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Collaboration Cycle for Accredited Representation Management: Appoint a Representative + Representative Status Widget MVPs #71535

Open oddball-lindsay opened 9 months ago

oddball-lindsay commented 9 months ago

VFS product information

VFS team name

Accredited Representation Management

Product name

Appoint a Representative MVP + Representative Status Widget MVP (two products being developed simultaneously)

Feature name

Appoint a Representative + Representative Status Widget

GitHub label for team


GitHub label for product

appoint-a-representative representative-status-widget

GitHub label for feature

No response

Public DSVA Slack channel for VFS team


Kickoff questions

Toggle kickoff questions ### When did/will you start working on this product/feature? We began discovery for these products on 8/14/2023. The decision to treat these as separate products was on 10/25/2023 and we have been designing with this in mind ever since. ### Will your work result in visible changes to the user experience? Yes ### Are you doing research with users? Yes ### Will your work involve changes to... Both ### Does your product/feature have Google Analytics tracking and a KPI dashboard in Domo? No ### Do you need to capture any additional analytics or metrics? Yes ### Product outline [Product Outline for Appoint a Representative]( [Product Outline for Representative Status Widget]( ### Verify all relevant materials provided to Governance Team - [X] I have provided all relevant and up-to-date links, screenshots, images, designs, etc. of the as-is version of the product ### Add the GitHub labels for your team, product, and feature to this ticket. - [X] I acknowledge that I must add the GitHub labels for my team, product, and feature to this ticket. ### Notify the Collaboration Cycle team of this ticket in your team's public Slack channel. - [X] I acknowledge that I must notify the Governance team by completing the Collab Cycle Kickoff workflow in my team's Slack channel after submitting this issue. This can be completed by typing "/collab cycle" and selecting the kickoff workflow. Kickoff Slack Thread with VFS team: [Kickoff thread](link)

Slack thread

Recommended Collaboration Cycle touchpoints

~Design Intent~

Toggle Design Intent #### Before meeting ##### VFS actions - Navigate to reference link: [Design Intent Guidance]( - [ ] Schedule your Design Intent when ready: - Open the [Calendly design intent calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - The Governance team is responsible for inviting our team members, including our Product Owner, Product Manager, and practice area specialists. We also notify OCTO-DE practice area leads when we finalize meeting scheduling. - Click "Schedule Event" - [ ] Notify the Collaboration Cycle team of this event by using the `/Collab Cycle Design Intent` "slash-command" in your team channel. Provide information as prompted by the Slack workflow. - [ ] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Design Intent artifacts section below at least two days before the scheduled Design Intent. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section** **Design Intent artifacts** See Platform guidance on [Design Intent artifacts]( Platform feedback is based solely on the artifacts provided, as reviewed during the two days before the Design Intent meeting. Any work not included in the artifacts below or any ongoing work taking place during the review period may not be reflected in that feedback. - [ ] User flow (required) - [ ] Whiteboard sketch or other lo-fi prototypes or wireframes - [ ] Research plan - [ ] Any other artifacts you have so far ##### Platform actions - [ ] Slack thread with VFS team - [ ] Meeting date/time: #### After meeting ##### Platform actions * Accessibility * [ ] Feedback ticket attached * [ ] No feedback * Design * [ ] Feedback ticket attached * [ ] No feedback * IA * [ ] Feedback ticket attached * [ ] No feedback * [ ] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - Recording link - Passcode: ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review feedback tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns

Sitewide CAIA ~Intake Request~ Collaboration

Toggle Sitewide CAIA Intake Request ##### VFS actions - [x] Complete the [Sitewide CAIA intake request process]( - [x] Link to the Sitewide CAIA Intake Request ticket below CAIA collaboration is being managed in this Epic:

Research Review

Toggle Research Review #### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [research review process](

