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Build health care and disabilities landing page for FMB hub #81201

Closed strelichl closed 2 months ago

strelichl commented 5 months ago

Issue Description

Mikki has stubbed out new pages required for the family member hub and will add links to this ticket: *Note: the formatting and elements used in these are not necessarily final, they were simply a way to experiment with the content that we needed to represent.

Per Mikki: The required pages to be linked to from each landing page is documented in the family member hub mural - on the far right under "Final working structure"


Acceptance Criteria

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Hi @d-beyer , thanks for syncing on this first FMB hub ticket. I added a task list to the top of this page, so it's all set for you to start work.

Here's some additional guidance we talked about:

And a decision on the link style, after consulting with accessibility:

laurwill commented 4 months ago

@kristinoletmuskat IA question on this landing page. The IA doc has these 2 links:

The page we're linking to for Spina Bifida is actually about both of those programs, even though it doesn't include the name of the CWVV program. And we'll be replacing that page and the legacy pages for each program with 2 new pages in this family member benefit hub.

Did you consider linking to the live page for both programs until the migrated pages for each program are live?

kristinoletmuskat commented 4 months ago

@laurwill Good call, so just to confirm, we can remove the link crossed out in this screenshot, yes?

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 3 22 27 PM

laurwill commented 4 months ago

I think so, yes — see if this looks right to you:

For phase 1 launch of this landing page, we'll combine spina bifida and cwvv into a single link to the existing page:

For phase 2 launch of the full health care & disability section, we'll replace that combined link with 2 separate links to the newly migrated pages for each program:

kristinoletmuskat commented 4 months ago

Sounds good! I will update the IA spec.

d-beyer commented 4 months ago

Hi @laurwill , I've finished a rough draft of this landing page.

Some notes and questions:

I think I can do successive landing pages more quickly now that I've done this one and worked out the process for it. Happy to talk through any feedback or changes with you next week!

kristinoletmuskat commented 4 months ago

@d-beyer just curious, by the 'related links' section do you mean this grey box? We dont currently have any content or plan for that, but we could circle back with Mikki next week to double check we don't want that in phase 1. We hadn't discussed it yet.

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 3 49 39 PM

d-beyer commented 4 months ago

@kristinoletmuskat Yes, sorry, that component is labelled "Related links" in the drupal back-end. There were two links already in the draft of the health care landing page -- "Decision reviews" and "Get help from an accredited representative".

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Thanks for flagging these questions @d-beyer !

Questions for @kristinoletmuskat :

kristinoletmuskat commented 4 months ago

Hey hey @laurwill and @d-beyer

  1. We should be using the IA spec over mural, but I do want to try to have them aligned (because I'm so visual I need the mural to understand what's going on). However, I don't see those 2 links in the mural! (MHV and claim status tool). I think MHV would still not make sense (assuming it's just for veterans).

  2. I think we can remove those 3 links, but let me ask Mikki at our meeting on Wednesday 5/15 and get back to you to confirm.

  3. I think we can move the legacy link to CITI and just keep the FAQ. We don't need to deep-link to that section of the FAQ. Let me double check with Mikki.

  4. Could you paste a screenshot of those funky H3s? I'll talk this through with Mikki too, thanks for the suggestions!

  5. Yes, confirmed that for mental health, lejeune, and dental, we're linking out for phase 1, and building the family member pages in phase 2.

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Screenshot of funky looking H3 section for "Additional benefits." The links get so little under it and look odd to me.

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Oh also, the TRICARE page that's first in that "Additional benefits" section is an R&S page, because it's about a DOD benefit and not a VA benefit — are we putting R&S pages/non-VA benefits in the "Get benefits" section for family member hub?

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Also noting we tried removing the blurbs in the "Manage" section and just doing links — Danielle said she discussed that with Mikki as an option for trimming length/words from these landing pages. I think it's fine?

@d-beyer couple other notes:

d-beyer commented 4 months ago

@laurwill Thanks! I updated the urls.

kristinoletmuskat commented 4 months ago

Following up with Mikki on the TRICARE and I'll get back to you!

laurwill commented 4 months ago

Documenting that Kristin confirmed we're keeping the "Additional benefits" H3 with the 4 links, including TRICARE R&S page.

