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Analytics Report for COVID VA Health Response #7118

Closed joanneesteban closed 4 years ago

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Metrics Reporting Request


Who is this request for?

COVID Response for

Primary Stakeholder: Lauren A. + VHA + VA Health Stakeholders

Primary Goal

Build a quick domo prototype dashboard that can incorporate CSV updates weekly while we wait for BigQuery acquisition.

User Story

As a healthcare decision maker, in order to prevent VA system overload and covid spread at medical centers, I need to:

Additional Product Goals: VHA decisions makers can monitor longitudinal problems, use available user metrics to get ahead of triaging and scheduling issues, and monitor usage fairly regularly.

Timeframe for Analytics Requested

Daily analytics beginning February or March 2020.

Analytics to Track Down

Begin with Google Analytics (MVP)

  1. Basic google analytics for covid and health content (weekly update w/ daily traffic over last month and entry/exit page info)

Once we have a framework with GA metrics, begin to dive into Contact Center data:

  1. Contact Center Data

Finally, using VEText data (from Clarice) as a mechanism for delivering the previous data sets:

  1. VEText Metrics

Additional Comments

"I need indications of when each data point was last updated."

Please leave the following blank

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

First Tasks


  1. Grab GA URLs for:
    • FAQ
    • Banner
  2. Do we have tracking for this URL? If not, let @clantosswett or @joanneesteban know to triage this question.
  3. Brainstorm health analytics that we're currently tracking that might be helpful with the user story.

^ @jonwehausen @amycesal

@clantosswett - any other context to add?

@Kimberley2019 - We won't be looking at Contact Center data until we've gone through an MVP with Google Analytics data. So we'll pull you into this when we're ready, but just to be aware and if you have time, begin brainstorming different data we can pull in.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Creating a conversation in Slack to communicate needs.

clantosswett commented 4 years ago

VCL contact center numbers attached here

VCL Metrics 3-24.xlsx

Also including the topics/themes the VCL is anecdotally tracking as trending:

jonwehausen commented 4 years ago

Relevant GA Reports for COVID

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Other Updates

VCL data was added to dashboard on 3/25/20. Will need reconfiguration as the table has been added, but is not lined up with the other metrics.

amycesal commented 4 years ago

Hey @jonwehausen Can you get the call Veterans Crisis Line spreadsheet to display as a bar graph like this: Image from iOS

The data needs to be manipulated to calculate the call total that's covid related.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Follow Up

Data we currently have connected to Domo:

Data we need to connect:

Baselines vs. Now:

How to Visualize & Filter:

Add annotations: (Do we have access to a VA source for this, @clantosswett ?)

@amycesal @jonwehausen

amycesal commented 4 years ago

Key dates for annotations:

JAN. 21 - First US confirmed cases MARCH 13 - US declares a national emergency


joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Implementation To Do





Questions for Lauren...


Before & After Traffic for

VAOS Weekly Report 19MAR2020.pptx


jonwehausen commented 4 years ago

Updates EOD 3/26/2020

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Touchups to Current MVP

Thank you for adding all that data, @jonwehausen !! 🙌🏼


A few follow ups

KevinMHoffmanUSDS commented 4 years ago

Thank for that Domo demo, @joanneesteban and team! Kudos on how quickly you've pulled all this together, and to the whole team for their work. Here's some feedback in a DO, TRY, CONSIDER format.

DO In order to get this to a sharable state, we'll need to add

TRY I would use the original list that @leahbannon identified, that you put above in this ticket, as a guide for what we're hoping can get in there. If we can't include the public health site GA metrics at this time, that's okay, but we'll need to incorporate eventually. If Big Query would help unblock that, let me know.

CONSIDER I would suggest that you add health care benefit hub GA metrics. (/health, top sub-pages at /health and possibly applications for health care conversions, just as an example of how an application could be integrated.)

As soon as these tasks are complete, we'll share this with Lauren and other stakeholders for feedback and start to invite the right people to the dashboard to begin using it, and further iterating.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

@amycesal @jonwehausen Please see Kevin's comment above!

Follow Up

jonwehausen commented 4 years ago

@joanneesteban Top 10 FAQ Page Navigations have been added

To your question, with BigQuery -- we could be connecting DOMO to BigQuery -- the snag we're currently hitting is with the GA DOMO connector, assuming we don't hit any connector-related block, we would be able to get that data quickly in the dashboard.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Message from @clantosswett :

  1. Are the metrics that VCL is reporting a good template for what we want from other call centers? What other metrics would we want delivered?

    • Resolution of the call (transfer, resolved, any additional actions taken)
  2. The themes section is the anecdotal information on disposition of the calls. It is heartbreaking and I think this type of information is important to share out. I’m going to look into the VA311 IVR for quantitative metrics on what users seem to be after in their questions. We could also ask call centers to run reports on most referenced Covid-19 articles in a day as a way to work backwards and determine what veterans are calling in about.

  3. If we were to generate a daily contact center report that compiled similar metrics across many contact centers, what should that look like to make it easy to quickly update the dashboard?

@clantosswett how would you want the themes and anectodal information shown?

Excel is probably the best way to deliver the qualitative information. @nedierecel what was the best way to edit the ForeSee data? It looks like we can do an Excel plug-in, but it can only be run on a Window's machine. Potentially can be owned by Chante (so you can just add the data to your Excel doc daily and then refresh. We can do this using the Google Sheets plug-in as well.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago


The updated VCL sheet. I didn't want to mess with yours. VCL.Metrics.3-27 with Total Covid Calls.xlsx

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

@jonwehausen - can we define New Users & Total Users on the chart?

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago


Dashboard link.

