Users who are unauthenticated when they land on the intro page and then sign into LOA1/LOA2 accounts need to understand the verification requirements blocking them from continuing.
Another team helped to flag an experimental design component that's recommended to communicate with folks who are authenticated but still need to verify their identity to achieve LOA3.
The identity team also came back with content tweaks for the body text below the H3. The paragraph below the component and H3 "Identity verification for" should now read:
To manage certain tasks and information on, like requesting personal records or changing your direct deposit information, you’ll need to log in with an account where you’ve provided some personal information to verify your identity. We recommend using or accounts for identity verification.
[ ] Component is the 'sign-in-or-tool-prompt' and copy matches design heading style and text
[ ] CTA: { Primary action link } Verify your identity
[ ] URL target: After they're verified, the page should redirect them back to the intro page where they can then start the request:
<a href={/verify?next=${pathname}`}
className="verify-link vads-c-action-link--green"
Verify your identity to start your request
[ ] Update the content in the paragraph below the H3 "Identity verification for"
Users who are unauthenticated when they land on the intro page and then sign into LOA1/LOA2 accounts need to understand the verification requirements blocking them from continuing.
Another team helped to flag an experimental design component that's recommended to communicate with folks who are authenticated but still need to verify their identity to achieve LOA3.
The identity team also came back with content tweaks for the body text below the H3. The paragraph below the component and H3 "Identity verification for" should now read:
Definition of Done:
<a href={
/verify?next=${pathname}`} className="verify-link vads-c-action-link--green"