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[CAIA Intake] Disability Benefits: 526EZ - Updates to PTSD and MST questions #80870

Open jinaryu opened 1 month ago

jinaryu commented 1 month ago

Content, accessibility, information architecture (CAIA) new initiative collaboration request

Use this ticket to start collaboration on a new initiative with the sitewide content, accessibility, and information architecture (CAIA) team.

Note: If you’re already partnering with us on an initiative, you don't need to fill out this request form. If you don’t have access to your initiative’s CAIA epic, post a message in the #sitewide-content-accessibility-ia slack channel and tag @Terry Nichols and @Lily Strelich.

About your team

About your initiative

Which of these descriptions best fits the work we’ll partner on?

Select all that apply.

What's the nature of your initiative and desired outcomes?

Forms 0781 and 0781a for claiming PTSD or MST as service-connected conditions are embedded into the 526ez form flow. These forms are in the process of being updated and combined into one new form for claiming PTSD, MST, and other mental health conditions resulting from traumatic events. The current experience for claiming PTSD/MST is long and retraumatizing. Our shadowing research revealed many usability issues with this section of the form, and observed that it can double the time it takes a Veteran to submit a claim. We first want to update the online 526 experience to reflect the changes to the 0781 and 0781a forms. We anticipate that these updates address many of the usability issues we identified, and that future enhancements can be documented and added to the backlog to be prioritized according to OCTO's framework.

Collaboration timeframe

Note: We work on nearly every OCTO product and manage all unauthenticated content on, so we will need to prioritize intake requests based on overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Is this work tied to a Congressional mandate, change in law or policy, or upcoming event with a specific deadline?

Where are you at in your timeline?

Tell us briefly about what you're working on now (such as initial discovery, wireframing, or usability research planning) and add any known dates for upcoming milestones or deadlines.

I am working on wireframing and mapping out the new online 0781 flow (this is an iterative process as we are validating the flow with VBA stakeholders). The updated paper form 0781 will be released June 21.

Collaboration cycle

Which phases of the collaboration cycle have you completed?

Select all that apply.

Collaboration cycle ticket

If you’re going through the collaboration cycle, provide your ticket number and link:

Supporting artifacts

Provide links to any supporting artifacts that can help us better understand your initiative and begin collaboration. Include artifacts like your product outline, user flows, mockups and prototypes, or any draft content.

Next steps


### VFS team tasks
- [ ] **If you also need engineering support from the public websites team**, fill out their intake request form as well.<br> [Open a public websites intake request](
- [ ] **If you're requesting a page/URL redirect, a URL change, or a vanity URL**, submit an additional request for this work. <br> [Open a redirect, URL change, or vanity URL request](
- [ ] **If you're creating an experimental design**, also contact the design system team. <br> [Read more about experimental designs]( <br> [Suggest an addition or update to the design system team](
- [ ] **If you're requesting a11y support for usability research**, submit a research support request next. <br> [Open an a11y research support request](
- [ ] **If you are requesting content support**, please share your content source of truth (preferably as a SharePoint document).
- [ ] Annotations to be added to the Figma File prior to a11y Design Review #83191
- [ ] Initial meeting to discuss research with users of AT
- [ ] Inclusion of users of AT in research for MVP if possible (staging discussed in KO call 5/15)
### CAIA a11y tasks
- [x] Attend Kickoff Meeting 5/15/2024 Sara and Evan
- [ ] Review [CC Feedback from Brian D. in CC Ticket](,Feedback,-Practice%20areas%20will)
- [x] Conduct Design Review once Figma Annotations are added by Jina
- [ ]
- [ ] Meeting to discuss research
- [ ] Participate in research for the MVP
### CAIA content tasks
- [ ]
- [ ]
### CAIA IA tasks
aprocik1 commented 1 month ago

@jinaryu, thanks for this request. I know you're working with VBA stakeholders to finalize the form flow. Do you know when your Figma designs will be ready for our review?

Our content team is working on many other priorities right now. We can add this to our list and follow up with our expected timeline.

jinaryu commented 1 month ago

@aprocik1 design intent is scheduled for Monday (4/29) so form flow probably won't be finalized until end of next week at the earliest. ballpark estimate I'm thinking week of May 13th, but I will keep you posted. And yes please let me know your expected timeline so we can coordinate. thank you! :)

jinaryu commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @aprocik1 ! I have wireframes ready for review. We were wondering if we could schedule a kickoff call to inform y'all of where we are and get on the same page re: how to move forward. I understand that y'all are busy right now so let me know your thoughts!

cc: @juliepedtke

aprocik1 commented 3 weeks ago

@jinaryu, are you available for a 30 minute kickoff on Wednesday 5/15 from 12-1 pm ET? Everyone on CAIA reserves that time for kickoffs, so I know we're available. If that doesn't work for you, please provide some alternative times.

