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[CAIA Intake] Pension Benefits Form: Direct Deposit Design and Content Updates #77464

Open gmaciolek opened 4 months ago

gmaciolek commented 4 months ago

Content, accessibility, information architecture (CAIA) new initiative collaboration request

Use this ticket to start collaboration on a new initiative with the sitewide content, accessibility, and information architecture (CAIA) team.

Note: If you’re already partnering with us on an initiative, you don't need to fill out this request form. If you don’t have access to your initiative’s CAIA epic, post a message in the #sitewide-content-accessibility-ia slack channel and tag @Terry Nichols and @Lily Strelich.

About your team

About your initiative

Which of these descriptions best fits the work we’ll partner on?

Select all that apply.

What's the nature of your initiative and desired outcomes?

We're adding content to the direct deposit information step of the Veterans pension form, related to recent direct deposit changes.

Collaboration timeframe

Note: We work on nearly every OCTO product and manage all unauthenticated content on, so we will need to prioritize intake requests based on overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Is this work tied to a Congressional mandate, change in law or policy, or upcoming event with a specific deadline?

Where are you at in your timeline?

Tell us briefly about what you're working on now (such as initial discovery, wireframing, or usability research planning) and add any known dates for upcoming milestones or deadlines.

We're drafting content and creating updated designs in anticipation of the April 20th deadline described on the Change your VA direct deposit information

Collaboration cycle

Which phases of the collaboration cycle have you completed?

Select all that apply.

Collaboration cycle ticket

If you’re going through the collaboration cycle, provide your ticket number and link:

Supporting artifacts

Provide links to any supporting artifacts that can help us better understand your initiative and begin collaboration. Include artifacts like your product outline, user flows, mockups and prototypes, or any draft content.

Next steps


### VFS team tasks
- [ ] **If you also need engineering support from the public websites team**, fill out their intake request form as well.<br> [Open a public websites intake request](
- [ ] **If you're requesting a page/URL redirect, a URL change, or a vanity URL**, submit an additional request for this work. <br> [Open a redirect, URL change, or vanity URL request](
- [ ] **If you're creating an experimental design**, also contact the design system team. <br> [Read more about experimental designs]( <br> [Suggest an addition or update to the design system team](
- [ ] **If you're requesting a11y support for usability research**, submit a research support request next. <br> [Open an a11y research support request](
- [ ] **If you are requesting content support**, please share your content source of truth (preferably as a SharePoint document).
### CAIA operations
- [x] Initial Review - @coforma-terry and @strelichl
- [x] Schedule kick-off meeting with team 3/6/2024
### CAIA a11y tasks
- [ ]
- [x] Attend Kickoff 3/6/2024
- [x]
- [ ]
- [ ] Inquire about research
### CAIA content tasks
- [ ]
### CAIA IA tasks
coforma-terry commented 4 months ago

Hi @gmaciolek - I think it makes sense to schedule a kickoff for this work - would you be available next Wed (March 6th) at 12:00 PM ET?


gmaciolek commented 4 months ago

Hi @coforma-terry, Sorry I missed this the other day! I'm booked from 12-1:30 on Wednesday, but any time earlier or later works. (And, if 12PM ET is what works best on your end, I can make that work.)

katherine-fung commented 4 months ago

Hey @gmaciolek @vbellissimo @buddhima-coforma,

I see that our kickoff call is tomorrow at 2pm ET. Looking forward to it!

For context, here's a write up about the CAIA kickoff process. It also includes some info about "What is CAIA?" and who the team members are:

gmaciolek commented 4 months ago

Update re: timing/priority

From Julie Strothman:

We’re hoping to get content added to the 527 and 526 by 3/20-ish. While the change in payments won’t occur until 4/20, this change affects everyone who submits a claim before then as well.

For example:

  • I currently receive GI Bill payments in the checking acct I use for auto bill pay
  • I submit a 526 next week and list my savings account for direct deposit
  • I get an award and without warning my GI Bill payments are switched to my savings account
  • I incur late or overdraft fees because I wasn’t aware that my GI Bill payments stopped going to my auto-pay checking account
sara-amanda commented 4 months ago

Additional Information Component

[!CAUTION] Screen Reader Accessibility Bug: It looks like there is a bug out there currently with this additional information component, just an FYI

Additional Information for the Additional Information Component

  • Storybook: Re: Additional Info
  • Placement: Re: Additional Info

    Usage of Additional Information Component

    The following are places where Additional info can be used:

  • After a header (h2, h3, h4) or paragraph to provide orthogonal details or provide an answer to a common question.
  • Within a Process list to shorten the length of content within a step.
  • Within a Form to provide additional help text.
  • Whenever there is a chance to enhance the understanding a user has about a particular choice. Usage in Forms
  • Clarifying a form question: If a form question needs clarification, and that clarification is brief, use Additional info. The lighter design prevents breaking up the visual progression as the user navigates the form. These can also serve as alternative to where accordions feel too heavy. If a form is a conversation, Additional info would be considered an aside. (This case study on structuring complex health care questions for goes into greater detail on how to structure your form as a conversation.)
gmaciolek commented 4 months ago

Dropping in with an additional request from Julie Strothman: She has asked that we also add copy to the confirmation page of the form. I think it could reiterate whatever we end up saying on the direct deposit page about the direct deposit/bank account change.

The confirmation page is the last thing the user sees after submitting the form and they’re also prompted on that page to print it for their records, so it does seem like a good idea to reiterate the impact that updating their bank account information in the pension form may have on their other benefit payments.

I added the confirmation page to the designs in Figma with a shot-in-the dark idea of how/where to include this information. Please let me know if this late-breaking request can't be included in this effort by 3/11. Thank you!

katherine-fung commented 4 months ago

Thanks @gmaciolek!

