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[CAIA Intake] Content update for MHV login options #73401

Open fmccaf1 opened 5 months ago

fmccaf1 commented 5 months ago

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We've received user feedback about this frustrating situation:

  1. Users with working MHV Premium accounts are finding information indicating that they must create either a or account. We're not sure exactly where this is happening but here are some possibilities: "Currently, My HealtheVet doesn't meet all the new federal security standards in the executive order to improve the nation's cybersecurity." or "It's best to use a or account to sign in. These accounts meet modern security standards. Select 'Option 1: New VA sign in (recommended)' on the My HealtheVet Sign in page. [...] If you don't have either of these accounts, create a or account now."
  2. Users follow the guidance given, starting the process of creating a or account
  3. When they then try to use this new account to complete health management tasks, they find that they are blocked from accessing any of their PII or PHI because they [EDIT:] ~are for whatever reason not able to verify their ID~ have not yet verified their identity. (They are not currently being advised to do so on the MHV landing page; they currently just see an alert that they can't access tools).

We've received angry feedback around the lines of, "You made me create this new account and now you're telling me this new account won't work to do the things I came here to do."

To address this feedback, we are recommending an update to the ID-not-verified component copy to tell users they have other options if they cannot verify their ID for their new account right now

Collaboration timeframe

Note: We work on nearly every OCTO product and manage all unauthenticated content on, so we will need to prioritize intake requests based on overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Is this work tied to a Congressional mandate, change in law or policy, or upcoming event with a specific deadline?

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Tell us briefly about what you're working on now (such as initial discovery, wireframing, or usability research planning) and add any known dates for upcoming milestones or deadlines.

We've completed discovery and have crafted copy, but are now hoping for review and feedback.

Collaboration cycle

Which phases of the collaboration cycle have you completed?

Select all that apply.

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Provide links to any supporting artifacts that can help us better understand your initiative and begin collaboration. Include artifacts like your product outline, user flows, mockups and prototypes, or any draft content.

Original alert text

Alert 1

Text in image reads: "Verify your identity to access My HealtheVet tools and features / We need to make sure you're you - and not someone pretending to be you - before we can give you access to your personal and health-related information. This helps to keep your information safe, and to prevent fraud and identity theft. / This one-time process takes about 5-10 minutes. / Verify your identity (hyperlink)

Link (below alert) text reads: Learn how to verify your identity on (hyperlink)

Proposed alert text

Verify id 1a

Text in image reads: "Verify your identity to use your (or account on My HealtheVet / Before we can give you access to your personal and health-related information, we need to verify your identity for this account. This helps to keep your information safe, and to prevent fraud and identity theft. / This one-time process takes about 5-10 minutes / Verify your identity (hyperlink)

Additional info component (below alert) text reads: Having trouble verifying your identity? / If you have a My HealtheVet account, you can access My HealtheVet tools now by logging out and logging back in using your My HealtheVet login credentials. You can continue to use this option until My HealtheVet switches to a new VA sign in. / Get help: Go to the help center / Visit the support section

Breakdown of changes and reasons for changes:

Next steps


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laurwill commented 5 months ago

Hi @fmccaf1 , it sounds like the issue these users are having is that their or account is not connected to My HealtheVet. The good news is that we have a new R&S page nearly ready to publish that tells people how to fix this exact issue!

I'll update here when that page is live (hopefully by tomorrow), and then we can suggest language for this alert to briefly explain the problem and link users to that page.

We also have in-process updates to the Verify your identity page that will address the possible confusion you pointed out here — those changes still need final approval from the sign-in comms working group, but we hope to be able to publish them very soon.

dcloud commented 5 months ago

@laurwill Did that page go live last week? If so, could you point us to URLs or the updated content?

laurwill commented 5 months ago

Hi @dcloud , yes, here's the live page:

We'll be publishing some relevant updates to the Verifying your account page today and again later this week as well. I'll update you when those changes are live.

dcloud commented 5 months ago

Thanks for sharing that, that's some good content to know about. I think what might help for the Cartography team's scenario are the updates to the "Verify your identity page".

The scenario we are trying to solve is for veterans trying to access MHV tools on, and in particular veterans who were frustrated while trying to use a new account (that they hadn't verified). Some of those veterans have My HealtheVet Premium accounts and could use those in the past, but have been seeing guidance to switch to an or account.

I think the content proposed in this ticket was intended to reduce frustration for people who wanted to get something done right away, letting them know that they could use their My HealtheVet Premium accounts if verifying their account wasn't something they wanted to do in the moment.

