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New VFS Team Member Template [Gus Schissler] #81880

Open skirkman16 opened 2 months ago

skirkman16 commented 2 months ago

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veteran Facing Services (VFS) team!

As a new VFS team member, you will be working in the web ecosystem we call the Platform (or "The Platform," for short). The tasks on this list are designed to get you up to speed on the role of Platform, making it easier for you to do your job.

Because the VA is a huge organization that serves millions, the Platform it runs on is equally big, complex, and multilayered. Most people find that even learning the basics for their own practice area entails a significant learning curve. The tasks on this checklist will help you acquire those basics as quickly and efficiently as possible.

User Story

As a new VFS team member, I need to complete onboarding activities so I can successfully work on my project and support the Platform.

How to fill out this ticket

Onboarding Checklist

Share your info with Platform

*Providing your GitHub handle will allow Platform to provide you access to the necessary GitHub repos.


Get set up for your practice area

Designers & Researchers

Front-end Engineers

Back-end Engineers

Product Managers & Delivery Managers

Off-boarding of teammates

Platform Checklist

The items in this checklist are for Platform to complete. If you are ready to close the ticket and the Platform Checklist section has not been completed, please reach out to Platform via the guidance provided in Getting help from Platform in Slack.

bdech commented 2 months ago

@skirkman16 Please fill out this entire section (see image below) within this request. I am going to close this out for now. When all of the information is provided, please reopen and tag me.


schisslerg commented 2 months ago

@bdech Hi there!

I think I have a special case here - I've moved contractors (from Ad Hoc to MO Studio), and I previously completed an onboarding ticket here: I've updated those fields below... Not sure if you'd rather keep this close and make updates on the other ticket to keep things clean?

Name: Mark (Gus) Schissler Pronouns (e.g. she/her): He/Him Role: Product Lead Email: → GitHub handle*: schisslerg Start date: ~10/16/2023~ → 04/29/2024 VFS Team: ~Lighthouse Public API Platform~ → Identity Product Team

bdech commented 2 months ago

Hi Gus,

I'll go ahead, and update this template. I will keep the old ticket as is for historical purposes. One question, who are some team members on your team? I wanted to reference their assigned team in Atlas. I want to be sure I assign you to the proper team in Atlas.

schisslerg commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the help! Here are some team members:

bdech commented 2 months ago

Hey @schisslerg, is the team Identity Product Team also known as adoption?

schisslerg commented 2 months ago

Yes it is! Sorry for the confusion

bdech commented 2 months ago

No worries, thanks for that clarification.

bdech commented 2 months ago

You should be all set! I updated your profile in Atlas, and looks like you're already a part of the GH team.