@kristinoletmuskat we're thinking "Health and disability benefits for family and caregivers" for the H1. Let us know if any concerns there.

@d-beyer noting I added the accredited rep page in Manage section after Kristin added it to the IA spec. And I removed the PCAFC and PGCSS acronyms from those link teasers, since we lead with the spelled out program names for those and the acronyms aren't in the linked H1s.

@DanielleThierryUSDSVA the health and disability landing page is ready for you to review and send to stakeholders as needed ahead of phase 1 launch. Should we start putting these through copyedit simultaneously?

Noting we'll need to update the node for PCAFC page once Derek gets the new node set up for the redirect into FMB hub URL structure.

kristinoletmuskat commented 4 months ago

No concerns on that H1. Lmk when finalized and I'll update the places where that breadcrumb appears in our documentation.

kristinoletmuskat commented 3 months ago

Hey ya'll, I know we noted somewhere that we might want to redirect this healthcare for family page to our new health hub -- Mikki flagged that this page has a lot of paragraphs of content. We wanted to make sure that we had parity in content with the new hub page before we migrate this stuff over. If not, we can move this work to phase 2!

@laurwill does the healthcare for family page have enough content parity that we can redirect? Or not yet?

@aprocik1 @d-beyer

laurwill commented 3 months ago

@kristinoletmuskat the H1 for this page is now "Health-related benefits for family and caregivers" but the URL is still health-and-disability. Is that okay, or does the URL change?

laurwill commented 3 months ago

Also documenting answer to this Q: We'll wait to redirect until phase 2.

Hey ya'll, I know we noted somewhere that we might want to redirect this healthcare for family page to our new health hub -- Mikki flagged that this page has a lot of paragraphs of content. We wanted to make sure that we had parity in content with the new hub page before we migrate this stuff over. If not, we can move this work to phase 2!

@laurwill does the healthcare for family page have enough content parity that we can redirect? Or not yet?

laurwill commented 3 months ago

Hi @saratorres2 , here's the first family member hub page that's ready for your copyedit. We're planning to publish these pages on Monday 6/17. (Danielle will be sharing them with SMEs simultaneously, but we don't expect major changes.)

I've confirmed that all the links are pointing to the intended URLs for phase 1, but this landing page includes 3 unpublished nodes (CHAMPVA, PCAFC, and TRICARE). So we won't be able to complete the entire prepub checklist yet, but I think it still makes sense to do the checklist now, and repeat the link-checking step just before hitting publish on 6/17.

For all of these family member hub copyedits, please:

laurwill commented 3 months ago

Hi @saratorres2 , I adjusted the instructions here after our sync with Megan on Friday — the link situation is so wonky for this launch that we'll handle checking links separately from your copyedit. Let me know if you have any questions as you start on this batch!

@d-beyer (and @kristinoletmuskat for when you're back from OOO), I discussed a couple things with Danielle on Friday about this landing page:

saratorres2 commented 3 months ago

@laurwill Copy edits complete. There is an open question about the current H1, "Health-related benefits for family and caregivers," so it would be good to also confirm the H2s before publishing. I will also add a query about clarifying usage of "benefits" vs. "support" (caregivers) vs. "services" to the backlog ticket.

kristinoletmuskat commented 3 months ago

Just noting that Laura and I are going to talk about how to move forward with potential H1 change tomorrow -- @d-beyer I added you to invite too

laurwill commented 3 months ago

@d-beyer new related links to add: Survivor Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits for survivors Accelerated benefits for terminally ill policyholders VA home loan programs for surviving spouses

d-beyer commented 3 months ago

@laurwill I added the related links.

d-beyer commented 3 months ago

@saratorres2 I've added the related links and they're ready for copyedit. Screenshot attached.


saratorres2 commented 3 months ago

@laurwill Copy edit of new related links section complete.

kristinoletmuskat commented 2 months ago

Confirmed live in prod, closing out.