Please confirm E-QIP Transmittal/Adjudication. This could be a screenshot of your Transmittal/Adjudication email, a link to another request where you've submitted this proof (i.e. AWS/SOCKS), etc.
[X] I have attached proof that I have either transmitted my E-QIP survey or previously received a favorable decision (by including in "Additional Notes" section below)
ArgoCD terminal access requested for the following environments
[X] dev
[X] staging
[X] sandbox
[ ] production (if requesting, justify prod access in 'Additional Notes' section)
Additional Notes
Attached is a screenshot which shows my favorable decision for my eqip.
I am part of the Developer Experience team working on creating a better test user management experience. As part of those needs, I need access to be able to get on to boxes inside the VA network to test our calls to services that may not yet be mocked, or be able to pull down WSDL/XSD files . I do not need prod access, only lower level environments.
Your Name
Charley Stran
Your GitHub handle (terminal access is managed through GitHub)
Your dsvagovcloud AWS user name (if applicable)
Team, Role, and Company of the target individual
VES Developer Experience
Product Manager (PM) name and email
Steve Kovaks
Product Owner (PO) name and email
Patrick Vinograd
COR Name (leave "None" if you listed an AWS user name above)
Other - please specify in 'Additional Notes'
Vendor Onboarding Representative (VOR) Name (leave "None" if you listed an AWS user name above)
Please confirm if you are on the VFS Team Roster or Platform Team Roster
Please confirm E-QIP Transmittal/Adjudication. This could be a screenshot of your Transmittal/Adjudication email, a link to another request where you've submitted this proof (i.e. AWS/SOCKS), etc.
ArgoCD terminal access requested for the following environments
Additional Notes
Attached is a screenshot which shows my favorable decision for my eqip.
I am part of the Developer Experience team working on creating a better test user management experience. As part of those needs, I need access to be able to get on to boxes inside the VA network to test our calls to services that may not yet be mocked, or be able to pull down WSDL/XSD files . I do not need prod access, only lower level environments.
COR is Grace Spence
Additional resources for Support Engineer