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Sentry 10 Upgrade #7064

Closed alexpappasoddball closed 3 years ago

alexpappasoddball commented 4 years ago

User Story or Problem Statement

As an engineer on VSP I need the current Sentry version 10.0 in production so I can leverage the nifty new features.


On-premise Sentry is upgraded to latest release

Objectives or Key Results this is meant to further


Acceptance Criteria

How to configure this issue

johnpaulashenfelter commented 4 years ago

@alexpappasoddball @ricetj what are the next steps here? Seems like the current status is moving it to the Icebox and/or a future epic?

alexpappasoddball commented 4 years ago

moving to backlog

alexpappasoddball commented 4 years ago

@omgitsbillryan @kfrz @LindseySaari The direction for this has changed and we are going to pick this back up in Sprint 25. Lets chat about the plan on how best to track this. @ricetj we might need some assistance from Ops on this one!

alexpappasoddball commented 4 years ago

As discussed in sprint planning today, @omgitsbillryan is going to break this ticket out into more granular tasks now that we have a good idea of the steps necessary to upgrade Sentry to V10. Let me know if you need any help Bill.