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Global Iconography changes #75709

Open caw310 opened 4 months ago

caw310 commented 4 months ago


Original RFC

This initiative tracks the progress of sunsetting Formation in favor of the new CSS Library which will house all of the styles (element selectors, utility classes, variables, tokens, etc) imports and uses. There are 4 high level steps in this migration:

  1. Set up CSS Library so it's maintained separately from the component library.
  2. Migrate global base styles from Formation to CSS Library
  3. Migrate application utility class usage
  4. Archive Formation

High Level User Story/ies As a VFS team member, I want the VA design system iconography to be up-to-date so that my apps are using the USWDS icons.

Hypothesis or Bet If we update the icons globally, all apps will be using the USWDS inconography so all VFS team apps are using the USWDS icons so there is consistency across

OKR Quarterly Operations and Maintenance Delivery - (Q1) FY Q2 2024

Definition of done What must be true in order for you to consider this epic complete? We have updated the VA DS to USWDS icons.

humancompanion-usds commented 2 months ago

The goal is to make va-icon available to all teams by next Wednesday 5/1. We're having some environment/build difficulties that are delaying this. Once that component is working will officially ask teams to start using it and migrate to the USWDS icon set. The deadline for switching will be 6/19, which will officially mark the day we can declare victory on upgrading to USWDS v3!!!!

humancompanion-usds commented 2 months ago

Iconography: Start moving to USWDS icon set as of Wednesday May 1st, deadline to shift Wednesday June 19th

caw310 commented 1 month ago

Q2 Update