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Define and request landing page dashboard #70027

Closed wesrowe closed 3 months ago

wesrowe commented 10 months ago


User story

As a Cartographers team member, I want a dashboard to display key UX health metrics for the MHV landing page, so that we can monitor its performance during and after the transition to MHV on VAgov.


Acceptance criteria


wesrowe commented 9 months ago

refinement notes:

wesrowe commented 7 months ago

What if we focus for our MVP on qualitative feedback? Basil L (analytics team) built a compelling "CSAT Score Dashboard" that has good charts and can filter by url. It's currently not useful for us since it requires a minimum of 400 data points for a URL to chart.

Note: for every chart, we would (like Basil) want to build parallel versions for various questions in both the Experience Survey (A11/intercept) and Satisfaction Survey (VFS/feedback button).

Charts of benefit:


wesrowe commented 7 months ago

Filed an analytics request ticket for an MVP dashboard. We'll see what happens.

wesrowe commented 4 months ago

Initial c-sat dashboard was delivered in Domo in March.

wesrowe commented 4 months ago

Robyn brought meeting together today with Patrick, Wes, Ann Costello-Kennedy, Jenny. Learnings:

wesrowe commented 3 months ago

We have gone with Datdog for dashboarding the integration launch. This ticket ultimately superseded by #82690. Closing this one.