doc.

adamwhitlock1 commented 1 year ago

Just to have it in writing, since we just communicated about it during our sprint planning:

The labels for each notification item "notify me by text" DO NOT come directly from the api and are something that we have explicitly put into the code of the UI for each notification.

An example of the way the api data is sent:

  "id": "",
  "type": "hashes",
  "attributes": {
    "communicationGroups": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Board of Veterans' Appeals",
        "description": null,
        "communicationItems": [
            "id": 6,
            "name": "Appeal status updates",
            "communicationChannels": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Text",
                "description": "SMS Notification",
                "defaultSendIndicator": true,
                "communicationPermission": {
                  "id": 18994,
                  "allowed": false
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Appeal hearing reminders",
            "communicationChannels": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Text",
                "description": "SMS Notification",
                "defaultSendIndicator": true,
                "communicationPermission": {
                  "id": 8132,
                  "allowed": true
andaleliz commented 1 year ago

Inquired about MHV notifications in this slack thread to learn more about medical images + reports, and secure messaging. Will reach out to Carnetta if I don't get any answers

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

Learned more about the MHV secure message notification:

  1. The current label in the MHV UI is "New Secure Message Notifications"
  2. The contents of the email are:

Dear XYZ, You have a new Secure Message waiting to be read. Sign into MyHealtheVet to read your message.

From: *ZEGEREK_LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Message ID: 123456789

For online help: [hours] [phone number]

This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email.

mtcA6 commented 1 year ago

on the preference, when we add it to profile, will we need some version of this copy warning users of the response lag time? Image

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

My gut reaction is that I don't think so, since the notification setting an alert when a new message is received. It feels more appropriate to set that expectation when someone is sending a message. But I can be convinced otherwise!

mtcA6 commented 1 year ago

@andaleliz I could be convinced either way as well :) I agree, it's more appropriate when you're sending a message.

In terms of surfacing relevant links, it might be good to link users to the secure messaging center from the Secure Message preference in the profile, so they can set the preference and then easily navigate to secure messaging

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

I learned more about the MHV "VA Medical Images and Reports" notification.

The “VA medical images and reports available notification” is a message triggered only after a user has requested a specific set of images in the MHV “Download my data > Medical images and reports” section. There’s a table that lists all the available image and radiology reports, and each one has up to three options: View Report, View Images, and Request. If they click request, it triggers the process to get the images in a downloadable format (unsure of exactly what systems/APIs are called) and modal saying “Your request is currently processing. It may take some time to retrieve your VA Medical Images and Reports. In the meantime, you can choose to [update your profile](link to profile) to get an email notifying you when they are ready to view.”

Here's the actual email that is sent: image.png

Email text:

Dear [User], The VA Medical Images and Report that you requested are now available. The information will be accessible for 3 days. After 3 days, you will need to resubmit your request. To view your VA medical Images and Report in your browser: log into My HealtheVet navigate to the VA medical images and reports page select a link in the I want to… column Please do not reply directly to this email as it is an automated message from the My HealtheVet System.

IMO this flow feels a little clunky and I think could be refined, but that's out of scope for our team. With the current flow, a notification name like "Requested medical images and reports available to download" sets better expectations about what the notification actually is.

mtcA6 commented 1 year ago

@andaleliz i know you asked around and I swear somewhere I saw a message about the newsletter and the copy for that. Can you help me locate that? I also remember us talking about this in one of the collab cycle calls as well.

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

@mtcA6 I asked around about the first two bullets, but I don't think I asked about the third. It did come up in the collab cycle as something that needs to be figured out, but we haven't worked on that yet.

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

Created CAIA ticket #62900 to start the process to get content support (we do not need to track this ticket on our board)

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

Status update: I reviewed with the CAIA folks yesterday, and we made these decisions:

I'm waiting for confirmation on the order of the notifications items in the Your Health Care group. Once I get that, I'll be able to finish updating the Sketch files and close this ticket.

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

CAIA had some more thoughts and we've made the following updates:

The Sketch files have all been updated.

@mtcA6 I forgot one of the tasks for this ticket is to get review from MHV stakeholders, so this will carry over into the next sprint. Can you help facilitate that review? I'm not sure exactly who all we need to consult, (my guess is the folks listed in the project outline, and maybe Coulton Bunny) or if it needs to be a meeting or can be done async.

I estimate 2 more points carrying over for next sprint.

mtcA6 commented 1 year ago

@andaleliz trying to decide the best approach.

I'm happy to help and I'm torn if we should do something asynchronous, wait for the Wednesday touchpoint call next week w MHV and VA Profile, or some other combination of options.

Samara-Strauss commented 1 year ago

Bringing the exact copy over from #62900 so I can find it more easily:

Health care

General VA information and updates

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

@Samara-Strauss there were changes captured in the last comment on #62900, and in this ticket that weren't reflected in your comment above. I edited your comment so it shows the latest.

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

@mtcA6 In my experience with the MHV folks, their calendars are packed, as are their inboxes 🙃 Any OCTO reviewers would probably be fine to work with either way.

Perhaps a starting point could be to send an email with mock-ups, and ask for review/approval that way. if that proves to be ineffective, then you could try to schedule a call.

The scheduled touchpoint does seem like a good opportunity but I'm not sure if:

  1. any OCTO MHV to folks need to approve this
  2. those people are on those calls

Another risk is that Carnetta or some other MHV person can't make that meeting - the few that I've been in, Carnetta is not there.

Samara-Strauss commented 1 year ago

@andaleliz we sit in on a biweekly MHV and VA Profile sync, so we can bring this up then. Is there a mockup with the updated copy? I know we still have an issue with the appointment reminders and prescriptions notifications needing two different entries for text and email, so just let me know what you have mocked up right now.

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

@Samara-Strauss yes, all of the mock-ups have the updated copy. I think this would be the best one to show them. This represents all the notification options a user would see if they have all their contact info on file, receive health care, and are associated with a text-notification VAMC.

I didn't know appointment reminders were in the same bucket as Rx shipments and need a separate entry. Is there a link you can share for me to learn more about that?

Samara-Strauss commented 1 year ago

This is perfect! Thanks, Liz!

I didn't know appointment reminders were in the same bucket as Rx shipments and need a separate entry. Is there a link you can share for me to learn more about that?

No link, but I am pretty sure appointment reminders are powered by a different source for VEText than the MHV email reminders, but since I am having trouble finding documentation, I will need to confirm this.

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

I'm going to move this to the blocked column since we won't be having this review until 8/30 (the next sync meeting)

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

Carnetta approved the updated notification names today! I have updated all the Sketch files, and updated the comment above with all the notifications names that Samara was referencing to have it all in one place.

Over and out.

mtcA6 commented 1 year ago

@andaleliz could you link the corresponding sketch files that were updated?

Although, for posterity's sake, since we do modify our sketch files, should we upload some sort of static pdf that shows the end decisions that were here?

andaleliz commented 1 year ago

Sure, here's a desktop example and here's mobile. But, all of the artboards in the sketch file have been updated (there's a lot).

In my experience static references of design mock-ups end up being more confusing/churn-causing, than they are helpful. I'd really rather not.

The comment above can serve as a source of truth for the work on this ticket, which was to finalize the content.

mtcA6 commented 1 year ago

@andaleliz ok, thanks. I've created a use case issue for the open task.

Wednesday we can discuss with MHV and VA Profile on the bi-weekly. You've got Carnetta's signoff, now we need to get this into the VA Profile queue so even if MHV folks aren't able to join again at least we can get this moving w/VA Profile.

cc: @Samara-Strauss