Now Tasks





jonwehausen commented 4 years ago

Current GA DOMO Connector Issue

clantosswett commented 4 years ago

Attached are IVR metrics from the first three days it went live. This is the IVR offering on My VA311 and it went live Friday morning (3/27).

Covid-19 IVR Metrics 3-30.xlsx

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

FYI @jonwehausen

Added the IVR dataset. Can you connect with @clantosswett on how to update the contact center metrics?

@amycesal the new data is a table right now, but can you visualize how it should look like for @jonwehausen ?

jonwehausen commented 4 years ago

@clantosswett and I are set to meet at 4:45 EST today to discuss.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @jonwehausen for updating the FAQ entrances & charts!

Can you elaborate on here why we are able to get the data but still have an issue with the connection?

Other question: what is the difference between entrances and (users + new users)?

jonwehausen commented 4 years ago


We were able to get publichealth data to come back on a large dataset ingestion of the All coupled with an ETL filtering for We will need to attempt to do the same thing with Modernized content. That said, once we get the GA Filtering issue resolved, we can get to the data we need more quickly and don't need to do the manual ETL.

Great question!

amycesal commented 4 years ago

I did a bunch of work on this today. I moved all the charts, so there's groupings of

I added a notes section for definitions of things to be next to the charts for easy interpretation. I re-labeled a bunch of charts to hopefully make them more understandable.

There's a couple of tables still in there. One is just more metrics, the chart above it shows some of them. The other table has 3 days of data and multiple points? I think we need to see how often we get this contact center data before showing it in a chart. I threw a heatmap over it for now.

jonwehausen commented 4 years ago

Dashboard updates have been:

Current block:

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @jonwehausen & @amycesal !! 🎉

EOD Update March 31, 2020

MVP for the Covid-19 analytics dashboard is up and running with:



@KevinMHoffmanUSDS @leahbannon @clantosswett @claricechan

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago


New Blocker

Updated Current Blockers

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

MVP - V1 "Released" EOD Tuesday, March 31


@jonwehausen @amycesal for tracking work, do y'all want to just keep this issue open? Or start a new issue for cleanliness?

User Feedback for Next

Additional Research

Looking at additional Contact Center data, Facility Locator, & Medical hub data. This would involve additional data wrangling.

amycesal commented 4 years ago

I added the VEText dates on every chart that it makes sense to add them. I also changed the size of the FAQ chart so everything shows.

I sorted the items for the keys, but it still doesn't seem like they are showing most > fewest. @jonwehausen or @nedierecel some help here would be appreciated.

We are still missing data for the second VEText. Also including what the text said for the first message would be helpful for context.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Follow Up

@amycesal @jonwehausen

More Immediate


joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Annie Chatbot metrics have been added and "ready for visualization." Leah's looking to see if she can get more context around these.

jonwehausen commented 4 years ago

Follow-up 4/8/2020

@joanneesteban @amycesal

We now have a Source / Medium visual (connected to GA directly 🎆) living on the COVID-19 dashboard. This visual represents source / medium traffic (entrance metadata) directly to

The dataset supporting this visual is set to update every morning.

Each of the Navigational datasets (supporting the homepage banner clicks and COVID FAQ page clicks) have since been adjusted to push back to March 1, but keep in mind data was not yet available for most of these things as they were not launched or our functionality was not yet built. An annotation has been added for the FAQ page at March 18 indicating launch.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Meeting Notes from 4/9/20




Technical Blockers or Dependencies Questions, concerns - where do we want to go from here?


For manual updates:

Questions for Research:

New Data

Other Stuff:

Right now:

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Dashboard Update 4/9/20

Waiting On The following [emails] have PDF dashboards sent. Waiting on a better format before adding to the dashboard:

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Notes from Feedback Meeting 4/10/20

Now Steps for Insights



Top Needs

Actions from the Data

Would be helpful

Call Center visualization


joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Notes from Charles

Insights: Need to talk to Amy & Joy about what an executive summary and/or rollup chart.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

Synthesis for 4/17/20

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

@jonwehausen @bsmartin-ep @amycesal @Kimberley2019 @clantosswett

Manual Updates

We should provide the following updates as soon as possible:

Change all manual charts to Webforms

Visualize the following Call Center tables & add to appropriate sections


The following chart wasn't automatically updated over the weekend:

leahbannon commented 4 years ago

Some adjustments, open to feedback/questions:

leahbannon2 commented 4 years ago

For Annie data -- the "precautions" protocol is on there twice. The second protocol in the data that was sent is "Quarantine" and needs to replace the 2nd "precautions" protocol.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

We also need a better process for exporting the dashboard, to mitigate:

Other Adjustments:

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

^also, have we considered if the plug-in will work on CAG?

amycesal commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 12 36 28 PM

Maybe color is all we need to help define categories for the Annie data. @leahbannon let me know if that's enough, or of we need to stack the precautions bars.

Also @leahbannon let me know when you have the definitions for precautions and quarantine messages.

leahbannon commented 4 years ago

For the definitions:

leahbannon commented 4 years ago

I'm also realizing I'm switching around in the above between COVID-19 and Coronavirus... have we settled on a preferred term?

amycesal commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 10 35 41 AM

^ made those update for Annie

Covid vs. COVID-19 vs. Coronavirus

We have tried to pull in whatever version the data source uses. And VA seems to use both. Examples:

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

@amycesal @clantosswett

Another piece for our exports is:

Can we export the dashboards with labels?

Pain Point: Right now, our exported charts are displaying charts that show overall growth, but our stakeholders don't necessarily see the actual numbers and those changes over time.

How might we be able to export charts with labels?

This might end up being another issue we bring up to Domo in our sync with them on Friday.

joanneesteban commented 4 years ago


joanneesteban commented 4 years ago

No major changes should occur on a consistent basis. Any additional changes can be opened in a new issue. Closing this ticket.