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VA Notify Business Intake Form for Lighthouse Benefits Claims API #76277

Open klwatanabe opened 7 months ago

klwatanabe commented 7 months ago

Your Details

  1. Your Name Kayla Watanabe, Product Manager, Lighthouse Benefits Claims API ​

  2. Business Line Claims (Power of Attorney) ​

    Notification Details

  3. Notification type Email

  4. Please describe your use case. We are building new services for Veterans to request an Accredited Representative as their Power of Attorney (POA). These services will replace existing Stakeholder Enterprise Portal (SEP) functionality. We want to send an email notification to the Veteran when their POA is successfully updated or if the request is denied by the Accredited Representative. ​

  5. What actions can the user take based on the notification they receive? If the POA is successfully updated, they can then start working with that POA to assist with their claims. If the request is denied, they can look for a different Accredited Representative. ​

  6. What is the desired business outcome? ​To provide clear visibility to the Veteran and awareness of who has access to their claim data, and to enable Veterans to work with their Power of Attorney as soon as possible. ​

  7. What system will kick off the notification? Please note the system should be inside the VA or have an ATO. Power of Attorney notifications will be kicked off from Lighthouse (VA API) ​

  8. What will trigger the notification? Scenario 1: The Power of Attorney appointment is successfully updated for the Veteran Scenario 2: Accredited Representative denies the request ​

  9. Provide sample content per notification type, if you have it. n/a - We do not have this yet.

  10. Has a Privacy Officer (PO) seen and approved the content? If not, do you know who your PO is? n/a - We do not have the notification content yet. ​

  11. Would you prefer to provide contact information for the recipients or would you rather VA Notify look this up for you by Veteran ID? If by ID, please let us know what identifier is used in your system. We will have the Veteran's ICN and would prefer to send the ICN as an identifier to VA Notify. ​

  12. Do you currently capture communication preferences related to this notification? If so, please describe. No, we do not capture any related communication preferences. ​

  13. What is the anticipated volume of notifications per day, week, month? We are expecting approximately 1400 notifications per month for Power of Attorney updates and request denials. ​

  14. When does this notification need to be in production? We are targeting May 2024 for our production release.

Note: Lighthouse (VA API) has an existing VA Notify integration for Appeals notifications. Can we use the existing Lighthouse API key for our Power of Attorney notifications?

bevnobev commented 7 months ago

Hi @klwatanabe If the new notification will live in your current Lighthouse service, then please use your existing api key. Let us know if any team members need access our self service UI to create the template.

klwatanabe commented 7 months ago

Thanks, @bevnobev! Just to clarify - the new notifications will still be from a Lighthouse service, but coming from a separate API. The existing notification comes from the Decision Review API. The new notifications would be coming from Benefits Claims API.

Could we get access to the self service UI for myself and our team's engineering lead, @FonzMP?

Thanks for your help with this!

bevnobev commented 7 months ago

Got it! Both user have access to the Lighthouse service in Would your team be interested in setting up callbacks for the new notifications? Callbacks are a way to get delivery status notifications for each email sent

klwatanabe commented 6 months ago

Thanks, @bevnobev! Yes, we would be interested in setting up callbacks for these notifications as well.

mjones-oddball commented 6 months ago

Hi, @klwatanabe Your team can learn more about delivery status callbacks here: Please let us know if you have any questions.

When ready they can send an encrypted email to our tech lead, Kyle (@k-macmillan) at with the url and bearer token.

klwatanabe commented 6 months ago

Sounds great. Thanks, @mjones-oddball!

FonzMP commented 5 months ago

hey all, I was curious if I could get some Dash team members added to the staging environment / SSUI.

@mchristiansonVA , @rockwellwindsor-va , @acovrig , @stiehlrod

bevnobev commented 5 months ago

Can you drop their email addresses below? cc: @GitSamJennings

rockwellwindsor-va commented 5 months ago

Mine is -

FonzMP commented 5 months ago

Matt C: Austin C: Jennica S:

GitSamJennings commented 5 months ago

You should all have Editor access to the Lighthouse Service in Staging, as well as Viewer access in Production to the same service. Thanks!

mjones-oddball commented 1 month ago

@klwatanabe Do y'all have any updates on timing for this launch, or is the notification work on hold? Let us know if you need anything :)

klwatanabe commented 2 days ago

Hi, @mjones-oddball - so sorry I missed your last comment! This work has been on hold pending some technical design decisions, but we expect it to pick back up soon.

We have a new team member that will also need access to this project. Could you help us get editor access for Tyler Coleman? His github is @tycol7, and VA email is

GitSamJennings commented 2 days ago

Hi @klwatanabe! I have added Tyler to VA Notify's Portal.

klwatanabe commented 2 days ago

Thanks, @GitSamJennings!