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[CAIA Intake] Benefits and Claims Non-Disability Experience: Review Burial Form Updates #68984

Open steele-lm opened 12 months ago

steele-lm commented 12 months ago

About your team

CAIA Support Request

Describe what you need in a few sentences:

Which are you doing?

Types of Support

What areas does your team need support in? Check all that apply.



We guide and work alongside teams across nearly every OCTO digital product. We also work with partners across VA to lead content migration and manage all unauthenticated content on And we're always working to expand the content style guide and our IA and accessibility documentation. We need to prioritize all intake requests based on our overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Tell us about your product's timeline. And we'll work with you to meet timeline needs as best we can.

Have you worked with CAIA before?

What's your team’s next step and its timing?

Timing for your next step:

Is this timing related to a specific event or Congressionally mandated deadline?

If you're conducting research, when is that starting?

Provide date if available: xx/xx/xxxx

Will you release this new product incrementally (for example, release to 25% of users to start)?

Note: If you checked yes, we’ll reach out to discuss details about the content in the react widget (we use these widgets to display entry points for new products to a certain percentage of users who visit our static pages).

When do you expect to launch your product to 100% of users?

Please provide an estimated date so our team can create other relevant tickets.

Collaboration Cycle

Will this work be going through the Collaboration Cycle?

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If yes ...

Please provide the link to your Collaboration Cycle ticket:

Please check all of the phases in the Collaboration Cycle you have completed:

For planning purposes, please check all of the phases in the Collaboration Cycle you feel you might need CAIA support and guidance:

Design Intent

Supporting artifacts

Please provide links to supporting artifacts as available.

Additional Support: Collaborative Sessions

Have you already worked with someone from OCTO leadership?

How do you plan to work with us on this request?

Accessibility Help in Slack

The #accessibility-help channel in the DSVA Slack, is also available to you as a resource. Everyone is welcome to ask questions or get help from our a11y (accessibility) specialists. Tag @Terry Nichols to get a11y help asap.

Next steps

Once you’ve submitted this ticket, please post a link to this issue in the #sitewide-content-ia Slack channel and tag @Terry Nichols.

### CAIA Ops Tasks
- [x] Scheduled Kickoff Meeting - Mon Nov 6th - 4:30 PM ET
- [x]
- [x] Recording Link from Kickoff [Needs Added to Deliverable]( by @coforma-terry
### CAIA a11y Tasks
- [ ]
- [ ] [a11y Support] Benefits and Claims Non-Disability Experience: Burial Form Updates: Midpoint Prep `Midpoint Date TBD - Convert Task to Ticket Pending`
- [ ] [a11y Support] Benefits and Claims Non-Disability Experience: Burial Form Updates: Staging Prep `Staging Date TBD - Convert Task to Ticket Pending`
- [ ] [a11y attend meeting] Benefits and Claims Non-Disability Experience: Burial Form Updates: Watch or Attend Midpoint `Date TBD`
- [ ] [a11y attend meeting] Benefits and Claims Non-Disability Experience: Burial Form Updates: Watch or Attend Staging `Date TBD`
- [ ] [a11y Support] Communicate Midpoint Prep Finidngs to the VFS Team via Slack and Ticket tags
### CAIA Content Tasks
- [ ]
- [ ]
### CAIA IA Tasks
- [ ]
sara-amanda commented 11 months ago

CAIA Update

steele-lm commented 11 months ago

@sara-amanda @coforma-terry I added the recording link here

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Hi @steele-lm - in our kickoff, meeting you all mentioned that there's still SME feedback that you all are waiting on across a few screens. Have you all received that feedback and adjusted the designs to reflect any needed changes?

Thanks so much!

steele-lm commented 11 months ago

@aliyahblackmore We have a meeting scheduled with our burial SMEs on Thursday (11/16). If you have any specific questions, please reach out to @juliepedtke and myself!

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

@steele-lm thanks for letting me know! I'll tag you both in sketch questions.

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Hi @juliepedtk - I'm just flagging that I've started to add comments and questions to the form intro and personal information screens in the Sketch link provided by you all. As we chatted in our kickoff, these comments and questions are on the "Proposed" screens.

Additionally, accessibility and IA finished their review of all of the screens in the form (their teams should have shared feedback with you all - if not, let me know). I'll continue adding my feedback/questions tomorrow and will make recommendations to the content with the purple annotations (in scope for the content review), while also noting any other recommendations based on items flagged by IA and accessibility that impact the content outside of the purple annotations.

