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Qualitative feedback analysis: Nov 1 thru Dec 15 #72143

Closed wesrowe closed 8 months ago

wesrowe commented 9 months ago


User story

As a Cartographers team member, I want to analyze the qualitative survey responses, so that we can learn from it.


Acceptance criteria


sterkenburgsara commented 9 months ago

Update: requested data on 12/20. Ticket here.

sterkenburgsara commented 9 months ago

Update: edited GH page to hopefully scale better for future Medallia data analysis, incorporated new data into tables. Analysis complete.

@wesrowe A surprising number of qualitative responses surrounded users who created net-new accounts because of recommendations on, but were told they are "unable to access" MHV on once they did so. We should pass this on and see if anyone knows what is going on there.

wesrowe commented 8 months ago

@sterkenburgsara, thanks for adding the tables! it's a little unclear which parts of the analysis (outside of the tables) were updated based on the latest round.

also, could we track insights like the comment above (and the resulting ticket) somewhere in the doc?