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Add Redis caching to PreferredName / demographics call #79853

Open wesrowe opened 3 months ago

wesrowe commented 3 months ago

Blocked: AuthExp team is moving Profile from v2 to v3, this should accomplish most of the work scoped in this ticket. They're planning to deliver by end of July (as of 6/13)


User story

As a Cartography team member, I want the REST client on vets-api to cache calls to the demographics service on the Profile API, so that the service only receives one request per user session regardless of how many pages are viewed.


Possible tasks:

Acceptance criteria

wesrowe commented 4 weeks ago

I'm pretty sure we meant to pull this into the sprint – it wasn't supposed to be in Ready still. Moving to in progress.

dcloud commented 4 weeks ago

Since the preferred name work was reverted per, I'm looking for things caching-related, but came across some relevant policy code that I will cross-post on the policy ticket:

dcloud commented 3 weeks ago

Notes from mtg with Tom

Platform work

Platform support team is making changes to VAProfile code to migrate to v3 service to get contact information. This will use the API endpoint where you ask for multiple pieces of information in one call: we should piggyback off that.

It might not make sense to proceed on this ticket if Platform is building essentially the same thing. Rachel Cassity from Platform is likely the point person for the Platform effort: department-of-veterans-affairs/

Epic: department-of-veterans-affairs/

Caching strategy

If we have the V3::ProfileInformation::Service in place, then we can cache that call. We'd probably invalidate the cached data object when one data attribute is changed, such as preffered_name, gender_identity, etc.

We could invalidate per data attribute, but we'd need additional code to manager per-attribute caching, changing the API call, etc., and we think the added complexity is not worthwhile.

Ideally caching and invalidation would be handled at the service level, so the VAProfileService would handle that logic for calling code

Next Steps


wesrowe commented 3 weeks ago

Refinement 6/12: Daniel and Tom to get clarity on timeline in the next couple days.

dcloud commented 3 weeks ago

Per Tom H., the platform product team is doing prep work for department-of-veterans-affairs/ in this sprint, and have the upgrade work scheduled

dcloud commented 2 weeks ago

It looks like was moved into the current sprint today