Also noting that in the future, we'll want to make adjustments to the static "How to apply" and "After you apply" pages.

cc: @strelichl @laurwill

jennymayoco commented 11 months ago

Hi @juliepedtke @steele-lm from the IA side, we recommend updating the base URL so that the form is up to date with standards. The standard is a URL with 2-3 words followed by form number, such as form-name-form-####. Also, the breadcrumbs are currently Home > Burials and memorials > Burial allowance > Review burial benefits application but the URL is which is missing the burial allowance page. Updating the URL will ensure it matches the navigation path as well. Would this recommendation fall within scope for the MVP?

steele-lm commented 11 months ago

@jennymayoco This is a great call out! I think it would most likely fall under a "fast follow" activity given that the first priority is reducing delays in benefits due to missing form fields.

jennymayoco commented 11 months ago

@steele-lm that makes sense! We don't have any additional IA recommendations for the MVP at this moment and understand that further IA work might be until later versions.

cc @aliyahblackmore @SarahKay8

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Hi @steele-lm and @juliepedtke !

Just tracking some updates here:

cc @laurwill

juliepedtke commented 11 months ago

Thank you @aliyahblackmore and team for all your work on this! Hope you have a great holiday.

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Hi @fiorella-io and @juliepedtke -

I'm seeing that you all are replying to some of my questions in sketch today! When you have all of the answers posted there, could you just let us know in this thread so that we can turn back to making any updated content recommendations?

Thanks for your continued collaboration!

fiorella-io commented 11 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore! I've replied to all of your questions. We'd need to ask our SMEs for more clarification for some of them, so I'll ping you when we get their answers. Thanks!

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @fiorella-io

Thanks for letting me know. I'll look out for a ping from you when you all get the answers from SMEs and I'll make updated content recommendations. And thank you for sharing the DD214 example via Slack.

Also, it looks like you all are updating Sketch files right now, so I can't reply to your comment on the sketch screen about the "Note" alert content. This is my reply and I'll post it there when Sketch is done updating.


This isn't outlined in purple (to review ahead of MVP launch) so this wasn't part of our initial review, but this "Note:" content is fine as is.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @fiorella-io !

I also noticed that there are some other content pieces either on new screens (i.e. this in progress screen) or with purple outlines that you mentioned you didn't include before. Can you just confirm that the designs that include purple reflect what we need to review and that there aren't additional areas that you'll plan to outline in purple?

fiorella-io commented 10 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore, can you please review the pages on Step 5, and the Review expanded page to make sure we've captured all field label changes. Those are the only pages we need that I had not labeled with purple before.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Thanks @fiorella-io !

I'll take a look at the Upload (Step 5) and Review screens tomorrow. And just an an FYI - as part of our content process, I'll need to pass my review to our managing editor (Laura) and then I'll post my feedback in Sketch.

Additionally, I compiled the remaining SME questions from Sketch in this list:

Intro page screen


For the types of documents that show expenses/costs

Military history screen


Previous names screen

Link [edit 12/7 after Fiorella shared the direct SME notes via Slack]

Based on my interpretation of this note, does this mean that the "services rendered" field only needs to be filled out (with the service dates under that previous name) if the deceased Veteran’s death wasn’t service-connected - but they’re (the claimant) requesting a burial allowance for a service-connected death?

Later in the form flow, you all ask the claimant to select the type of burial allowance (whether that's a non-service-connected or service-connected allowance), but from your description in the sketch comment and from the direct notes, it seems like the services rendered field only needs to be filled out if someone had a name change while they were serving and their death wasn’t service-connected, but the claimant still requests a service-connected burial allowance?

Another name button


Burial/plot/transportation allowance screens


Regarding the question "Are you responsible for the Veteran's [expense type]?"

Plot or internment allowance screens

Regarding using "tribal Veteran's cemetery" Link

Regarding postal codes for VA cemeteries Link

Upload screen for non-service-connected death allowance


Upload screen service-connected death


From the PDF form (Evidence table 2 on page 4):

"If your claim is based on a disability that was not established as service-connected during the veteran's lifetime or for which the veteran did not file a claim during his or her lifetime, the evidence must show: • An injury or disease that was incurred or aggravated during active military service, or an event in service that caused an injury or disease; AND • A physical or mental disability that was either the principle and contributory cause of death. This may be shown by medical evidence or by lay evidence of persistent and recurrent symptoms of a disability that were visible or observable; AND • A relationship between the disability associated with the cause of death and an injury, disease, or event in military service. Medical records or medical opinions are generally required to establish this relationship."

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Cross posting here

fiorella-io commented 10 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore! Here are my responses.

