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[CAIA intake] Content review for Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) hearing #69398

Open jilladams opened 10 months ago

jilladams commented 10 months ago

About your team

CAIA Support Request

Describe what you need in a few sentences: re: CMS ticket 15864

When the old parent page was archived, and the new parent was published, we put a FE redirect in place. But: the URL for the child page was never updated. In the CMS, this child page still has the archived page as its parent, which generates a broken link from CMS breadcrumbs (because the breadcrumb in this case is generated from the URL alias), and generates noise for the helpdesk.

To fix this, we would like to:

  1. Update the child page URL:
  2. Create a FE redirect from old to new URL.

However: @mnorthuis noted: Updating the URL and the redirect is what should be done. But this page and titling needs a content review before we make that change, because as it is, it is very duplicative to the core BVA page:


Which are you doing?

Types of Support

What areas does your team need support in? Check all that apply.



We guide and work alongside teams across nearly every OCTO digital product. We also work with partners across VA to lead content migration and manage all unauthenticated content on And we're always working to expand the content style guide and our IA and accessibility documentation. We need to prioritize all intake requests based on our overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Tell us about your product's timeline. And we'll work with you to meet timeline needs as best we can.

Have you worked with CAIA before?

What's your team’s next step and its timing?

Timing for your next step:

Is this timing related to a specific event or Congressionally mandated deadline?

If you're conducting research, when is that starting?

Provide date if available: xx/xx/xxxx

Will you release this new product incrementally (for example, release to 25% of users to start)?

Note: If you checked yes, we’ll reach out to discuss details about the content in the react widget (we use these widgets to display entry points for new products to a certain percentage of users who visit our static pages).

When do you expect to launch your product to 100% of users?

Please provide an estimated date so our team can create other relevant tickets.

Collaboration Cycle

Will this work be going through the Collaboration Cycle?

If no ...

Supporting artifacts

Please provide links to supporting artifacts as available.

Additional Support: Collaborative Sessions

Have you already worked with someone from OCTO leadership?

How do you plan to work with us on this request?

Accessibility Help in Slack

The #accessibility-help channel in the DSVA Slack, is also available to you as a resource. Everyone is welcome to ask questions or get help from our a11y (accessibility) specialists. Tag @Terry Nichols to get a11y help asap.

Next steps

Once you’ve submitted this ticket, please post a link to this issue in the #sitewide-content-ia Slack channel and tag @Terry Nichols.

### Content
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kristinoletmuskat commented 9 months ago

@jilladams hey! just checking whether you need IA to confirm these redirects or anything, or if all you need is these content changes to be able to move forward. If you have what you need from Mikki on the IA side that's cool.

jilladams commented 9 months ago

Thanks Kristin. Our team would really like to move ahead with the redirect fixes, to quiet noise in the broken link report. That would mean:

  1. Update the child page URL:
  2. Create a FE redirect from old to new URL.

However, in the Slack thread, Mikki requested a content review of the legacy VBA page ( first, because she's concerned that it's duplicative of the core BVA page:, so the legacy page contents may change / URL may change or get archived, which would affect the redirect.

Since this has taken awhile to get prioritized, I wonder if @mnorthuis would be ok with us doing the main changes now, and updating again after content review as needed? (With a reminder that the intent here is to fix noisy monitoring as soon as we can.)

mnorthuis commented 9 months ago

Yes, go ahead and change the URL and implement the redirect. That will give the content team time to do the review and will eliminate noise for more important issues to be seen.

jilladams commented 9 months ago

Child page URL has been updated as well as a FE redirect: from to

mnorthuis commented 9 months ago

Additional work is needed to move the page in drupal from disability to decision reviews I think...the page has the right breadcrumb and URL, but is showing the disability left nav. A left nav item will also need to be added to decision reviews for this page.

kristinoletmuskat commented 9 months ago

Hey @mnorthuis @jilladams I can look into this additional work next week

jilladams commented 9 months ago

Thank you, and we're happy to help however needed!

kristinoletmuskat commented 9 months ago

Hey ya'll, I can take a look at this this week and get back to you with next steps! Does that make sense @mnorthuis ?

mnorthuis commented 9 months ago

Thanks @kristinoletmuskat!

kristinoletmuskat commented 9 months ago

Added some work/comments in the content ticket:

Seems like most of the work will be on their end.

coforma-terry commented 9 months ago

Shunting to backlog for now