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Publish new accredited rep landing page #67034

Open strelichl opened 11 months ago

strelichl commented 11 months ago


Background The accredited representation management (ARM) team is designing these new products: - **Representative status widget (RSW):** This will help Veterans check if they have an accredited representative. - **Find a representative (FAR) tool:** This will help Veterans find attorneys, claims agents, and Veteran Service Officers (VSO) that serve as accredited representatives. After using this tool, Veterans will need to contact the attorney, claims agent, or VSO to ask if they're available and willing to representative them. - **Appoint a representative (AAR) tool:** This will help Veterans appoint an attorney, claims agent, or VSO as their accredited representative by pre-filling their Form 21-22 or Form 21-22a. After using this tool, Veterans will need to print and sign their form. Then the accredited representative will need to sign and submit the form online, by mail, or in person.
Resources - [Draft landing page]( (Drupal) - [Content source of truth folder]( (SharePoint) - [Entry point tracker]( (SharePoint) - [Redirect plan]( (Google)


Phase 1: FAR landing page - [x] Product team: Collect stakeholder feedback on landing page for staging review - [x] AP: Update landing page for staging review - [x] CL: Copyedit landing page for staging review - [x] AP: Update landing page with react widget - [x] MZ: Copyedit landing page with react widget - [x] Product team: Go / no go decision - [x] MZ: Publish landing page with react widget - [x] Product team: Manage react widget for staged roll out - [x] AP: Update landing page without react widget - [x] MZ: Copyedit and publish landing page without react widget
Phase 2: RSW landing page - [x] AP: Update landing page with react widget - [x] MZ: Copyedit landing page with react widget - [x] Product team: Go / no go decision - [x] MZ: Publish landing page with react widget - [x] Product team: Manage react widget for staged roll out - [x] AP: Update landing page without react widget - [x] MZ: Copyedit and publish landing page without react widget
Phase 3: AAR landing page - [ ] AP: Update landing page with react widget - [ ] MZ: Copyedit landing page with react widget - [ ] Product team: Go / no go decision - [ ] MZ: Publish landing page with react widget - [ ] Product team: Manage react widget for staged roll out - [ ] AP: Update landing page without react widget - [ ] MZ: Copyedit and publish landing page without react widget


aprocik1 commented 9 months ago

Hi @chelsealevinson! This page is ready for your copyedit. Please don't publish it. Thanks!

The engineer is still working on the react widget for this page. After I receive and add it, you'll need to copyedit a small portion of the page again, since the content will change. And then we can publish it after the product team gives us the greenlight. That should be on Tuesday 12/12.

chelsealevinson commented 9 months ago

Confirming I copy edited this page and left it in draft form. I'll be on the lookout for the next round. Thanks AP!

aprocik1 commented 9 months ago

Update: The product team paused the launch of this tool until after the holidays. Reference this Slack thread for more information.

Until then, I'm moving this ticket to blocked.

aprocik1 commented 6 months ago

Update: This is the ARM team's new timeline for the work in this ticket:

aprocik1 commented 6 months ago

Update: I removed the link to the FAQ page, since we're no longer publishing that page at the same time.

megzehn commented 6 months ago

Hi @aprocik1, thank you for organizing this ticket so well! I reviewed the Get help from a VA accredited representative or VSO landing page and made some minor edits. Here's a link with the changes.

One note: I added a line before the options for submitting the PDF--to better match our pattern. Do you mind reviewing to make sure I'm not mucking up any future react widget language plans? Let me know if there are any concerns. Thanks!

aprocik1 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for copyediting, @megzehn! I updated the sentence you added to make it clear that a Veteran or accredited representative can submit the form. And a note about language: We're always keeping "accredited" before "representative" on these pages. Here's the revisions log comparison. I updated the content source of truth documents to reflect these changes.

aprocik1 commented 6 months ago

@megzehn, the product team isn't launching today. They still hope to launch this sprint, so I'll likely follow up with their updated publish date this week or next. Thanks for your flexibility!

oddball-lindsay commented 6 months ago

@megzehn we have found a solution to our launch-blocking issue. We hope to verify the fix tomorrow, which means we could be ready to launch either late 3/6 or early 3/7. I''ll know more tomorrow afternoon and will report back!

oddball-lindsay commented 6 months ago

@aprocik1 @megzehn Remaining close here -- things are looking good and we're anticipating deployment of our fix this afternoon, but it's in the team's best interest to fully review changes before heading into Staged Rollout.

Assuming no surprises come up after deployment, Plan A is to confirm everything looks good by tomorrow morning and go live tomorrow afternoon. If we do discovery any lingering issues, then Plan B is to go live on Monday (we are concerned about going live on a Friday and then missing any issues over the weekend). Another "report back" coming tomorrow afternoon :)

oddball-lindsay commented 6 months ago

I'm back a bit sooner than "tomorrow afternoon" -- given the progress of review today, we think it's safest to not rush things and proceed with the Monday start date. Here's our updated staged rollout schedule (full details here)

  1. Stage A: 10% of users on 3/11 (Monday)
  2. Stage B: 25% of users on 3/13 (Wednesday)
  3. Stage C: 50% of users on 3/18 (Monday)
  4. Stage D: 100% of users on 3/20 (Wednesday) - monitor for any issues through 3/25 EOD (Monday)
    1. On 3/21 (Thursday) CAIA will implement the redirects and search result "best bets", as well as begin updating the entry points

I can confirm on 3/20 that we're still on track, after which you should have the green light for removing the react widget and starting the entry point work the following day (3/21).

