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Assess cost of implementing Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) on Benefit hub / detail pages #69474

Open jilladams opened 8 months ago

jilladams commented 8 months ago

User Story or Problem Statement

As a platform owner, I need to understand cost implications of using Datadog RUM on additional pages, to manage materials costs.

Description or Additional Context

department-of-veterans-affairs/ defines implementing Datadog RUM on the Health care Benefit hub and its child Benefit Detail Pages.

Adrian Rollett flagged that RUM has cost implications.

We need to:

  1. Develop an idea of how many pageviews will be involved for this set of pages. (anything under /health-care/)
  2. Do a order of magnitude cost estimate, based on Datadog's pricing info. (We don't know if VA receives any discount.)
  3. Review with Ray Wang and Danielle Thierry for approval.

Acceptance Criteria

jilladams commented 8 months ago

@FranECross @wesrowe Confirmed we need to assemble this information, which will require Analytics access. This is not necessarily urgent, BUT: it's unclear when Fran will get Analytics access, so it might be nice to try and figure this out before Wes moves off the team, via his access. Please discuss and let me know if that's not reasonable / doable, and we can figure it out with Dave if that's not realistic.

jilladams commented 8 months ago

Ray Messina says: Platform doesn't handle Datdog billing. That is a DOTS thing.

Reached out to #dots-dsva / Tinu, for information on 10/24:

No response yet. Pinged again today.

jilladams commented 8 months ago

From: and down in the thread

  1. Pilot: Dave confirmed: we do want to go ahead with cost analysis for this "pilot"
    • Pilot should be focused on /healthcare/ benefit hub and sub pages
    • Goal is to set some % of traffic that we can monitor, that will display trends of page use as unauthed users move into the authed healthcare experience
  2. Can see current RUM applications here:
    • Most seem to be configured at 100% of user sessions, with 20% for session replay.
    • This works out to around 500k user sessions per month per app, which is about $780/mo with default pricing before bulk discounts.
  3. Cost analysis: We need to
jilladams commented 8 months ago

@mnorthuis we discussed this thread in #dots-dsva with @davidconlon today and he requested that we ask you to help put together the % and traffic data proposal, that he can review with his Platform hat on for approval, and collab to get that to DOTS. We can move this ticket back over into your repo if you'd like?

jilladams commented 8 months ago

FYI to @coforma-terry that I transferred this issue back to repo and added the sitewide-CAIA label, based on notes in comments above.

coforma-terry commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the heads-up @jilladams

mnorthuis commented 6 months ago

@jilladams Cost estimate for RUM implementation within the health care benefits hub

User sessions within the unauthenticated space

Avg user sessions per week: 128,144 $2.25/1000 sessions (includes GovCloud in rate) ~$300/week

In comparison to other apps currently running RUM - 12/3/23 - 12/9/23: Check-in - 168k sessions/week MHV on - 150k sessions/week 10-10EZ - 30k sessions/week

Track small percentage of traffic for purposes of pilot 10% of traffic, 6 mo pilot

jilladams commented 6 months ago

@raywangoctova @DanielleThierryUSDSVA @davidconlon Mikki has provided RUM cost estimate for implementing on Benefit Hubs in the comment above, for your review / approval.

raywangoctova commented 4 months ago

Hi @jilladams - Someone else should be providing the approval since I need to manage the Data Dog purchase.

jilladams commented 4 months ago

@DanielleThierryUSDSVA @davidconlon is one of you able to approve Mikki's proposal?

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 4 months ago

Hi, @jilladams. Just confirming that I'm not the approver on this. @davidconlon will follow up on this when he has more info to share. Thanks!

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 3 months ago

Bringing @jstrothman @va-albers in here, who are looking at DataDog on some unauth pages.

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

@davidconlon Can we get an update on this? With the family hub launching soon, its another place where this data would be extremely helpful. What are the barriers or next steps? Or please let me know if someone else should take this over.