Midpoint Review

Toggle Midpoint Review #### Skipping Design Intent In early days, we had the idea of building one single product. Later, we decided to split into multiple products, but applied feedback from the initial design intent and midpoint review ( to our designs. We're ready to move right into a second Midpoint Review! #### Before meeting ##### VFS actions Navigate to reference link: [Midpoint Review Guidance]( - [ ] Schedule your Midpoint Review when ready: - Open the [Calendly midpoint review calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - Click "Schedule Event" - [ ] Check this box if you'd like this review to be asynchronous (Please refer to the [Midpoint Review guidance]( for the difference between a synchronous meeting and an asynchronous review) - [ ] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Midpoint Review artifacts section below at least two days before the scheduled Midpoint Review. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section** **Midpoint Review artifacts** See Platform guidance on [Midpoint Review artifacts]( Platform feedback is based solely on the artifacts provided, as reviewed during the two days before the Midpoint Review meeting. Any work not included in the artifacts below or any ongoing work taking place during the review period may not be reflected in that feedback. Provide links or documents for the following: - [x] Finalized design prototype or mockup Authenticated: - [Canvas View]( - [Desktop A Prototype View]( - [Mobile A Prototype View]( - [Desktop B Prototype View]( - [Mobile B Prototype View]( Unauthenticated: - [Canvas View]( - [Mobile Prototype View]( - [Desktop Prototype View]( - [x] Specify which pages are included in the review: All pages - the Canvas view reveals all states, but included prototypes in case that's easier to navigate. We plan to AB test screens for the authorization steps in our flow. - [x] [Research plan]( - in progress, should be finalized by 12/12 - [x] [Conversation guide]( - in progress, should be finalized by 12/12 **Content artifacts** - [x] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including a content source of truth, any relevant static content page and entry point updates, and the intake form. - [CAIA Content Recommendations]( - stored in Sharepoint, must be on VA network to access **IA artifacts** - [x] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including an IA review document or intake form. - [IA Design for Manage Accredited Representative]( ##### Platform actions - [x] [Slack thread with VFS team]( - [x] Meeting date/time: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. Eastern #### After meeting ##### Platform actions * Accessibility * [x] Feedback ticket attached * [ ] No feedback * Content * [x] Feedback ticket attached * [ ] No feedback * Design * [x] Feedback ticket attached * [ ] No feedback * IA * [x] Feedback ticket attached * [ ] No feedback * [ ] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - Recording link: - Passcode: e=c9H8JI ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review feedback tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns

Analytics Request

Toggle Analytics Request #### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [analytics request process]( - [ ] Link to the Analytics Implementation and QA Request ticket below

Contact Center Review

Toggle Contact Center Review #### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [Contact Center review process]( - [ ] Link to the Contact Center review request ticket below

Staging Review (Representative Status Widget)

Toggle Staging Review #### Before meeting ##### VFS actions - Navigate to reference link: [Staging Review Guidance]( - [x] Schedule your Staging Review when ready: - Open the [Calendly staging review calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - Click "Schedule Event" - [x] Notify the Collaboration Cycle team of this event by using the `/Collab Cycle Staging Review` "slash-command" in your team channel. Provide information as prompted by the Slack workflow. - [ ] If this product contains any [experimental design](, add the `experimental-design` label and schedule a meeting with DSC to present the research findings. - [x] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Staging Review artifacts section below at least four days before the scheduled Staging Review. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section** - [x] I confirm the environment is available and test users have been provided. - [x] Please verify your product information in the [Product Directory]( **Staging Review artifacts** See Platform guidance on [Staging Review artifacts]( Platform findings are based solely on the staging URL and test users provided, as reviewed during the four days before the Staging Review meeting. Any test cases not covered or any ongoing work taking place during the review period may not be reflected in those findings. **Product artifacts** - [x] Staging URL - - [x] Specify which pages are included in the review - the "Check your current accredited representative" section of the page only (this is the piece we're hoping to release, everything else on the page is already [in Production]( - NOTE: There is a known issue with the icons not loading, the Design System Team is actively working on resolving this - [x] Staging test user information - [Test Users for the Representative Status Widget]( -- we have 5 widget states: Unauthenticated, Authenticated + no representative, Authenticated + organization representative, Authenticated + individual representative, Authenticated + error - Test user (line 2) = **No representative** state - Test user (line 3) = **Organization** state, American Legion - Test user (row 15) = **Organization** state, Disabled American Veterans - Test user (line 5) = **Individual** state, attorney - Test user (line 7) = **Individual** state, claims agent - Test user (line 6) = **Error** state
**Note:** Please double-check that you've provided staging access information appropriate for testing the tool or feature. Don't put staging credentials in your ticket; store [test user information, passwords, and tasks]( in a .md file in the repository. **Content artifacts** - [x] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including a content source of truth, any relevant static content page and entry point updates, and the intake form. - [Content source of truth]( **IA artifacts** - [x] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including an IA review document or intake form. - [IA source of truth - Github]( **QA artifacts** An artifact that corresponds to each standard in the [QA Standards]( - [ ] ~[Regression test plan]( Not needed, as this is a brand-new product and there is nothing to regress to. If there are critical issues post-launch, we will defer to our [rollback process]( - [x] [Test plan]( - - [x] [Coverage for References]( - - [x] [Summary(Defects) reports]( - - [x] [E2E tests]( (provide a link to the product’s code) - - [x] [Code coverage]( (provide a link to the product’s code) - **Accessibility artifacts** - [x] [Completed accessibility testing artifact]( For details, see [Prepare for an accessibility staging review]( - ##### Platform actions - [ ] Slack thread with VFS team: - [ ] Meeting date/time: May 9, 2024 at 1.30 PM ET #### After meeting ##### Platform actions - [ ] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - [Recording link ]( - Password: jv&J+6+# ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review the findings tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns - [ ] Close individual findings tickets when the issue has been resolved or validated by your Product Owner. If a team has additional questions or needs Platform help validating the issue, please comment on the issue ticket. - [ ] After launch, [request an accessibility audit from the VA 508 Office]( This is required even if no accessibility issues were found during the Staging Review. - [ ] Share ServiceNow ticket number here: ______ - [ ] Close ticket once Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review has been completed, VA 508 Office audit is requested, and all other post-Staging actions are complete