@aprocik1 @megzehn let me know if you have any questions!

aprocik1 commented 6 months ago

@megzehn, the product team confirmed that we're ready to publish the landing page. Thanks for your support on this!

oddball-lindsay commented 6 months ago

@aprocik1 @megzehn After realizing that users aren't getting to our landing page easily to make effective use of our % ramp up, we are changing our approach to increasing visibility. Below is what I hope to be our last update to the schedule:

Stage A: 10% of users on 3/11 (Monday) [complete] Stage B: 100% of users on 3/13 (Wednesday) + launch best bets for an initial boost to visibility Stage C: Implement redirects on 3/18 (Monday) for an added boost to visibility Stage D: Begin entry point work on 3/20 (Wednesday) The landing page can be re-published without the react widget anytime after 3/20.

I know this thread is getting quite long, so I also added some date mentions to the main ticket summary up top for quick reference. Thank you both for your patience as we work through the details of this first rollout! Please let me know if you have any concerns.

oddball-lindsay commented 5 months ago

@aprocik1 @megzehn checking in on the timing for the removal of the react widget and entry point work -- do you have an estimate of when those two pieces will be completed?

My understanding is this work isn't urgent, asking for alignment.

aprocik1 commented 5 months ago

@oddball-lindsay, thanks for following up on this. We need to update this page to:

Ideally, we'd make all these updates at one time. That way Megan can copyedit and publish the updated page once. And ideally, we'd publish this page at the same time as your team updates the Find tool in production.

Before then, I need to update the content sources of truth for this page and the Find tool. Do you have a sense of when your team will have time to update the Find tool in production? That would help me figure out when I need to update all the content by and align with Megan on a copyedit / publish date.

oddball-lindsay commented 5 months ago

Thanks @aprocik1! We're flexible on our end -- I wouldn't want to disrupt the current sprint, but can slot in copy updates to the Find tool for the very next sprint. I'd just need to know that the content sources of truth are updated a day before that sprint starts.

We just planned our Sprint 17, but could do this as early as our next Sprint 18 which spans 4/16-4/29.

aprocik1 commented 5 months ago

Update: The content and product teams have aligned on the timeline here.

The week of 4/8, we'll copyedit and publish these updates to this page:

The week of 4/15, we’ll copyedit these updates to this page:

The week of 5/6, we'll publish the updates above. The product team will manage the staged rollout for the "rep status" react widget. We'll likely remove the react widget when we make updates to add the "appoint a rep" react widget.

aprocik1 commented 5 months ago

@megzehn, this page is ready for you to copyedit and publish. Here's the Drupal page and the source of truth. We'll return to this page next week to copyedit a new react widget. Thanks for working on this!

aprocik1 commented 5 months ago

Update: Megan published this page without the Find a Rep react widget. Here are the next updates we'll copyedit the week of 4/15:

The week of 5/6, we'll publish the updates above. The product team will manage the staged rollout for the "rep status" react widget. We'll likely remove the react widget when we make updates to add the "appoint a rep" react widget.

aprocik1 commented 4 months ago

Update: The product team decided to stage their Rep Status Widget incremental launch on the Find a Rep page. Megan and I have copyedited the content and widget added to that page in staging.

After the incremental launch, we'll publish these updates to the static landing page:

oddball-lindsay commented 4 months ago

@aprocik1 triple-checking after this pivot -- do you and Megan need anything additional from ARM for those three updates?

aprocik1 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for following up, @oddball-lindsay. This is what we'll need from your team:

[H2] Check if you already have an accredited representative

We don’t automatically assign you an accredited representative, but you may have appointed one in the past.

If you appoint a new accredited representative, they will replace your current one.

oddball-lindsay commented 4 months ago

The RSW ID code (which we've already added and tested in Drupal)

^ I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly. If you've already added/tested in Drupal, do you still need this ID code?

Removal of this content in the RSW on the Find a Rep page

^ Curious about how closely we need to coordinate on this. Would you want the content to be removed from Find a Rep around the same time the landing page is updated with this content? Or would it be acceptable to remove the content on Find a Rep before or after the landing page updates?

aprocik1 commented 4 months ago

@oddball-lindsay, we already have the ID code--we don't need anything additional from you or your team. We should coordinate on removing the content from the Find a Rep page and adding it to the landing page. It's not a problem if the both pages have the content for a short amount of time, but we definitely want the Find a Rep page to be updated so that it's less content-heavy for users.

oddball-lindsay commented 4 months ago

@aprocik1 @megzehn Heads up that the earliest Staging Review is on 5/9, so I've had to push our staged rollout a week to 5/13-5/20 to accommodate.

aprocik1 commented 4 months ago

@megzehn, I added the appropriate content and widget to this page in Drupal:

Feel free to copyedit the additions whenever you have time. This page should be published on 5/20.

megzehn commented 3 months ago

Confirming I reviewed and published this page, @aprocik1! Thank you for all the coordination!

oddball-lindsay commented 3 months ago

I see it on the landing page, thank you for your help @aprocik1 and @megzehn! 🚀


strelichl commented 1 month ago

Keeping in blocked as we are waiting for the launch of the next accredited rep product to update the static page again.