We were invited by Ollie Holley to present for 15-20 minutes about the listening session. Confirmed the date of May 6. Shared with her that the topic will be along the lines of "What We Know about VSOs: Listening Session Findings + More." The "More" is because we have some other secondary research we can fold in, like our comparison of tools VSOs use and some analytics related to the role of VSOs. We can present on our user interviews and usability testing another time.
We were invited by Ollie Holley to present for 15-20 minutes about the listening session. Confirmed the date of May 6. Shared with her that the topic will be along the lines of "What We Know about VSOs: Listening Session Findings + More." The "More" is because we have some other secondary research we can fold in, like our comparison of tools VSOs use and some analytics related to the role of VSOs. We can present on our user interviews and usability testing another time.
Rebecca and Renata will present.
Leads or Collaborators
Lead: @uxrebecca Collaborator: @RenataKeck
Slide deck - in progress
Acceptance Criteria