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Standards documentation: URL standards additions and placement change #81192

Closed mnorthuis closed 2 days ago

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

IA standards request

Update the existing URL standards to provide more definition and move to a more visible place in VADS, and

Move URL standards out of the content styleguide

Revise the parameters section

Revised content:

Guidelines for parameters in URLs

URL parameters - also known as query strings - are values added to the end of a URL that filter or organize the information on a page. Parameters are used for a number of reasons - most commonly for pagination, anchoring, filtering or sorting data, indicating language, or searching.

An example of a query string and parameter values in use on is on our existing search functionality. The "?" indicates the beginning of the query string, followed by one or more parameters (i.e. page=1). Each parameter includes a key and a value, and multiple parameters are separated by an ampersand.

Like the core URL, parameters must also be readable and understandable to the user, so they know what information is being used to display the content of the page, and do not make the URL look untrustworthy. Parameters also impact SEO because they create unique URLs, so care must be taken to ensure they do not dilute the SEO value of the static, or, canonical version of the page.

When adding parameters to your URL, in addition to all the URL standards above, please follow the guidelines below.

  • Do not use any PII in parameter values, or any other data that should not be logged or tracked. This includes everything from names and contact information to unique identifiers used that an be used to identify a specific person such as IP address, ICN, or EDIPI.
  • Set the static, or main, URL as the canonical page using the rel=canonical attribute when the parameter-based URL is similar content to the canonical content. An example is when using parameters for sorting. The data returned is the same, but is in a different order, therefore include the rel=canonical attribute to tell search engines that the resorted page is the same as the original page.
  • Parameter keys should be no more than 1 word for a label and must clearly define what the parameter is. Do not use generic terms such as “parm” or “key”.
  • Do not expose empty or null value parameters in the URL
  • For multi-select type values, combine the values into a single parameter rather than exposing the key multiple times in a URL multiple times (i.e. "color=blue,red,white" vs "color=blue&color=red&color=white")
  • Avoid linking to URLs with parameters, link to the static, or, canonical URL when possible
  • If multiple parameters are used in a query string, set a priority and list them in a consistent order

Acceptance criteria

erinrwhite commented 1 month ago

Thanks @mnorthuis ! Will read carefully and circle back on Monday.

shiragoodman commented 1 month ago

thanks for tagging me @mnorthuis ! I have a few questions:

  1. Is there an expected timeline as to when this work should be completed by?
  2. Is there defined acceptance criteria? Assuming it's something like the URL standards guidance no longer exists within the content style guide and the parameters have been revised.
  3. Is Erin expected to make and commit to these changes on their own or is Erin making a proposal for you to sign off/approve?
  4. This ticket appears to not have a parent/epic or be part of a gh project. I know this is likely the first of many IA standards updates, and it would be helpful if all the work was bucketed for easy reference/reporting. Are you planning to make a parent ticket?

I'm very very excited to see this work kicking off, and I'm glad that @erinrwhite has a role in helping refine the standards. If there's anything you'd like to discuss, or if you need additional help with anything, please let me know. Governance is able to assist in moving this forward.

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago


  1. No expected timeline - I want to be conscious of the fact that collab cycle work comes first. That said if providing a date is helpful, I can definitely do that. My preference would be to see this work done in the next sprint, but look for your feedback on how full that sprint is.
  2. I think you pretty much got the acceptance criteria - I added them to the description above and will include those in future tickets
  3. For this work, its pretty straight forward, so PRs can go to myself for review before publishing, and it can also go to someone on DST if they want given its placement will be moving
  4. I will work on an epic for standards work to group these - I think I already have one in the CAIA space, so will look to see if it makes sense to group with that or if these should be separate.

If there's anything else regarding ticket structure or process you want/need let me know. We can continue to evaluate as we get more into this work. Thank you!

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

Epic added

erinrwhite commented 1 month ago

Thank you @mnorthuis @shiragoodman - in progress!

shiragoodman commented 1 month ago

Thanks, @mnorthuis ! I have added the governance-team label so it's easy for us to keep track of this. LMK if there's any concerns with the label.

erinrwhite commented 1 month ago

@mnorthuis After reviewing the difference between components, templates, and patterns here are some proposals for where this documentation would live. I also spent some time exploring the Foundations section, but it is very much focused on visual design. Let me know what you think, or if I'm off the mark or missing info on either of these approaches.