The page you shared appears intended to help veterans log into the MHV "National Portal", given the links to … which is a different scenario than the one we are working through. But again, good to know about!

laurwill commented 5 months ago

Hi @dcloud , the page I shared is actually to help people sign in to either the MHV health tools on, or the MHV tools on It's for 2 groups:

It sounds like your message is intended for a third group: People who have Premium MHV, but are currently signed in with an unverified or account. Is that correct?

dcloud commented 5 months ago

Yes, we had feedback from people who have been using MyHealth eVet for years, and were told to create a or account. They created those new accounts, but haven't verified their identities with those accounts.

I'm not sure what "haven't connected it to the MHV system" means. As far as I know, any veteran who has been registered at a VA facility could have access to health tools, regardless of whether they had an MHV account now or in the past. Perhaps this is something I should discuss with @batemapf

fmccaf1 commented 5 months ago

Thanks @dcloud for taking on explaining here while I was trying to wrap up some higher priority work. And @laurwill thanks for providing this helpful info.

Daniel is exactly correct that the use case we're trying to solve for is a third option: User has created a account based on's or MHV's urging, and then are not able to login to MHV anymore (their obstacle seems to be that they are not able or willing to verify their identity at the moment they're trying to login to MHV).

laurwill commented 5 months ago

@fmccaf1 are you able to tell if the person getting this "Verify" message also has a Premium MHV account? Or would we need to show that part of the message to everyone, and include the "if you have a My HealtheVet account" conditional?

fmccaf1 commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry for the delay here @laurwill. I could ask our developers to double-check but that is the sense I've gotten from reading user feedback, that prior to getting this new login type, they were able to access MHV tools without issue, which would require a Premium account.

laurwill commented 5 months ago

Ah sorry, my question was unclear — I'm wondering if we can segment the user groups to show more tailored messages. So can we show 2 different versions of this message to:

  1. Users who have Premium MHV accounts, but signed in with an unverified
  2. Users who don't have Premium MHV accounts and signed in with unverified
fmccaf1 commented 5 months ago

Oh I see. Yes! I know that we are able to segment users in that way so they will see different versions if needed, however it sounds like at this point that data is not "in state" and would require too much of an engineering lift than my team is able to offer right now. The content I originally drafted was intended to be read by both segments. I'm curious if it seems like that copy is missing something that is needed to improve UX for one of those segments?

laurwill commented 5 months ago

Hi @fmccaf1 , we have some updated text to suggest here. But first want to check, have you confirmed with Carnetta and Tom Black that this solution (signing out and signing back in with Premium MHV) will work? I have no reason to think it won't, just want to make sure they're aware of this planned messaging. If not, I'll loop them in to confirm. Thanks!

fmccaf1 commented 5 months ago

Hi @laurwill, great to hear!! I have not confirmed with Carnetta and Tom Black. If you're okay to loop them in, that would be great. Thanks for keeping this work moving forward!

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Hi @fmccaf1 , I copied you on my email to Carnetta and Tom, and Carnetta clarified that ~400,000 Premium MHV users don't have a separate MHV user ID and password, so they wouldn't be able to use this workaround. But I think it's likely those users already have verified or accounts. Waiting for Carnetta to confirm that piece.

In the meantime, here's suggested updates to the content. Let me know if you want to chat! (Note we adjusted the time to verify based on more recent estimates.)

Verify your identity to use your account on My HealtheVet We need to make sure you’re you—and not someone pretending to be you—before we can give you access to your personal and health-related information. This helps us keep your information safe and prevent fraud and identity theft. will ask you for certain personal information and identification. This one-time process often takes about 10 minutes.

[link] Verify your identity

If you have trouble verifying your identity [additional info] Get answers to common questions about verifying your identity

Or, if you have a Premium My HealtheVet account with a My HealtheVet user ID and password, you can sign out and then sign back in with that account to access My HealtheVet.

fmccaf1 commented 4 months ago

I saw those emails. Thanks so much Laura. I really appreciate you reaching out to those folks and sending this new content.

I have one question given this new content: I'm assuming that in the near future we'll want to add copy here that recommends that people do go about verifying their identity and that this strategy of signing out and signing back in with MHV credentials is just a solution for now. Is that something you'll reach out to me and offer an update? Or maybe you've decided that this messaging doesn't need to be here. Curious whatever your take might be on this issue.

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Yes thanks for raising that! You're right that this messaging (and quite a lot of sign-in messaging across the site) will change soon — I'll update you when we get approval to make that messaging shift, and we can work out a new version for this.

wesrowe commented 4 months ago

@laurwill, I wonder if a key UX point got lost in the back and forth here. We think that the particular copy below might feel inappropriate to the longtime MHV users in our use case:

We need to make sure you’re you—and not someone pretending to be you—before we can give you access to your personal and health-related information. This helps us keep your information safe and prevent fraud and identity theft.

