High Level User Story/ies
As a Veteran who is logged into the Debt Portal, I would like the ability to view accurate payment history information related to my benefit overpayments.
Provide Veterans who have a Benefit Overpayment debt with a better understanding of the financial history behind the balance of their overpayment debts.
Problem Statement
Currently, Veterans are able to access the debt portal to see what overpayment debts they have but they are only able to review information related to why that overpayment was created and the balance at the time of the last statement. They do not have any indication of when the balance may have changed in between official statements. Think of this like logging into your credit card company where you can see purchases made or payments you have made since your last statement.
What are the user goals?
The user would like to clearly see payment details associated to their overpayment debts including:
the amount for each overpayment
an indicator if their balance has increased or decreased, by how much and on what date.
an updated balance of what is currently owing toward their overpayment
Definition of doneWhat must be true in order for you to consider this epic complete?
[ ] Benefit Overpayment Debt balances should reflect current increases and decreases as well as an up to date balance based on the recent transactions
In Scope
Present the user with an understanding of when their balance has increased or decreased.
Present the user with an updated balance owing
Out of Scope
Detailed information about why a the balance has increased or decreased. (To be added in a future iteration)
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
OCTO Objective 1: Our digital experiences are the best way to access VA health care and benefit; Key Result: CSAT for our web products have increased by 5 points
What are the known risks?
Development team needs to acquire additional data from the Debt Management Center to support his functionality. There are some complexity to work through when establishing this data from the receiving systems
Contacts + StakeholdersVA OCTO Product Owner: Denise Coveyduc
VA Business Stakeholder: Robert Vitt - Debt Management Center (DMC)
Implementation Team: Debt Resolution/ Veteran Online Debt Access (VODA)
Staging Review completed on Sept 10. Addressing feedback to proceed with launch into production. Launched on Sept 19, 2024 (25%), Sept 20 (50%), Sept 23 (100%)
October 2024
Feature turned off 11 days after reaching 100% (October 4, 2024) as a result of DMC Database (VAMS) showing "Phantom Payments" where Veterans are seeing payments on va.gov that they did not make. This has caused a lot of confusion for Veterans who are calling into the Debt Management Center. DMC has identified the issue and resolution but awaiting development resources as they go through a contract change.
VBA Payment History - MVP
High Level User Story/ies As a Veteran who is logged into the Debt Portal, I would like the ability to view accurate payment history information related to my benefit overpayments.
Objective: Provide Veterans who have a Benefit Overpayment debt with a better understanding of the financial history behind the balance of their overpayment debts.
Problem Statement Currently, Veterans are able to access the debt portal to see what overpayment debts they have but they are only able to review information related to why that overpayment was created and the balance at the time of the last statement. They do not have any indication of when the balance may have changed in between official statements. Think of this like logging into your credit card company where you can see purchases made or payments you have made since your last statement.
What are the user goals? The user would like to clearly see payment details associated to their overpayment debts including:
Definition of done What must be true in order for you to consider this epic complete?
In Scope
Out of Scope
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) OCTO Objective 1: Our digital experiences are the best way to access VA health care and benefit; Key Result: CSAT for our web products have increased by 5 points
What are the known risks? Development team needs to acquire additional data from the Debt Management Center to support his functionality. There are some complexity to work through when establishing this data from the receiving systems
Contacts + Stakeholders VA OCTO Product Owner: Denise Coveyduc VA Business Stakeholder: Robert Vitt - Debt Management Center (DMC) Implementation Team: Debt Resolution/ Veteran Online Debt Access (VODA)
Reference links: Product Outline/ Initiative Brief: Link TBD QA Test Plan: Link TBD Release Plan: Link TBD Collaboration Cycle Tracking: Link TBD