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[ARF] ARP Authentication (Sign-in/Sign-up) Pilot #75746

Open gabezurita opened 4 months ago

gabezurita commented 4 months ago

Product Outline

Link TBD

High-Level User Story

As a VSOfficer: I require a secure login system to verify my accreditation and identity in order to protect Veterans’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI).


Reduce the time it takes for Veterans to find, use, and receive VA services.

Definition of done

What must be true for you to consider this epic complete?

nihil2501 commented 3 months ago

Proof of concept

Auth Epic

The below tickets are essentially in order within the frontend and backend sections.



gabezurita commented 3 months ago

Reviewer note: Issues in this epic require significant detail. We'll flesh them out on a just-in-time basis as they enter sprints.

gabezurita commented 3 months ago

I updated the below issue, which should be the final issue for the ARP engine auth backend:

We'll need to complete the React App epic before starting the frontend auth work!

gabezurita commented 2 months ago

ARP Authentication Flow (as it relates to accept/deny POA) - source thread:

  1. RepUser authenticates on ARP.
  2. ARP module backend stores user attribute data from credentials in a backend model.
  3. ARP module backend uses RepUser attribute data from credentials to query LightHouse for associated veterans (or veteran requests for association).
  4. If the Rep approves or denies the veteran's request for association, the action calls are made to lighthouse APIs. Lighthouse databases store (or send the relevant approval/denial to the appropriate downstream system)
gabezurita commented 3 weeks ago

Making good progress! That said, a few new issues have come to light: