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Refresh Domo Data Dictionaries w/ GA4 Changes #79996

Open johnny-jesensky-adhoc opened 2 months ago

johnny-jesensky-adhoc commented 2 months ago


With the new GA4 data model being different than UA, we will need to update our data dictionaries to reflect some of the GA4 calculations.


Acceptance Criteria

Data dictionary pages on Platform Website have been updated with a review, a GA4-changes column, and a team review, for the following Platform Website data dictionary pages

dorseypa1 commented 2 months ago

It is too early to refine this ticket. We an additional ticket(s) between this ticket and the GA4 Discovery: Research on Key Events within GA4 ticket that involves defining how the metrics are determined intra-team before we can share how our users can understand them in the reports. More detail from @jestutt . We will create a ticket named 'Build V1 of GA4 Team Data Dictionary' and Jamie will work with Johnny fill it in.