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Epic | Profile | Profile design patterns #77428

Open andaleliz opened 4 months ago

andaleliz commented 4 months ago


As we iterate on the profile, and teams contribute products, we're increasing the risk for inconsistent patterns and the LOE required for maintenance (on FE and for design). Let's think about how we might streamline things.

Areas of opportunity:

Important Artifacts


### Tasks
- [ ] #78460
- [ ] #82669
- [ ] #82672
- [ ] #82684
- [ ] #82688
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andaleliz commented 3 months ago

We had a productive meeting with Matt Dingee today and talked about 4 areas of the profile to improve. I think breaking up the work as follows makes sense. The task items could be tickets for practioniners, and I added notes as bullets where relevant. @mtcA6 lmk what you think.

Section containers

Heading variations

Intro text

Null state or empty values in sections, when nothing is present for a piece of data

adamwhitlock1 commented 3 months ago

Allison might be able to lend a hand with the card variations with heading since she created the original card and got it added to the design system. If she can't I'm happy to jump into that ticket when it comes time.

Great work summarizing the main points and I think each of these items could lead to a better experience on the profile long term. 🚀

mtcA6 commented 3 months ago

I'll discuss next steps w/Chante when she's back in on Monday.

mtcA6 commented 3 months ago

@andaleliz I discussed this with @clantosswett

Are you able to rank these in order of how impactful these will be for the profile and design system? (or are they ranked that way already) I think we'd want to start with whichever one will lend the most impact back to the design system.

I don't think we approach this as a total outright rework of the profile. What do I mean by this? The way I view us working through this is:

I think it's also worth setting up some time to discuss in more detail how we coordinate with Matt and the design system. I wasn't fully clear (and wasn't really able to explain to Chante) on what that back-and-forth might look like nor exactly how incorporating the tokens he mentioned would support this work. Do we make the changes and feed them back to the design system? Does the design system make the changes we ask/recommend and those automagically flow into the components we're already using?

andaleliz commented 3 months ago

Thanks @mtcA6! That general approach makes sense.

Are you able to rank these in order of how impactful these will be for the profile and design system? (or are they ranked that way already)

They're not ranked in a specific way, and I can definitely do that. I would also suggest adding "impact to users" as something we should consider as part of the evaluation process. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "impactful for the profile" though? I'm interpreting "impactful to the design system" as meaning something they'd find valuable because other teams can use them too, or because it's something they want to do but don't have bandwidth for.

I think it's also worth setting up some time to discuss in more detail how we coordinate with Matt and the design system.

We certainly can, though it's well-documented here and I don't know that I can explain it better than this. The short story is that we make changes, and propose them back to the design system. Usually they'll accept it as a "use with caution" component until we can sufficiently validate it through research. There is not a clear definition on what's sufficient though.

mtcA6 commented 3 months ago

@andaleliz yep in everything we do, I hope, we're always considering the impact to our users.

Regarding your questions around the "impact to profile", you yourself said "This could have big implications for the design of profile" so I take that to mean some of these will impact broader swaths of the profile than others, and, I expect, may result in more design and dev work.

As for how you rank, incorporate what you feel makes the most sense. My comments on this ticket shouldn't be the end-all-be-all of how you're ranking things. I was giving context but that's not ever going to be exhaustive so feel empowered to incorporate whatever parameters you find pertinent for ranking which of these design patterns you recommend we should work first.

Thanks for linking to the process. Process documentation always feels a bit flat, when we discuss this next I'd like to hear your thoughts on how you want to navigate completing the design work and incorporating the myriad of steps called out in the documentation as part of this effort. Since this VA process is new to me, I'll need your expertise and guidance on when we incorporate which piece into our stories.

andaleliz commented 3 months ago

@mtcA6 sounds good. I can think about this more in the sprint after the one starting today, once my current research study is wrapped up.

andaleliz commented 1 month ago

Hi @mtcA6 I've created 4 tickets and added them to this epic. I've prioritized the section containers and null states for the next sprint, and then the intro text and heading variations to the following sprint (they should be labeled accordingly, but lmk if not).

My thinking is that the section container work will have the most impact to veterans, our team, and the DS team because streamlining that will improve the UX, reduce code, and potentially give us 2 things to contribute back to the DS team.

Next, I think addressing the null state inconsistency will also provide a lot of value for improving the UX by reducing the number of alerts we're using, cleaning up content, and establishing a consistent pattern which will reduce cognitive load.

The 2 issues for the June sprint will also be impactful, to be sure, but are less widespread so they're a little lower priority.

andaleliz commented 3 weeks ago

@mtcA6 just a heads up, I've unassigned myself from this epic and related tickets, knowing I won't get to these in my last week.