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Comprehensive List of Upstream Services #67192

Open LindseySaari opened 9 months ago

LindseySaari commented 9 months ago


We need a comprehensive list of the upstream services that Vets API calls out to. There is some existing documentation and diagrams around this, but they're pretty stale and outdated. We should comb through the various sources of truth to determine an up to date list. This includes the fwdproxy, Vets API code, existing topology graphs, documentation, etc. This task could be a combined effort for Devops and Backend engineers.

Please refer to this document for VSP Downstream Map


O2. Our platforms are the best way to deliver products at VA OKR 1: Our platforms hit the "elite" level (as defined by DORA) on Deployment Frequency, Lead Time for Changes, Change Failure Rate, and Time to Restore Service.

Note: Jesse may have some updated info here too.

This doc may also be helpful

LindseySaari commented 8 months ago

Haven't started on this yet.

laineymajor commented 7 months ago

We need to review these services ensure they did not copy prod data

jennb33 commented 2 months ago

Updated the Objective and OKR based on feedback from Leadership and OCTODE Leadership.