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Move the parent helm chart from a branch to the master branch of vets-api #82267

Open patrick-black-oddball opened 2 weeks ago

patrick-black-oddball commented 2 weeks ago

The parent helm chart for vets-api needs to be moved to the master branch of vets-api. The following considerations need to be address in making the move.

  1. The parent helm chart needs to start being published to a helm registry (ECR or Github) - the long term plan is for the charts to publish to ECR, but temporary publishing to github is allowed if argoCD issue occur.
  2. The environment charts (in the manifest repo) - need to be able to load the parent helm charts in it's dependencies (current the dependency load is from an http load over github pages)
  3. The current argo CD process for deploying each vets-api environment must still work, but utilize the published/versioned parent helm chart. ( this will probably involve adding a registry registration to argoCD for whichever registry the parent helm chart is published to)

Acceptance Criteria

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