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Analytics Implementation or QA Support for maximum rating message in 526 form #62370

Open amylai-va opened 1 year ago

amylai-va commented 1 year ago

Google Analytics Implementation or QA Request

What this form is for

More Information

Use this template to request Google Analytics implementation or QA for your product. Please fill out all brackets.

> _Please see the following information for implementation timeline:_ > New Teams: Implementation will usually be completed in 4 sprints > > - Sprint 1: Discovery/Orientation > - Sprint 2: FE Implementation > - Sprint 3: Tagging Implementation > - Sprint 4: QA > > All other teams: Implementation will usually be completed in 2 sprints > > - Sprint 1: Discovery and FE Implementation > - Sprint 2: Tagging Implementation and QA



image (23)

Acceptance criteria

Additional information

Please refer to Platform Collaboration Cycle or the Analytics Request Touchpoint on Platform website for more information about the Collaboration Cycle.

michelle-dooley commented 1 year ago

@amylai-nava thank you for your request, we will review and get back to you with timing. To set expectations we have a bit of a back but are in the process of hiring a dedicated GA analyst that will be picking up all this work.

michelle-dooley commented 1 year ago

@amylai-nava - can you confirm that the page content is dynamic (i.e. changes per user - but same url) or is it a new url that you are only releasing to a subset of users and will eventually replace the current/old?

amylai-va commented 1 year ago

@michelle-dooley, good question: the page content is dynamic. the url will not be changing.

jestutt commented 1 year ago

Hi @amylai-nava - for this dynamic content, are you looking for an even that says it loaded for that user or are you looking for the user to have actually seen it?

amylai-va commented 1 year ago

Hi @jestutt, apologies for the delayed response! Can you elaborate on the difference between content is loaded vs user has seen the content?

jestutt commented 1 year ago

Setting the event to when the "content is loaded" is how an AB test is measured. The event captures which version of the page a user sees -- with content or without -- but, where the targeted content is below the fold, there's no way to know if the user sees that content. Your request would indicate this one.

Do you know how impressions for digital display ads are measured? A certain % of an ad must appear in the browser window for a certain minimal time for an impression to be counted based on ad council guidelines. This is similar to what I mean by "user has seen the content" only we aren't restricted by % or time -- a good thing with responsive content.

Is there a stage login with the content currently available? I'd like to check to see what if any code updates will be needed.

amylai-va commented 1 year ago

@jestutt, thanks for clarifying. To clarify our request, we'd like to know which version of the page a user sees -- one with or without content -- but there's a bit more nuance that might be easier to discuss on a quick call. Would you be up for that?

My assumption is that determining whether the user has actually read the content will not be straightforward or doable in GA.

The feature is not ready in staging yet but should be fairly soon.

jestutt commented 1 year ago

@amylai-nava I'm happy to do a quick call to discuss the nuances.

amylai-va commented 1 year ago

@jestutt great! are you on DSVA slack? want to message me there and we can coordinate a time?

amylai-va commented 1 year ago

@jestutt going to elaborate here, and then we can set up a meeting if needed.

We want to know:

amylai-va commented 11 months ago

@jestutt checking in to see if you have any questions or want to find some time to chat on a call?