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Pull real data for dashboard notifications #74294

Open cohnjesse opened 7 months ago

cohnjesse commented 7 months ago

Description: In order for VSOs to see what pending 21-22 and 21-22a requests they have we need to pull those form submissions that have not been approved by the VSO.

User Story or Problem Statement: As a VSO I want to be able to see pending requests for power of attorney so that I can approve or deny them

Implementation Details: At the time of writing this it is unclear what specific API(s) endpoints we will be hitting for this data, what structure the data will come back in, and how we can use that data. We may need to collaborate with the ARM team to see what endpoints they are using and what endpoints they recommend for us.

Prerequisites/Dependencies: The front end implimentation for this is ticket #74261

Blockers: None at this time

Acceptance Criteria: Specify criteria for ticket completion, including:

Testing Criteria:

Automated Testing:This will need to be tested to 100% code coverage per back end test spec

emily-gullo commented 6 months ago

Blocked by 51759 potentially (research) Spoke w/ design, this functionality will be discussed during an upcoming feature evaluation.