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EVSS PCIU Migration: Step 2: Form VA21p530 - initialize_contact_information #76170

Open RachalCassity opened 4 months ago

RachalCassity commented 4 months ago

FormData.initialize_contact_informationprefills contact information with PCIU data.
Coverband is showing a lot of data. This will have to be tested when migrating to VAProfile. PCIU references need to be removed.

  def initialize_contact_information
    opt = {}
    opt.merge!(vets360_contact_info_hash) if vet360_contact_info
    opt[:address] ||= user_address_hash
    opt[:email] ||= extract_pciu_data(:pciu_email)
    if opt[:home_phone].nil?
      opt[:home_phone] = pciu_primary_phone
      opt[:us_phone] = pciu_us_phone


RachalCassity commented 2 months ago

Task Determine if the /claimant-information endpoint still active? The claimant-information url is still relevant. A form, that uses this endpoint, was created six days ago in this PR.

LindseySaari commented 2 months ago

@RachalCassity I was able to get ahold of the OpenAPI docs for the Contact Info. Just load it into Otherwise we have to be on the network to access the docs

jennb33 commented 2 months ago

Per @RachalCassity : Setup a remote branch in the vets-api. Waiting for the meeting with VA Profile to answer questions.

RachalCassity commented 2 months ago

Reached out to Veteran Facing Forms in this slack thread

RachalCassity commented 2 months ago

Waiting to hear back from VFF. Form Profile Spec is illegible and the prefill settings do not accurately follow what the settings are in other environments. I'm going through each form and fixing the prefill data and removing unnecessary prefill methods.

RachalCassity commented 2 months ago

Logs were added to ensure VAProfile Contact Info has been merged for all users. Logs will be monitored for the next sprint before removing PCIU references.

RachalCassity commented 2 months ago

These logs are showing that user data has not been merged into VAProfile. PCIU data will have to be merged to VAProfile before we can depreciate PCIU.

Made this ticket to address the missing VAProfile data here.

Ticket can be closed after stand up.

jennb33 commented 2 months ago

Tom has been trying to talk to VAProfile with no luck. @RachalCassity initially thought that another team would be taking this over. She has been trying to coordinate with all the other teams, and it has been a lift. At this point, it's better for our team to do the work and beg forgiveness. Going forward, we are going to be responsible for migrating the code in the base classes.

According to @LindseySaari there are a couple of things that will have to be migrating:

Step 0) PCIU and VA Profile need to sync Step 1) Migrate the data (base classes) over into VA Profile and not PCIU Step 2) There’s code that’s on V1 and needs to be on V2 or V3

RachalCassity commented 2 months ago

@jennb33 @LindseySaari Ticket created for VAProfile:

jennb33 commented 2 months ago

Rolling this ticket into Sprint 52; we need to have a plan for how to proceed with this EVSS PCIU work since it has been too difficult trying to parse this work and identify the correct owners. cc: @LindseySaari @RachalCassity