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Document Upload Migration: Initial Testing Landscape Spike #70109

Open NB28VT opened 7 months ago

NB28VT commented 7 months ago


The EVSS to Lighthouse migration rollout process for individual features is a bit opaque from our team's standpoint but Team 1 has been regularly releasing migrated features and seems to have settled on a process that works for them. Additionally, the mobile team has tested and is close to releasing their own document upload migration for a mobile-specific claims document upload tool.

There are a few elements to this I'll need to understand and address before creating my own plan:

  1. The code review process for getting approval to merge behind a feature gate (sounds less than clear atm)
  2. Credentials/access permissions that need to be configured ahead of time in staging/prod
  3. Familiarizing myself with the tools involved
  4. Gathering information on expected behavior/testing strategies from stakeholders and other teams
  5. Creating a rough outline of what my rollout plan needs to include (for completing in a rollout plan ticket)

I'll start with an initial investigation of the testing "landscape":

Acceptance Criteria

NB28VT commented 4 months ago

Blocked pending completion of polling solution

sortizsh commented 3 months ago

Nathan still working on this, pending polling