Option 1: Patterns > Help users to... > [Page]

In the Design System, patterns demonstrate how design, content strategy, reusable components, and accessibility can be put together to solve common problems that all Veterans may experience on

URLs could be added to Patterns > Help users to... as part of a new page or section, labeled something like "Understand their location within"


Cons: This would not elevate the URLs page in the IA. In fact, the page would be at least one level deeper than its current positioning in Content Style Guide.

Option 2: Components > URLs

Components are design elements that define a visual style and/or micro-interaction. A component is the smallest unit of measure within a design system. They can be considered concrete, a finite list: Button, accordion, table, etc.

URLs could be added as a discrete item in Components just as Breadcrumbs, On this page, and other IA-related elements appear.



mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

This is great @erinrwhite!

I'm leaning towards components for a couple of reasons:

I would see this having a section for URLs, which sub-sections for form flows, parameters, and vanity URLs

Would love to Matt's thoughts on this to make sure it doesn't go against anything he envisions for that section.

erinrwhite commented 1 month ago

Thanks @mnorthuis! I agree. Bringing in @humancompanion-usds to this thread.

Matt, we'd love to get your take on this approach - moving the URLs guidance from the Content Style Guide to the Components section, while improving/expanding the page content. We weighed a couple of options for where this content would be best suited, and think this is the best approach.

Sound good? And, do you recommend we socialize this with the Design System Team as well? This'll be one of a series of IA standards changes coming through in the coming months so I want to make sure we're developing a workflow that'll work for everyone. Thanks!

humancompanion-usds commented 1 month ago

Hmm. URLs are by definition not components. By our own definition components are:

Components are interactive and non-interactive UI elements that can be grouped together or presented individually. They are independent, reusable chunks of a user interface.

But I do agree that would give it more visibility than being in the Content style guide for developers at least. I'm not opposed to putting URLs in Components if it's temporary and gets us started on adding more IA guidance to the Design System. Because what I'd really like to start on is option 3:

Option 3: Foundations > Information Architecture > URLs

Perhaps it could cover the following (I'm cribbing from an older doc):

FWIW, Shopify's Polaris puts their IA section in Foundations. I would be for revising the IA of the Foundation section on to look more like this:

I've been wanting to move Accessibility out of the About anyway and I agree that what is in Foundation today speaks more to the Foundation of the base visual styling of the Design System itself rather than the foundations of

Anyway, not opposed to starting in Components for URLs but I think we should plan for a bigger IA section in future.

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

I totally agree that it doesn't fit the description of today's "components", and option 3 of creating a broader IA space is already on our list of things to evaluate, but we are not ready to act on that quite yet.

In the mean time, I'd like to get some of these core things into a space that makes more sense. URLs are not content and do not belong there. URL guidance is more for developers than anyone else and often they just create their own structures without knowing there's guidance. So I'd love to start with these in components.

We will be looking at the broader plan for where IA fits into the design system and what would go in that section. The challenge we will have, is teams do not understand what IA is, so looking there for detailed engineering guidance on things like URLs may be tough.

erinrwhite commented 1 month ago

Thanks both! @humancompanion-usds @mnorthuis

Matt, I really like going with an update to the Foundations section like you laid out. I hadn't seen the Shopify design system. I think this could also be something we pass back to USWDS for their own documentation.

Sounds like we are set on this plan:

If this sounds good I'll get started on the updated URLs page. Thanks!

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

I'm not 100% sold on the the foundations section as of yet. Visibility of IA standards and IA practice in general is currently an issue, so I'd really like to think about that a bit more before we call it the plan. We also need to figure out what else from IA belongs in the design system before we can chart out a section.

erinrwhite commented 3 weeks ago

Team, quick update here - I'm planning on proceeding with adding URLs to components while we think longer-term about where a section of IA pages might land in the Design System.



This work will proceed into our next sprint.

erinrwhite commented 2 weeks ago

Pull request submitted for review and assigned @mnorthuis !

erinrwhite commented 1 week ago

Pull request reviewed and merged. For when you're back @mnorthuis: do we want to communicate this change with VFS teams at all? No rush, keeping this ticket open til we're signed and sealed.

mnorthuis commented 2 days ago

Work complete and communicated out!