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[Other - Accessibility] Single-click destructive action. (00.00.5) #73990

Open shiragoodman opened 5 months ago

shiragoodman commented 5 months ago

General Information

VFS team name

Benefits Non-Disability

VFS product name

Pension 527EZ Digital Form

VFS feature name

Form Reactivation

Point of Contact/Reviewers

Brian DeConinck - @briandeconinck - Accessibility

*For more information on how to interpret this ticket, please refer to the Anatomy of a Staging Review issue ticket guidance on Platform Website.

Platform Issue

No Experience Standard for the issue found.

Issue Details

On Other service names, the Remove button removes the entry you're working on with a single click and no check to verify that the action is intended. There's also no confirmation message presented to screen reader users that the action has taken place, the only indication that it's happened is the fields disappearing from the screen.

This is not technically a violation of WCAG 3.3.2, since you get the opportunity for review.

But it's definitely introducing an opportunity for users accidentally losing data --- and for assistive technology users, losing data and maybe not even realizing it happened.

This issue also occurs on:

Link, screenshot or steps to recreate Experience Standard

Category Number 00, Issue Number 00

Other References

Platform Recommendation

Two recommended changes:

  1. Some kind of status message that receives focus when an issue has been removed, similar to the background-only alerts in use when changing contact information. If a visible status message isn't practical, at least some aria-live update should be announced to screen reader users.
  2. Some kind of intermediate confirmation step between a user clicking Remove and the issue actually being removed. I believe the team working on the Supplemental Claims Form 20-0995 is exploring using a modal and intends to contribute back to the pattern in the design system.

See #56082 for how another team addressed this.

VFS Guidance

katherine-fung commented 5 months ago

I'm drafting content for the confirmation messages for the team to use when it addresses this issue.

katherine-fung commented 5 months ago

When the team addresses this issue, please use this copy for the confirmation messages. Please bold the dynamic content in the confirmation messages as shown below. Thank you!

[Please note that we only need confirmation messages when a user is trying to remove an item that they've saved.

If a user wants to remove an unsaved item, we don't need the confirmation message (i.e. they're in the middle of adding a new item and filled in the fields partway and wants to stop filling in the rest of the fields, they select "Remove" because they changed their mind about adding the item). We don't need to show a confirmation message here because they're not losing any data. They've just decided they don't want to add the item after all.

I'm not sure how this works with auto save, but I believe this should apply if the team changes the design of the multiple response pages to follow VADS.]


Screenshot (382).png

Copy recommendations for confirmation messages

[header] Remove this name?

We'll remove [First name] [Middle name] [Last name] [Suffix].

[BUTTON] Yes, remove this [BUTTON] No, keep this

[header] Remove this VA medical center?

We'll remove [name of VA medical center].

[BUTTON] Yes, remove this [BUTTON] No, keep this

[header] Remove this federal medical facility?

We'll remove [name of federal medical facility].

[BUTTON] Yes, remove this [BUTTON] No, keep this

[header] Remove this job?

We'll remove [job title] from your current jobs.

[BUTTON] Yes, remove this [BUTTON] No, keep this

[header] Remove this former marriage?

We'll remove [name of former spouse] as a former spouse of [name of current spouse].

[BUTTON] Yes, remove them [BUTTON] No, keep them

Dependent children

[header] Remove this dependent?

We'll remove [name of child] from your dependents.

[BUTTON] Yes, remove them [BUTTON] No, keep them

[header] Remove this source of income?

We'll remove [income type] from [who pays this income field].

[BUTTON] Yes, remove this [BUTTON] No, keep this

[header] Remove this care expense?

We'll remove the expense for [name of care provider].

[BUTTON] Yes, remove this [BUTTON] No, keep this

[header] Remove this medical or other unreimbursed expense?

We'll remove the expense for [who receives this payment field].

[BUTTON] Yes, remove this [BUTTON] No, keep this

Here's a reference for the visual style of the confirmation message:

Screen Shot 2024-01-22 at 3 27 38 PM

vbellissimo commented 5 months ago

@ToddWebDev is this new confirmation message recently applied to the form a design system component? If so, do you know if applying @katherine-fung 's recommendations above would deviate from this?

cc @mayacoforma @gmaciolek

katherine-fung commented 4 months ago

I'm following up on Vicky's question above. If we can't implement the copy recommendations in my comment on January 26, can we use a confirmation message component that tells the user which item they're removing? Otherwise, it will be hard for assistive technology users to know exactly which item they're removing.

This is the current confirmation message format in staging:

Screenshot (435).png

versus the example in the design system, that identifies the item in body copy

0955-modal-detail (1).png
vbellissimo commented 4 months ago

@gmaciolek @ToddWebDev do you have any insight on the comments above?

gmaciolek commented 4 months ago

@aplatt-coforma I suggest we hold off on this one until we've updated our implementation of the multi-response pattern in case that addresses this comment from Katherine:

[Please note that we only need confirmation messages when a user is trying to remove an item that they've saved.

If a user wants to remove an unsaved item, we don't need the confirmation message (i.e. they're in the middle of adding a new item and filled in the fields partway and wants to stop filling in the rest of the fields, they select "Remove" because they changed their mind about adding the item). We don't need to show a confirmation message here because they're not losing any data. They've just decided they don't want to add the item after all.