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[Design] Nametag: Design Space Force logo into Nametag #67953

Closed ajakabcin closed 10 months ago

ajakabcin commented 11 months ago


We have received a logo to use for the Space Force seal within the Nametag. We need to create a design for this.

(Logo images attached below)


Acceptance Criteria

Logo images

USSF Vertical W (click to view) USSF_Vertical_W

Space Force Vertical W (click to view) SpaceForce_Vertical_W

Samara-Strauss commented 11 months ago

I've actually asked DoD for a few other versions of the logo for Angela to play with. I'll share those once I have them.

Samara-Strauss commented 11 months ago

Pulling in the mobile team for review as needed so we can make sure that and the mobile app agree on the final version of the logo to use.

cc/ @rtwell @timwright12 @jessicawoodin @drjecker -- this is the ticket where Angela will mockup the "nametag" with different versions of the Space Force logo so we can determine the final version of the logo that works for and the mobile app. Nothing to review yet.

Samara-Strauss commented 11 months ago

@aagosto90 here are the additional logos to play with.

SpaceForce_Vertical_Gradient_RGB USSF_Vertical_Gradient_RGB SpaceForce_Vertical_Flat_RGB USSF_Vertical_Flat_RGB

Samara-Strauss commented 11 months ago

Once we decide which version of the Space Force logo to use, we need to share it with the design system team in this ticket.

I've also promised to send final mockups to my contact at DoD for review (I'm sure it will be fine).

aagosto90 commented 10 months ago

Hey @Samara-Strauss ! Excited to finally be getting around to this. Here's a Sketch file where I've mocked up a bunch of options. I tried each logo that you provided on a black background and then the color logos on a white background too. The 2 alt and 3 alt options look barely different than the other 2 and 3 options but they're using a very dark blue color from the Space Force seal instead of black as a background. For on mobile, we would just write out the branch as shown but for the app, we may want to consider how tiny the font will be for options where the branch is spelled out instead of abbreviated. However, we use the official seals for all other branches and those aren't really legible at a small size either so I think the most important thing here is using the correct official graphic and it being recognizable to Veterans.

Now for my recommendation! Since we're using seals for the other 4 branches, I really think it's preferable to use the Space Force seal if we're allowed to here. I found guidance on the USSF website that the seal is only to be used for authorized official use so we definitely need approval (maybe from your DoD contact?) but since we're using the seals for the other branches and we are I would assume this is an appropriate application for the seal.

Let me know your thoughts @Samara-Strauss and @ajakabcin ! CC @andaleliz @pamela-drouin

Private Zenhub Image Private Zenhub Image

Samara-Strauss commented 10 months ago

@aagosto90 can you send a public link for that Sketch file? I'm getting a message that I don't have permission to view.

Since we're using seals for the other 4 branches, I really think it's preferable to use the Space Force seal if we're allowed to here.

So this gets into very annoying nuances between a seal, an emblem, and a logo. To my understanding, this is how the DoD uses those terms:

And here is a pdf on the difference between seal vs. emblem.

The problem here is that Space Force has an official seal -- which we are not allowed to use -- and a logo, which is what I attached above. Unfortunately, they do not have a circular emblem, hence why we're playing around with logo treatments.

tried each logo that you provided on a black background and then the color logos on a white background too.

Can you mock this up in the nametag? If it's not possible because the logo doesn't work because it's not circular, let me know. We might have to forego a logo in that case.

aagosto90 commented 10 months ago

Oh wow, thanks so much for the explanation Samara and the doc! I had no idea and this is super helpful.

Try the Sketch file link again - I think I've updated the sharing permissions so you should be able to see it now but let me know if you have any trouble. So knowing what I know now, I wonder if a Space Force emblem is in the works, and if so we should probably replace the logo with that in the future.

As for a design for the nametag, I would probably recommend option 5 alt which is the white circle with the color USSF logo because that one will be easiest to read and I assume most recognizable to Veterans. Generally my graphic design rule of thumb is to use a full color logo whenever possible and only use the grayscale version when necessary. What do you think @Samara-Strauss?

Samara-Strauss commented 10 months ago

I wonder if a Space Force emblem is in the works, and if so we should probably replace the logo with that in the future.

It's not, from what I understand.

I would probably recommend option 5 alt which is the white circle with the color USSF logo

Agreed. This looks great.

One favor: Can you take out the exploration with the official seal? Once you do that, I want to run this decision by Ryan Thurlwell.

aagosto90 commented 10 months ago

@Samara-Strauss Done! And here's a direct link to the option that we both like best.

Samara-Strauss commented 10 months ago

@rtwell @timwright12 @jessicawoodin @drjecker can I ask for your review of Angela's proposal for the Space Force logo?

Please let us know what feedback you have, and thank you!

ajakabcin commented 10 months ago

Moving to "validate" while we wait for feedback from @rtwell @timwright12 @jessicawoodin @drjecker

rtwell commented 10 months ago

@Samara-Strauss & co — I'm good with the option you proposed (although i dont mind the inverted version you made as well).

Samara-Strauss commented 10 months ago

Thanks, @rtwell!

@ajakabcin -- I'm going to send this over to DoD to see if they are OK with the treatment Angela came up with. I'll keep you posted. If they are OK with it, we'll need a file of the logo in the white circle to send over to the design system folks.

Samara-Strauss commented 10 months ago

Good news! My contact at DoD approved @aagosto90's mockup.

Next steps:

  1. @ajakabcin this is ready to go into build!
  2. I actually don't think we need to post anything in 2214 at this time. Once the Space Force logo has been added to here, we should give Matt Dingee and the mobile team a heads-up.

Let me know if you have any questions!

ajakabcin commented 10 months ago

I let Matt Dingee know that the emblem is available so I believe we can close this!