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Content updates to Verifying your identity on page #62292

Open aliyahblackmore opened 1 year ago

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

We're making update to the Verifying your identity on page based on feedback from the CORE and LGA identity teams.

We'll need to incorporate changes based on their feedback.

After we publish these changes, we can move back to compiling additional questions to add to this page based on any feedback/research either identity team has heard or seen.

Prepublishing checklist ## For all pages (including those in Resources and Support) ### Before you begin - [ ] Confirm that there are no updates in draft by other content authors that aren't ready to be published. Check the revision log and then confirm with the content author who made the previous edits that the page is ready to publish. ### Accessibility standards - [ ] If your link or button will take the user off, confirm that the text for the link or button contains a purpose and a target. The user should be able to tell from the link or button text what the call to action is (the purpose) and where they will end up if they click on the link (the target). The following link is an example of this:
[Read more about making links accessible on AccessibilityOz](
**Note:** When you direct the user to another page, the link only needs to contain text indicating purpose (the call to action). - [ ] Confirm all phone numbers are in aria labels. [Learn how to code numbers with aria labels]( - [ ] Confirm that the hierarchy of section and subsection titles is correct (H1 to H2 to H3—levels shouldn't be skipped). [Learn more about section titles]( - [ ] Replace any sighted language ("view," "see," "look") with a word that's inclusive of our screen reader users ("check," "go to," "review"). - [ ] Avoid using other ability-focused language. ("hear back from") ### Link standards - [ ] Confirm that links work (aren't broken—no error message) and point to the intended page (you pasted in the correct URL or chose the correct node ID). - [ ] Confirm all link text is 100 characters or less. - [ ] Check that you've selected a node ID for all links pointing to (internal) pages. Only paste in a URL if the page you're linking to doesn't live in our CMS (isn't one of our modernized pages). [Learn how to add node IDs in Drupal]( - [ ] Check that all anchor/jump links are pointing to a node followed by # and the header identifier (Example: /node/47278/#information-for-survivors). Double check all anchor/jump links post-publish. ### CMS standards - [ ] Make sure all apostrophes and quotation marks are curly not straight. (Once this is automatic in Drupal, we can remove this item.) - [ ] If there are alerts at the top of the Drupal Edit node for broken links, redirected links, or links to unpublished pages, correct the issues. If there's an alert for a broken link but the link is actually working, report the issue to the CMS help desk. [Read more about link alerts in the CMS knowledge base]( - [ ] If publishing a brand-new page, confirm the left nav and url are set up correclty. (If the page is a child page, the section needs to be the same as the parent page in order for the left nav to show.) [Learn how to set up a url and left nav in Drupal]( - [ ] Check if the page has a new or updated alert. If so, publish the alert separately. ### Additional checks for translated articles - [ ] If we don't have updated translated versions, add the alert that links to the corresponding English page and lets users know that the translated pages aren't up to date.
aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Update here:

Laura, as we chatted on 6/18, we're actually going to move forward with these updates first, publish them, and then move back to reviewing additional questions to add to this page.

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

I have one other question out to Amber and Joe re: the KBV.

I'll post the word document with edits here later this afternoon. If there's a reply from Amber/Joe content we'll need to adjust content on this question accordingly:

What if I’m having trouble answering the security questions?

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Hi @laurwill - adjustments to this page based on feedback from Joe and the LGA team are in this word document.

I flagged two question for Joe/Amber in the comments (sent via Slack).

As a next step here, after adjustments are in Drupal, we can share with Joe and Tom for awareness before publishing these changes. After, we'll move back to reviewing questions we may want to consider adding to the page.

Preview_Verifying your identity_LW_AB_7.26.docx

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Updates here:

This is the word document with specific questions. questions on Verifying page_AB_8.11.docx

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Updates here:

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Hi @laurwill - I made updates to the questions based on our conversation with Grace. There are some open items that we'll need to address when we get answers from Grace.

This is the word document with updates. I've left a few comments as resolved (just to track some content decisions based on feedback from Joe).

As discussed, we'll chat about this with the identity teams in our sync tomorrow.


aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

We'll continue to review the remaining questions with the CORE identity and LGA teams next week (8/24).

This is the updated version of the document with edits and two questions from Laura, as well as notes on future adjustments based on our call with their teams today.


aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago


As a next step on this work, we'll need to have the page reviewed through the new MHV and identity comms process.

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago


aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago


aliyahblackmore commented 12 months ago

Hi @laurwill - I made a few additional adjustments to the Verifying your identity on page to account for the character count limit (1000 characters) for single Q&As and the question about in-person identity verification to focus on

The changes are in the Sharepoint document.

As a next step here, I think it may actually be better to leave the changes in Sharepoint (since folks would need to select each Q&A to see the changes reflected), share it with the comms group to review, and then make the adjustments in Drupal.

Let me know when you've reviewed and then I'll resolve or adjust any comments and move forward with passing this along to the comms group for their review, feedback, and approval.

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Tracking updates:

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Updates here:

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago


@laurwill this is ready for you to review.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

@laurwill I just updated the SharePoint document to reflect that new information for Joe/ (Oct 18 slack).

I removed "... on a phone plan that's in your name"

laurwill commented 10 months ago

Thanks so much @aliyahblackmore ! The SharePoint doc with all the tracked changes was starting to act funky, as you said. I saved a copy, accepted all the changes, and addressed comments to the reviewers noting all substantive changes we made.

@megzehn , this is ready for copyedit in the SharePoint doc before we send through to the Identity & MHV on comms review process.

megzehn commented 10 months ago

This looks great, @laurwill. Confirming I copy edited and added my one comment in the doc.

laurwill commented 9 months ago

Just noting that I'm planning to submit this page along with the Get a Premium MHV page updates to the MHV/Identity Comms Review process, but I'm having trouble getting access to the Sharepoint page to make the submission. I'll update once we get approval to publish!

laurwill commented 9 months ago

Update: Danielle is taking this through comms review directly, since I can't access the submission page.