Staging Review (Appoint a Representative)

Toggle Staging Review #### Before meeting ##### VFS actions - Navigate to reference link: [Staging Review Guidance]( - [ ] Schedule your Staging Review when ready: - Open the [Calendly staging review calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - Click "Schedule Event" - [ ] If this product contains any [experimental design](, add the `experimental-design` label and schedule a meeting with DSC to present the research findings. - [ ] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Staging Review artifacts section below at least four days before the scheduled Staging Review. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section** - [ ] I confirm the environment is available and test users have been provided. - [ ] Please verify your product information in the [Product Directory]( **Staging Review artifacts** See Platform guidance on [Staging Review artifacts]( Platform findings are based solely on the staging URL and test users provided, as reviewed during the four days before the Staging Review meeting. Any test cases not covered or any ongoing work taking place during the review period may not be reflected in those findings. **Product artifacts** - [ ] Staging URL - [ ] Specify which pages are included in the review - [ ] Staging test user information **Note:** Please double-check that you've provided staging access information appropriate for testing the tool or feature. Don't put staging credentials in your ticket; store [test user information, passwords, and tasks]( in a .md file in the repository. **Content artifacts** - [ ] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including a content source of truth, any relevant static content page and entry point updates, and the intake form. **IA artifacts** - [ ] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including an IA review document or intake form. **QA artifacts** An artifact that corresponds to each standard in the [QA Standards]( - [ ] [Regression test plan]( - [ ] [Test plan]( - [ ] [Coverage for References]( - [ ] [Summary(Defects) reports]( - [ ] [E2E tests]( (provide a link to the product’s code) - [ ] [Code coverage]( (provide a link to the product’s code) **Accessibility artifacts** - [ ] [Completed accessibility testing artifact]( For details, see [Prepare for an accessibility staging review]( ##### Platform actions - [ ] Slack thread with VFS team - [ ] Meeting date/time: #### After meeting ##### Platform actions - [ ] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - Recording link - Password: ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review the findings tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns - [ ] Close individual findings tickets when the issue has been resolved or validated by your Product Owner. If a team has additional questions or needs Platform help validating the issue, please comment on the issue ticket. - [ ] After launch, [request an accessibility audit from the VA 508 Office]( This is required even if no accessibility issues were found during the Staging Review. - [ ] Share ServiceNow ticket number here: ______ - [ ] Close ticket once Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review has been completed, VA 508 Office audit is requested, and all other post-Staging actions are complete

Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review

Toggle Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review #### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [Privacy, security, infrastructure readiness review process]( - [ ] Link to the Readiness Review ticket below #### Platform actions - [ ] Privacy, security, infrastructure readiness review is complete
oddball-lindsay commented 6 months ago

@shiragoodman We are choosing to develop the Representative Status Widget MVP first, and then the Appoint a Representative MVP in May so I'm thinking it'd be helpful to break this into two Epics to better reflect these two separate launches.

Is there a way to clone this epic so I can simply edit to be more single-product oriented? or should I edit this one to be Widget focused and then submit a Kickoff for Appoint a Rep that you then convert into this type of epic?

shiragoodman commented 6 months ago

Hey @oddball-lindsay - is your intended next step to go to Staging Review, separately, for both of these features?

oddball-lindsay commented 6 months ago

@shiragoodman I'm aiming for two separate Staging Reviews -- one for the Rep Status Widget in April, and a second for Appoint a Rep in June/July.

shiragoodman commented 6 months ago

@oddball-lindsay we can just do 2 staging reviews within this ticket, that way it's easy for my team to find their earlier feedback at Midpoint Review. I can update this ticket to include 2 Staging Review sections with the feature name in parentheses.

shiragoodman commented 6 months ago