Intro page screen

Military history screen

Previous names screen

Another name button

Burial/plot/transportation allowance screens

Plot or internment allowance screens

Upload screen for non-service-connected death allowance

Upload screen service-connected death

They also mentioned that a claimant doesn’t need to submit evidence for plot or burial allowance. Only if they are claiming transportation allowance they would need an itemized receipt. They mention that most of the rejection is failure to send an itemized receipt, so we’ll need to emphasize this on the Transportation upload page. We will delete the non-service-connected burial, serviced-connected burial, and plot allowances pages since they don’t need to submit evidence for those.

Also since you are now on the Team chat with our SMEs feel free to ask them any additional questions you may have. Thanks!

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

@fiorella-io Thanks so much, Fiorella!!

I was OOO on Friday, so I'll catch up on these replies today and I'll take a look at any additional replies on Teams and ask questions there directly.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @fiorella-io - following up here!

I checked my Teams chat and VA email and I'm not seeing a chat or thread with SMEs. Could you loop me in?

fiorella-io commented 10 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore, I added the responses to the "Intro page screen" and "Plot or internment allowance screens " sections.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Thanks @fiorella-io ! And as we chatted on Slack, I'm now on the Teams thread so I'll send any follow up SME questions there.

fiorella-io commented 10 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore let me know if there are any additional content changes. We need to schedule our midpoint review, and they prefer all designs to have the final copy.

As I mentioned before, we have made some changes to Step 5, the document upload page, since transportation is the only benefit that needs evidence, we have removed the non-service-connected burial, serviced-connected burial, and plot allowances pages

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @fiorella-io Laura and I are meeting tomorrow to review the content changes - I'll share them with you all in Sketch after.

fiorella-io commented 10 months ago

Perfect! All the changes we have made are in the V2 section of our Sketch file. We don't have a v2 of Step 5, since you had additional questions regarding evidence. I've highlighted the sections that you can review.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Thanks @fiorella-io.

The section label that was previously "MVP" is now "V1" - are you all no longer launching the MVP version?

fiorella-io commented 10 months ago

Yes, we are still launching an MVP. This whole file is the MVP. We just wanted to have a section for the new version with the final copy, which we named v2

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @fiorella-io! Review of content is done (as of 12/15)


A few last things:

I need to sign off for this evening, but I'll check in on this ticket next week.

Thanks for the continued collaboration.

fiorella-io commented 10 months ago

Thank you so much @aliyahblackmore! I'll review everything and get back to you.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Thanks @fiorella-io !

Also flagging here that the entire content side of the CAIA team will be OOO Dec 25 to Jan 2.

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Hi @fiorella-io! Happy New Year!

I pinged you on a few comments in Sketch (V2). It seems like there are some new adjustments to the flow and content on the military service (branch of service drop down and previous name "services rendered" changes) and upload screens (transportation costs and DD214 upload screen are not longer there).

Are all of the recent flow/content updates ready? If so, I'll take a look at the content and make any needed adjustments.

fiorella-io commented 9 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore Happy new year! 🎉 We've been updating some pages based on the midpoint review feedback we got.

The DD214 upload now resides right after the DD214 question. The transportation upload page has stayed on Step 5. Feel free to take another look at everything. We just finished implementing all the MUST and SHOULD feedback for our MVP.

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Thanks @fiorella-io I'll take a look tomorrow!

Could you link the MUST and SHOULD feedback here?

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Updates here:

aliyahblackmore commented 8 months ago

Tracking some updates here:

aliyahblackmore commented 8 months ago

Tracking some updates here:

aliyahblackmore commented 8 months ago

Cross posting and tracking some updates here:

Some content next steps:

aliyahblackmore commented 8 months ago

Tracking some updates here:

jennymayoco commented 7 months ago

Hi @steele-lm @fiorella-io I created an IA spec to document the entry point for the about form page . We're also updating the best bet so it links to the online application instead of the "how to apply" page. I've also tagged the IA tracker in the task list and this also houses the IA spec for reference. Other than that, we don't have additional IA feedback.

In addition, we had previously suggested updating the form link so that it's up to date and follows URL standards and that this work would begin in a later version. This form will eventually be moving to the family benefits hub and so as not to duplicate the work, we can plan to update the URL then. Looping in @mnorthuis in case you have any other questions about the family benefits hub.

aliyahblackmore commented 5 months ago

Tracking a general notes here for awareness (this was already communicated via Slack and Figma):

FYSA @aprocik1 @fiorella-io and @steele-lm