Closed skirkman16 closed 11 months ago
@skirkman16 @CarlDickerson and @lmorris3
I adjusted the language as follows for the Home screen, can you review. I think we need to more clearly articulate what we mean by process as it's unclear what we are referring to: Home Screen: Under Confirmation Case Number card, adjust language to the following: Once you complete the steps on, a confirmation case number will be created and emailed to you. The case number that will be valid for 10 days and you will need to present it when you come in-person to verify your identity at a VA Medical Center. You can write this number down, print the email, or show the email from your mobile device. If you go to a VA Medical Center after the deadline, your information will not be saved and you will need to restart the process.
@skirkman16 when did they provide their email address? Is it when they logged in with their IAL1?
Verify In Person Screen: A copy of your case number and instructions on what to bring to the verification site you selected have been sent to the email address you provided.
@SophiaPhilipMO are you referring to this wireframe? I agree with you about clarifying some of the wording and maybe shortening the sentences so there is one direction per sentence. I would suggest a couple of further edits, maybe: Once you complete the steps on, a confirmation case number will be created and emailed to you. The case number will be valid for 10 days. You will need to say or show it when you come in-person to verify your identity at a VA Medical Center. You can write this number down, print the email, or show the email from your mobile device. If you go to a VA Medical Center after the 10 days have passed, the case number will no longer be valid and you will need to restart the process.
@lmorris3 yes and adjustments work great. I am wondering if instead of process we might write "If you go to a VA Medical Center after the 10 days have passed, the case number will no longer be valid and you will need to restart the process and create a new case number.
@SophiaPhilipMO will they know how to "create a new case number," though? Would they equate it with the entire process or would they think there is a way to simply generate a new case number? Could we say "this" process or maybe "the process of selecting in-person identity proofing."? We may be verging on wordiness, though.
@lmorris3 @SophiaPhilipMO I like these edits, I think we need just a little more clarification on "the steps on" and "the process." It's a little longer, but for clarity, I might revise to: Once you complete the steps here to register for In-Person Identity proofing, a confirmation case number will be created and emailed to you. This case number will be valid for 10 days. You will need to share it when you come in-person to verify your identity at a VA Medical Center. You can write your case number down, print the email, or show it from your mobile device. If you go to a VA Medical Center after the 10 days have passed, the case number will no longer be valid and you will need to sign in to your account and repeat the process to register for In-Person Identity Proofing again.
@lmorris3 based on today's convo, let's go with Carl's suggested content
@mateoclarke Padding clarification: Update padding to reflect padding on Eg/ grid-container padding-y-4 tablet:padding-y-8 card
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