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Updates to Form introduction template #74785

Open laurwill opened 7 months ago

laurwill commented 7 months ago

This ticket tracks suggested updates to the Introduction template page in VADS. I referred to Danielle's Word document and the GH file from 2022.

[H2] About

The form introduction page introduces the process the Veteran or other beneficiary will follow to apply for a benefit or to complete a supporting form. The form intro page does 3 things:

Since people can navigate directly to this page from outside, this intro page should include basic information they need to understand if this is the correct form.

[H2] Variations

There are 2 variations of the Introduction page:

Both variations mostly follow the same structure. The only difference is the section after the intro:

[H2] Structure

[H3] Title, subtitle, and intro

Plain language title


Intro paragraph

[H3] For applications — process list

1. Check your eligibility


Check our eligibility requirements before you apply. If you think you may be eligible, but you're not sure, we encourage you to apply. Find out if you're eligible for VA health care benefits

2. Gather your information

Example intros to bulleted lists of information and documents:

3. Start your application


What happens after you apply [additional info component header] We process health care applications within about a week. We’ll send you a letter in the mail with our decision.

[H3] For non-applications — what to know section

[H2] Sign-in widget, prefill alert, or "continue saved form" alert

Dynamically display one of these options. Sign-in widgets and prefill alerts should appear directly under the process list or "what to know" section. The "continue saved form" alert should appear above the process list or "what to know" section, because the person has already gotten that information when they started the form in a past session. Note: The sign-in and prefill variations assume that the form prefills information for people who are signed in to

[H3] If the person is already signed in

If the person has no saved forms, use the standard prefill alert component.

If the person has saved forms, use the "Continue your form" alert.

[H2] You have a form in progress You last saved your [Full Name of VA Form (VA Form ##)] on [date and time]. You can continue filling out this form with your saved information until [expiration date]. If you don't submit your form by that date, you'll need to start over.

[button] Continue your form

[text link] Start a new form

[H3] If the person is not signed in yet

Choose the correct sign-in widget for your form. Note: The alert component page has examples of sign-in widget alerts, but we're currently updating our guidance for sign-in and verification widgets in online forms. Check back here for updates, and in the meantime reach out to the Sitewide CAIA team in our sitewide-content-accessibility-ia slack channel for support.

[H2] OMB information

OMB information is a component that appears at the bottom of the page. The information to fill the component is taken from the paper form (or provided by a VA stakeholder).

[H2] Need help

The Need help component is a footer that appears on the bottom of every page of the form. This content lets people know how to get additional help with the form or the benefits.

laurwill commented 6 months ago

Hi @DanielleThierryUSDSVA , these suggested updates to the form intro page template are ready for your review. Rather than putting the sign-in widget variations on this page, I linked to another ticket where I'm suggesting that we add sign-in widgets as a standalone component in VADS. Let me know what you think of that approach!

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 5 months ago

@laurwill This is excellent! I made some minor edits that we chatted about in slack and also dropped a Q for you in slack. And then this is good to go from my perspective!

laurwill commented 5 months ago

Thanks so much @DanielleThierryUSDSVA ! I made that tweak we discussed in the "check eligibility" section.

laurwill commented 5 months ago

Hello @humancompanion-usds ,

Here's the suggested updates to the form intro template page in VADS. I've left a note about adding guidance specific to the sign-in widgets — when the new sign-in component page is ready, we can replace that note with a link to that page.

Let me know if you need anything else!

humancompanion-usds commented 1 month ago

The updates to the guidance have already gone out so I'd like to prioritize this. Will put it into my list for Carol.

megzehn commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for merging the PR for this, @humancompanion-usds!

I wanted to follow up with 2 more next steps before we close this.

  1. I made some minor formatting and copy tweaks in this PR. Could you take a look and merge when you have a minute?

  2. Could your team update the screenshots and Figma files for the first 2 examples on the introduction template page (Unauthenticated and authenticated application)?

Under the process list in the first 2 examples:

If there's anything we can do to help with the second request, let me know. Thanks so much.

megzehn commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @caw310,

I saw Matthew mentioned you as someone who might be looking at this issue and wanted to loop you in.

Could you merge this PR with some minor copy edits to the form intro page that's live?

I also put updates for Figma in the comment above. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!!

babsdenney commented 2 weeks ago

@megzehn I approved the PR, thank you for submitting that. I'm working with the Forms team to figure out if we can get these Figma changes completed now or if we will have to work on it later.

megzehn commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you, @babsdenney!!

CC @laurwill for awareness

babsdenney commented 2 weeks ago

@megzehn @laurwill We are going to hold off making the changes to the forms introduction template till we have finished publishing the current changes to the templates and patterns library which should be complete by next week. We have this work queued up to complete in Sprint 9 or 10. Here is the ticket for the Figma work 3205

We will let you know once we are able to begin work on this and keep you in the loop for review once it is complete.