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PRA Approval for FSR Custom Survey #66426

Closed clantosswett closed 8 months ago

clantosswett commented 11 months ago

FSR Intercept Survey Questions Update.xlsx FSR Urls and Pages 10202023.xlsx

FSR Intercept Survey Questions Update (2).xlsx

FSR Intercept Survey Questions Update (3).xlsx

Issue Description

Debt Portal Intercept Survey


Acceptance Criteria

clantosswett commented 11 months ago

Email sent to VEO with request. Will complete follow up this week.

ATMiddleton commented 11 months ago

Evan's team postponed meeting in preparation of possible Government shutdown.

I've sent Evan my availability for the week of 10/9 - awaiting response. Will meet to level set.

ATMiddleton commented 11 months ago

Sent another email to Evan with availability for next week. Awaiting response.

ATMiddleton commented 11 months ago

Awaiting invitation from Evan. I've included @denisecoveyduc @UXCamG @aubreyarcangel @newworld2616 on the follow up email in anticipation of the meeting.

ATMiddleton commented 11 months ago

Attended the Debt Portal and Ask VA meeting Takeaways - updated link to intercept survey questions (above) Obtain from Denise which urls the survey should deploy Confirmed standard targeting rules with Sarkis

Next Steps - forward questions to Brian and team for OMB approval - Done 10/18/23

Sarkis will inform when the staging environment is ready for demo and testing

ATMiddleton commented 11 months ago

FSR Intercept Survey Questions Update.xlsx FSR Urls and Pages 10202023.xlsx

Forwarded email to distro list including Urls and questions. Awaiting OMB approval.

ATMiddleton commented 10 months ago

Inquired about OMB approval status. Awaiting feedback.

ATMiddleton commented 10 months ago

Continuation meeting 10/30/23

ATMiddleton commented 10 months ago

Awaiting @denisecoveyduc to submit updated questions.

ATMiddleton commented 10 months ago

@denisecoveyduc will forward updated question and send to Brian for OMB approval process.

ATMiddleton commented 10 months ago

Awaiting feedback from Brian...

Coveyduc, Denise V. Wed, Nov 8, 12:51 PM (19 hours ago) to Brian, Sarkis, me,, Becky, Camille

Hi Brian, Thanks for your patience regarding the questions for the debt portal survey for the FSR. I took another look and have narrowed it down to these 4 questions. I'd love to get your thoughts on them and we can refine again if needed. Thanks, Denise

FSR Survey Questions

Veteran Answers

  1. Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: I was able to easily complete this form online.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Unsure Disagree Strongly Disagree

  1. Did you find any section of the form confusing or unclear? Please select all that apply Veteran information Income Assets Expenses Relief Options Bankruptcy History Final Review

  2. What changes, if any, would you like to see in the form to make it more user-friendly and easier? Text Area

  3. Would you recommend completing this form online to another Veteran?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Unsure Disagree Strongly Disagree

ATMiddleton commented 10 months ago

@ATMiddleton updated FSR questions per Slack thread with @denisecoveyduc and forwarded updated questions to to forward progress.

starlow00 commented 9 months ago

Awaiting information from stakeholders

ATMiddleton commented 9 months ago

@denisecoveyduc will provide updated list of final URLs today.
Denise will also be grated access to the staging area @aubreyarcangel will review styling

denisecoveyduc commented 9 months ago

@ATMiddleton FYI I just emailed the list of URLs to Yassine and team to update what is in staging. Please let me know if you need anything else. The debt team is excited to see this in production soon. @aubreyarcangel if you need any help reviewing in staging please let me know the FSR is quite a lengthy experience and the dev team has a few tricks to navigate through it.

ATMiddleton commented 9 months ago

Staging environment active and survey is being tested.

ATMiddleton commented 9 months ago

We have updated our targeted links to encompass the links below, however we were not able to access user #81 to test it in VA’s staging environment. At this point we have everything we need to proceed with the launch; however, we will feel more comfortable if we test the links in the staging environment.

@denisecoveyduc has schedule a meeting 12/15 to review and confirm launch date

ATMiddleton commented 9 months ago

The decision was made to make the survey a link (as opposed to an intercept survey) that will appear at the conclusion of the survey - available to every user. The survey will launch post code freeze 1/4/24.

ATMiddleton commented 8 months ago

Updated decision to deploy the survey as intercept. Survey was updated in staging to reflect the "Give Feedback" button - only load/show on manage-va-debt/request-debt-help-form-5655/confirmation.

Pending launch date.

ATMiddleton commented 8 months ago

Approval to update staging environment has been received. Yassine at Medallia is completing the update and testing will begin. Estimated date of deployment is Friday, January 12th.

ATMiddleton commented 8 months ago

Update on Debt portal survey: Yassine has republished the code survey. I tested it yesterday evening and found a bug, which triggered the survey on page load. I let Andrew Rodiek (engineer w/ dept portal team) and he’s currently working on a fix.

ATMiddleton commented 8 months ago

Bug is fixed and the survey be migrated to production - estimated time line is 1/17

ATMiddleton commented 8 months ago

Debt portal survey is in production and functioning as expected