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Hybrid Microservices Architecture #76011

Open jennb33 opened 4 months ago

jennb33 commented 4 months ago

Product Outline



This epic captures our strategic shift from a Rails monolithic framework to a hybrid microservices architecture. This transformation aims to streamline development autonomy across VFS (Veteran-Facing Services) teams and facilitate the isolation of distinct application functionalities. Automation will be pivotal to the seamless integration and operation of monolithic and microservices components within our ecosystem.


Key Benefits

Enhanced Scalability

Leveraging microservices enables targeted scaling of application components, isolation and optimizing both resource utilization and operational costs.

Accelerated Development Velocity

The independence afforded by microservices architecture allows teams to rapidly develop, test, and deploy, significantly speeding up release cycles.

Technological Flexibility

Microservices architecture facilitates the exploration and adoption of new technologies within isolated components, without necessitating broad architectural overhauls.

Increased System Resilience

Isolating services limits the scope of potential failures, thereby improving the overall resilience and reliability of the system.


  1. Assessment and Strategy Formulation

    • Conduct a comprehensive review of the current application to pinpoint potential microservice candidates.
    • Clearly define service boundaries and delineate responsibilities.
    • Draft a detailed migration and implementation roadmap.
  2. Infrastructure and Tooling Configuration

    • Establish a Kubernetes based infrastructure to host the microservices.
    • Identify and configure essential tools for CI/CD, along with monitoring and logging systems.
  3. Pilot Microservice Implementation

    • Select a low-risk module for initial migration to validate the microservices model.
    • Develop, test, and deploy the pilot, refining infrastructure and operational practices based on learnings.
  4. Systematic Component Migration

    • Methodically migrate identified components to microservices, prioritizing based on complexity and impact.
    • Implement effective inter-service communication protocols and service discovery mechanisms.
  5. Automation and CI/CD Optimization

    • Automate deployment workflows for each microservice to facilitate continuous delivery.
    • Implement comprehensive monitoring and alerting systems for both individual services and the collective architecture.
    • Create automation for VFS (and internal) teams to leverage for the creation and maintenance of a given microservice.
    • Ideas for automation: helm charts, datadog charts, CI/CD, Argo configurations, logging, app specific (rails) defaults, etc.
  6. Knowledge Sharing and Documentation

    • Thoroughly document architectural decisions, design paradigms, and operational procedures.
    • Host educational sessions for development teams to share microservices best practices and operational insights.
  7. Performance Evaluation and Refinement

    • Monitor the system’s performance and gather feedback from development teams.
    • Continuously adjust practices, tools, and service designs based on empirical evidence and team insights.

Challenges and Strategic Considerations

High Level User Story/ies

As a developer, I need to transition our application from a monolithic architecture to a hybrid microservices architecture so I can enable individual teams to deploy updates faster, reduce overall system downtime, and improve scalability.

Hypothesis or Bet

If we restructure our application into a hybrid microservices architecture then we expect to achieve faster feature deployment times, product/application isolation, lower the risk of system-wide failures during updates, and enhance our application's scalability to handle growing user demand.


O2. Our platforms are the best way to deliver products at VA OKR 1: Our platforms hit the "elite" level (as defined by DORA) on Deployment Frequency, Lead Time for Changes, Change Failure Rate, and Time to Restore Service.

Definition of done

Definition of Done

Take into consideration Accessibility/QA needs as well as Product, Technical, and Design requirements.

jennb33 commented 3 months ago

@LindseySaari we need to communicate this to Jeff K and see what other ideas need to be included in this Epic and that he is aligned with it. Jeff should also perhaps synch with Bill to make sure we are breaking the right pieces into Microservices. Aparna to make sure that Bill and Jeff are in alignment.