In their feedback these longtime MHV users are frustrated and even indignant, "you know dang well who I am!" Of course, they have not seen this alert yet, so they're not responding to the copy you suggested. However, given the sensitivity, I would err on the side of caution and make the text as much as possible about "the login/identity you provided" and not simply "you" for the MHV landing page use case. (FYI, this same alert will be used on tool landing pages too, e.g. secure messaging, for the case where users come in through a side door like email.)

Florence's original suggested copy for our alert made it clearer that the "you" that we're talking about is the user's "account":

Before we can give you access to your personal and health-related information, we need to verify your identity for this account

If we go with something closer to your version, I think we would do well to adapt it to be clearly about the identity/login provided and not the Veteran themselves. Do you see where I'm coming from? Happy to jump on a zoom as well.

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Hi @wesrowe , great point! I had missed that part of the issue here. Here's a version I chatted through with Danielle:

Verify your identity to use your account on My HealtheVet Our records show that you haven't verified your identity for your account. We need you to verify your identity for this account to help us keep your information safe and prevent fraud and identity theft. will ask you for certain personal information and identification. This process often takes about 10 minutes.

[link] Verify your identity

And if it's possible to segment the audience more in the future, it might be nice to show a more tailored version to people who for sure already verified through MHV, acknowledging that we're asking them to verify for a second time. Let me know if you have any questions or want to chat more!

wesrowe commented 4 months ago

Thanks, Laura. We've inquired about segmentation, but it doesn't seem like the platform is capable of informing apps about a user's other identity.

wesrowe commented 4 months ago

@laurwill, taking a closer look... you provided alert content. what about the additonal-info component? If I'm not mistaken, we still need that. (Scanning the comments, it seems like the focus has been on the alert content.)

wesrowe commented 4 months ago

PS: this is the language from an earlier draft that has been dropped from the latest language shared yesterday (starting with the CTA Link):

[link] Verify your identity

If you have trouble verifying your identity [additional info] Get answers to common questions about verifying your identity

Or, if you have a Premium My HealtheVet account with a My HealtheVet user ID and password, you can sign out and then sign back in with that account to access My HealtheVet.

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Whoops, yes, no changes to the addtl info content! I omitted that by mistake.

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Hi @fmccaf1 @wesrowe ,

@sterkenburgsara triggered this version of this alert in production:


This should only be showing for people who sign in with unverified and accounts, not for MHV or DS Logon, right?

wesrowe commented 3 months ago

@laurwill, I can verify that the alert swaps in the auth method the user actually used in the headline, i.e., "Verify your identity to use your [auth method name] account..."

Can you say more about what your concern is, though?

laurwill commented 3 months ago

Hi @wesrowe , the concern is this:

asg5704 commented 3 months ago

Hello @wesrowe and @laurwill To answer your questions about users signed in with MHV or DS Logon, when they navigate to the /verify page using the "verify your identity" link. The user will be prompted with two buttons to start the identity verificaiton process with: and (see previous Slack thread)

The second thing I wanted to bring up was the content (below) which I believe should be updated to include both and, not just referencing for "verifying identity".

Verify your identity to use your account on My HealtheVet We need to make sure you’re you—and not someone pretending to be you—before we can give you access to your personal and health-related information. This helps us keep your information safe and prevent fraud and identity theft. will ask you for certain personal information and identification. This one-time process often takes about 10 minutes.

[link] Verify your identity

If you have trouble verifying your identity [additional info] Get answers to common questions about verifying your identity

Or, if you have a Premium My HealtheVet account with a My HealtheVet user ID and password, you can sign out and then sign back in with that account to access My HealtheVet.

sterkenburgsara commented 3 months ago

@asg5704 this is in a scenario where a user logged in already with an LOA1 account. We're asking them to id-proof it so that it is LOA3 and we can display authenticated data on

We have an alert displaying conditional logic, that pulls the sign-in credential name ( or based on what the user has already started with. Does that make sense? Do you have concerns about that?

sterkenburgsara commented 3 months ago

Including this Slack thread re: MHV basic accounts needing content for a separate design

asg5704 commented 3 months ago

Hello @sterkenburgsara yes that makes sense however the actual component update in the Pull Request does not reflect the dynamic sign-in credential name.. it ONLY mentions (see this PR)

sterkenburgsara commented 3 months ago

@laurwill & @DanielleThierryUSDSVA now I think we need yet another alert that will show up once users have ID-proofed their or accounts but haven't registered with MHV National portal to get connected with the API. I'll try to mock that in our Figma file here before you all sync at 3pm today!

sterkenburgsara commented 3 months ago

@asg5704 thank you for pointing me to that! We will fix! cc @jzucadi can you update the PR to include conditional logic?

jzucadi commented 3 months ago

@asg5704 @sterkenburgsara sorry, I don't follow. What is the desired copy that should be displayed? What is the conditional logic for again?

asg5704 commented 3 months ago

Sure @jzucadi I will make a comment in your PR for what needs to be updated.