@strelichl, can you send a calendar invite and Zoom link to everyone when we land on a time?

Thanks to both of you!

jinaryu commented 3 weeks ago

@aprocik1 Yes! 12:30PM EST works for me.

@strelichl Could you also add the following people to the meeting invite? Thank you!

strelichl commented 2 weeks ago

Noting from our kickoff call:

kristinoletmuskat commented 2 weeks ago

Hi hi, just adding the IA notes from kickoff:

  1. Consider removing references to the 0781 form number within the 526 flow. We know from research we want this section to be distinct from the rest of the form (users should be clear when they are starting and ending this series of questions), but users don't need the additional cognitive burden of trying to understand they're in a form-within-a-form.
  2. Team will also need to manage updates to 2 About a Form pages for 0781 and 0781a. A is looking into whether CAIA can make these changes, or whether public websites needs to be involved. But the product team should manage the timing of these changes.
kristinoletmuskat commented 2 weeks ago

We are also in the process of developing standards for sub-URLs and would love to take a look at the suburls for these screens once you have the content finalized!

jinaryu commented 2 weeks ago

Annotations are done! (legend here) Wanted to list out again here all the screens for review, by Figma section:

Thanks CAIA team! Appreciate your collaboration with us on this :)

jinaryu commented 1 week ago

@kristinoletmuskat took a first pass at URLs and added them next to the Figma frames (link to one of them here )

I had 2 questions, both listed in the corresponding frames. Would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks

katherine-fung commented 1 week ago

Hi @jinaryu, I'm going to start the content review of these designs earlier than anticipated, though I may step away from it if there are new developments with the 2 other projects we mentioned during our kick off call. I just want to note that any comments I'm leaving in the Figma file this week aren't final and still require A's review.

cc @juliepedtke @nnicholas7 @shannonkford @aprocik1

kristinoletmuskat commented 1 week ago

Hey @jinaryu! I see those URLs, I have a few contextual questions and I think it might make sense to grab like 15 minutes to hash it out. I just sent an invite for this afternoon (you looked free on your cal) but feel free to reach out on slack if that doesn't work.

Just jotting down some suburl ideas for when we chat: .1: /mental-health-form-781/ (we put 'form' before the form number. Added mental health so its more human readable but I can be convinced that's too long) .2: /mental-health-form-781-upload/ (remind me why we aren't uploading the form on this page?) .3: /mental-health-support/ (this isn't part of the form technically right? this is like an added thing? Maybe we don't need form number?)

katherine-fung commented 1 week ago

@jinaryu @nnicholas7 @juliepedtke is there any research you can share that inform the draft content, or should inform the recommendations, for the PTSD/MST screens?

cc @aprocik1 @strelichl

juliepedtke commented 1 week ago

Hi @katherine-fung ! There's lots of indirect research behind this. We reviewed past studies in this Mural, and have a summary at the top of the findings and principles we kept in mind for this redesign. There's also a section where we've laid out the previous form versions and what's been changed/added/removed.

We're currently planning research on the new designs - likely first a concept test pre-launch, accessibility testing in staging, and usability testing post-launch.

EvanAtCoforma commented 1 week ago

Accessibility Design Review

General Recommendations

For annotations, provide fieldset and legend annotations for the radio button groups to avoid any confusion in the development phase. The group label (the main question) and all the radio buttons within the group would be wrapped within the "fieldset" annotation. The group label and any hint text if available would be wrapped within the legend annotation.


Screen Recommendations

0.1 - Option to Fill Out 0781

There is a significant amount of information on this page that a user would need to read/navigate through before getting to the main question for this screen. We are recommending to break down this screen into two separate screens, as this will assist in minimizing mental fatigue as the user navigates through the content.

Screen One

The first screen could be a Yes/No radio button question asking if the veteran feels that they have a mental health condition and refer to the traumatic event and mental health additional info components. One of the additional components could be broken down into heading and body text (possibly the traumatic event component) to avoid additional tap stops prior to the mental health condition radio button question.

Screen Two

The second screen would contain the "Would you like to provide a statement on your mental health conditions?" radio button question, along with the five-part process list. The list can be ordered before since it is static text and wont affect the tab order.

4.2 - Upload Supporting Documents

The "How to upload files" text has the visual appearance of a heading, though is not annotated as a heading level. Also, the importance of a user knowing how to upload a file is high enough for a heading level to be designated to the text programmatically. Consider making this text a h3/h4 depending on the finalized heading hierarchy on the screen.


Please reach out to me via Slack if you need more clarification about any of the recommendations above. Thanks!

cc: @jinaryu | @juliepedtke | @coforma-terry | @strelichl | @sara-amanda

jinaryu commented 3 days ago

@EvanAtCoforma thanks for the feedback! made the following changes: