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[CAIA General Support]: Sitewide Facilities - Review VBA Terms for publishing in VA Service Taxonomy #74390

Open davidmpickett opened 7 months ago

davidmpickett commented 7 months ago

CAIA General Collaboration

Use this ticket to request general collaboration with the Sitewide Content, Accessibility, and Information Architecture (CAIA) team.

About your team

About your request

Describe your project goals

Have a single source of truth for services offered at VA facilities (VAMCs, Vet Centers, VBA ROs).

What is your team working on?

We are adding new terms to the VA Service Taxonomy to support the launch of the modernized VBA Regional Office pages.

We previously worked with y'all to review and copy edit potential terms. We now have some terms that are ready for final review in Drupal.

Type of Collaboration

Check all the types of collaboration you're requesting, below:


Terms ready to review in Drupal

Label and link to Drupal Tugboat example Notes
Benefit letters and decision letters Philadelphia
Burials and memorials Philadelphia
Careers and employment Philadelphia
Compensation benefits for survivors NA
Direct deposit information Philadelphia
Disability compensation Philadelphia
Education benefits for family members Philadelphia Regional
Education benefits for Veterans Philadelphia Regional
Grief and bereavement counseling Philadelphia Term also has Vet Center fields
Homeless Veteran Care Philadelphia Term also has VAMC and Vet Center fields
Home loans Philadelphia Regional
Life Insurance Philadelphia
Military records Philadelphia
Military sexual trauma-related claims Philadelphia
Pre-discharge claims Philadelphia
Pre-need burial planning NA
Returning service member care Philadelphia Term also has VAMC and Vet Center fields
Transition assistance NA
Veterans Pension Philadelphia Regional
Veteran readiness and employment programs Philadelphia Term also has VAMC and Vet Center fields
VetSuccess on Campus Philadelphia

Regional = These are Services that I have drafted Regional service header & description fields for. My understanding is these are services that have regional centers that veterans can meaningfully interact with.

Field Notes for content reviewers
Show for VBA Facilities This is where the VBA fields begin
Type of care No review needed - the categories have been confirmed with VBA stakeholders
VBA description Many of these were previously copy-edited by CAIA & updated with feedback from VBA. Looking for final review on wording.
Regional service header Needs review from CAIA (wording)
Regional service description Needs review from CAIA (wording)
Facility service header Needs review from CAIA (wording)
Facility service description Needs review from CAIA (wording)
Online self-service Needs review from CAIA (wording & link)

How these Drupal fields will map to the Front End

VBA Content model_2023-12-11_23-17-13

Collaboration timeframe

We work on nearly every OCTO product and manage all unauthenticated content on, so we will need to prioritize intake requests based on overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Your timeline

Will you release this new product incrementally (for example, release to 25% of users to start)?

Note: If you checked yes, we’ll reach out to discuss details about the content in the react widget (we use these widgets to display entry points for new products to a certain percentage of users who visit our static pages). Please refer to this GitHub reference for dynamic content.


Describe where you are in your project's timeline.

We are beginning to pilot the Drupal CMS interface with a small group of VBA editors while we finish up building the front end. We would like to have more terms published so that editors can start adding Services to their Facilities by March 19.

Collaboration cycle

If you’re going through the collaboration cycle with the governance team, link to the ticket:

Note: We ask that you partner with us before scheduling your midpoint review, to ensure we can agree on a deliverable and that there's time for your team to make changes.

Phases Completed

Check any phases you’ve already completed:

Supporting artifacts

Please provide links to any supporting artifacts we might need to begin work. This can include your product outline, user flows, mockups and prototypes, draft content, etc.

Next steps


### VFS Team Tasks
- [ ] If you also need engineering support from the Public Websites team, fill out their [intake request form](
- [ ] If you need a page/URL redirected, a URL changed or a vanity URL set up, please submit a [Redirect, URL change, or vanity URL request](
- [ ] If you are creating an [experimental design,]( please [also contact the DST. ](
- [ ] If you are requesting [a11y support for user research,]( please complete this form, next.
- [x] If you are requesting content support, please share your content source of truth (preferably as a SharePoint document).
### a11y Tasks
### Content Tasks
### IA Tasks
### CAIA Ops
strelichl commented 7 months ago

@kristinoletmuskat Is the piece on how Drupal fields will map to the front end something that IA should review?

