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Gather 2122 VSOrg stats using the BGS<>CorpDB integration #82278

Open gabezurita opened 3 weeks ago

gabezurita commented 3 weeks ago


The below screenshot shows which VSOrgs handle the most volume:


For the number of uploads to Quick Submit, which could be a useful data point as far as scale, the second VSO after DAV is the American Legion, followed by VFW. If we're curious about looking at a state, the North Carolina DVS has the highest numbers. These might be worth targeting for future use, even if they aren't SEP users now.

For each of the large VSOrgs pictured above, check to see how many total 2122 requests they have in CorpDB, how many are 'New', 'Pending', 'Accepted', and 'Declined'. If you think of the data points to look into, go for it!

Use the below Slack canvas as a guide:

BGS Catalog:

Data Points to consider: -Decline Reasons -Claimant/Veteran Address (cross state orgs, non-US countries) -Origination Date for request vs date of status change -Requests open for more than 30 days

Acceptance Criteria

a6marinos commented 2 weeks ago

@a6marinos Follow up w/ Lindsay and ARM team on any analytics/metrics to support which orgs are most active in SEP currently.