A question about the direct deposit content on the confirmation page:

Does the team plan to show the content to all pension applicants, or just people who have entered bank deposit information? If we show it to everyone, we'll think about addressing just the people who entered accounts.

shannonkford commented 3 months ago

Thanks @gmaciolek!

A question about the direct deposit content on the confirmation page:

Does the team plan to show the content to all pension applicants, or just people who have entered bank deposit information? If we show it to everyone, we'll think about addressing just the people who entered accounts.

@katherine-fung and @gmaciolek I don't know if you chatted about this already, but we are hoping the confirmation page might catch the few people who would have started the form before the change, set it aside, and then returned to the form after the change, but who also do not revisit the DD page again.

gmaciolek commented 3 months ago

@shannonkford the language on the confirmation page alert is generic enough to apply to any scenario. So, if someone returns to the form after some time away and submits it, they will see message in an alert:

[h3] If we approve your application for pension benefits and you provided a bank account for direct deposit, we'll use that account for all your VA benefit payments[/h3]

That means we'll update your direct deposit information for all your VA benefit payments. We'll deposit any payments you may receive for pension or education benefits directly into the bank account you provided in this application.

We’re making this change to help protect you from fraud and to make sure we can pay you on time, every time, without error.

I thought about displaying different alerts depending on whether or not they entered information, but that added technical complexity and would probably require some additional discovery to figure out the right messaging for the scenario when they don't provide bank account info. We decided to write generic messaging for this first pass at getting the information added quickly.

gmaciolek commented 3 months ago

@coforma-terry The updated designs and copy have been approved and our engineers are going to start working on implementing the changes.

Do you have guidance on what the URLs should be for the 2 new pages that have been added with these updates?

jennymayoco commented 3 months ago

Hi @gmaciolek! Here is our general guidance for sub-URLs:

In the context of forms or subtask flows, sub-urls are distinct from the base URL and usually point to questions or tasks within a larger flow.

Subtask URL slugs should be short, plain language, and drawn from the H1 if possible.

Were you looking for support in creating URLs for the new pages in the form flow or for vetting ones you have put together?

gmaciolek commented 3 months ago

@jennymayoco Thanks for the guidance! With that in mind, I put together the following. Let me know what you think of these URLs:

The numbers reference the frame titles for each page in the Figma file.

jennymayoco commented 3 months ago

@gmaciolek thank you for sharing the URLs! I'm taking a look at these with our other IA specialist and can share back feedback tomorrow. Would that work?

gmaciolek commented 3 months ago

That's perfect, thanks!

jennymayoco commented 3 months ago

@gmaciolek can you tell me more about the decision to add /additional-information to the URL? Is it for tracking analytics?

The reason for my question is because adding /additional-informationwithout a page that has info is creating an empty-subdirectory. So if a user were to go to /pension/application/527EZ/additional-information, they would get a 404. Based on this, we'd recommend removing that segment from the URL and so it would look like this:

gmaciolek commented 3 months ago

@jennymayoco I don't know much about the original decision because I wasn't involved in those conversations, but I can find out more if you need that information. "Additional information" is "chapter" 6 of 7 for the form. Chapter 6 includes Direct deposit, Uploading supporting documents, and a question about fully developed claims. (I'm not sure if Chapter is the right form terminology for the different sections of a form.)

jennymayoco commented 3 months ago

@gmaciolek thanks for the background! That makes sense with how "Additional information" is represented in the designs. We would recommend removing /additional-information from the URLs as it sounds like "additional information" is the name of the section title for a group of questions. Since there isn't any info on this page /pension/application/527EZ/additional-information/, it would create an empty subdirectory and users would get a 404

gmaciolek commented 3 months ago

This would be a departure from how all of our other URLs are structured. I will check with my team to see if what you're suggesting aligns with guidance in our collaboration cycle reviews that we haven't implemented yet.

Can we implement the URLs with /additional-information included for the purposes of making this update and then revisit whether or not we need to update the URL structure of every form page to remove the section title for groups of questions

jennymayoco commented 3 months ago

@gmaciolek would we be able to get a list of the pension form URLs?

gmaciolek commented 3 months ago

@jennymayoco Here you go:

/introduction applicant/information applicant/mail-address applicant/contact military/history military/general military/general/add military/pow medical/history/age medical/history/social-security-disability medical/history/condition medical/history/nursing-home medical/history/nursing/medicaid medical/history/nursing/medicaid/status medical/history/monthly-pension medical/history/va-treatment medical/history/va-treatment/medical-centers medical/history/federal-treatment medical/history/federal-treatment/medical-centers employment/current employment/current/history employment/previous/history household/marital-status household/marriage-info household/marriages/:index household/spouse-info household/marital-status/separated household/marital-status/separated/spouse-address household/marital-status/separated/spouse-monthly-support household/marital-status/spouse-marital-history household/marital-status/spouse-marriages household/dependents household/dependents/add household/dependents/children/information/:index household/dependents/children/inhousehold/:index household/dependents/children/address/:index financial/total-net-worth financial/net-worth-estimation financial/transferred-assets financial/home-ownership financial/home-ownership/acres financial/home-ownership/acres/value financial/land-marketable financial/receives-income financial/income-sources financial/care-expenses financial/care-expenses/add financial/medical-expenses financial/medical-expenses/add additional-information/direct-deposit additional-information/supporting-documents additional-information/document-upload additional-information/faster-claim-processing /review-and-submit /confirmation

jennymayoco commented 3 months ago

@gmaciolek thank you for sharing the list! We're good to move forward with the proposed URLs with /additional-information in there and we can revisit the URL structure at a later time.