davidmpickett commented 7 months ago

@laurwill @strelichl Just want to call out that this ticket is still a draft and we're not quite ready for y'all to review (even the ones listed as ready for review). @mmiddaugh is currently getting final review from VBA stakeholders. We will be sure to ping you when we have a batch that are ready.

kristinoletmuskat commented 7 months ago

@strelichl I don't think IA needs to be involved in this one

davidmpickett commented 4 months ago

Updated the table here to reflect additional terms that are ready for final review

laurwill commented 3 months ago

Hey @davidmpickett sorry for delayed response here, just want to confirm that we only need to review the Drupal links in the top table here? There's some older sketch links lower down, are you in Figma at all now or just Drupal?

davidmpickett commented 3 months ago

Hi @laurwill, let me do a little cleanup on the links before you start. Drupal is the content source of truth, but the designs might be helpful for understanding them in context better. I can also add a link to a staged environment that will allow you to see them fully in context (when the environment isn't being temper mental)

laurwill commented 3 months ago

Great! That all sounds good — and do you have a timeline we should be aiming for for this review?

davidmpickett commented 2 months ago

@laurwill Sorry for the delay, was traveling last week. I just updated the chart in the ticket to include all the terms that are drafted in Drupal with direct links to Drupal source of truth and links to example content on a Tugboat for most terms. (Tugboat requires SOCKS access).

Should be ready for your review. Let me know if you have any questions

strelichl commented 2 months ago

@davidmpickett we have a couple questions before we start reviewing this, would you be available today at 4:15 ET to go over this together in our CAIA office hours?

davidmpickett commented 2 months ago

@strelichl I have a conflicting meeting at that time. I might be able to join if it ends early, but can't commit to that. Possible to async, or schedule a one-off call?

strelichl commented 2 months ago

@davidmpickett no problem, join us if you can otherwise I can find another time. Thanks!

strelichl commented 2 months ago

Noting from office hours: Content hasn't changed a ton and revisions are flagged in Drupal, so Laura has done the bulk of the review already! She'll try to review before Bloom's break July 4th week.

davidmpickett commented 2 months ago

@laurwill - here's a few screenshots for you to help with context. Let me know if you have any additional questions once you get in to it.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 3 42 54 PM

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 3 43 02 PM

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 3 43 40 PM

laurwill commented 2 months ago

Hey @davidmpickett , thanks again for all the very clear documentation here! Here's my list of questions and suggestions — I'm OOO next week, but happy to chat when I'm back on 7/8.

General Qs about Facility service description field

Compensation benefits for survivors

Direct deposit

Disability compensation

Education benefits for family members and Education benefits for Veterans

Home loans

Military records

Pre-discharge claims

Returning service member care & Transition assistance

Veterans Pension


VetSuccess on Campus

davidmpickett commented 2 months ago

Dave's scratchpad for implementation and responses

Term Name Changes

Service region task questions

Confirm with Michelle/VBA

Easy Peasy

mmiddaugh commented 2 months ago

Noting that we will need to update training materials and KB articles to reflect any changes

davidmpickett commented 2 months ago

@laurwill Thank you for your very thorough review! I was able to implement most of your suggestions. There are three lingering actions items, but those will be handled in other tickets:

Stakeholder questions for @mmiddaugh

I think we're good to close this ticket when you're back in the office @laurwill

cc @jilladams @Agile6MSkinner for awareness

mmiddaugh commented 2 months ago

Returning service member care & Transition assistance

These seem to be the same. What’s the difference between these? Do they ever appear on the same facility page? "I believe the distinction is that "returning service members" may not be ending their military career, and are eligible for certain benefits between service period, whereas "transition assistance" is really for those who are fully transitioning to civilian life. There are subtle, but important distinctions in how they interact with VBA, which is why we're splitting them up." - @davidmpickett

Confirming @davidmpickett's response - these are viewed as distinct populations with slightly different needs. In particular, "restarting benefits" was a significant nuance for VBA stakeholders. The stakeholders also confirmed that the naming conventions would be understood by their audience but I'm open to suggestions on how to better distinguish these services.

mmiddaugh commented 2 months ago

VetSuccess on Campus

mmiddaugh commented 2 months ago

Regional service descriptions

Please let us know if you have other recommendations to hep us thread that needle.