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Investigate vet experience at submit (IPF?) #82474

Open SamStuckey opened 3 weeks ago

SamStuckey commented 3 weeks ago

We need to answer two questions

  1. After a vet hits submit, what do they see if they return to the page / their in progress forms area, whatever is available? Underlying question, are we still showing them an open, unsubmited form while our submission jobs are running?
  2. Is this linked to the presence of an InProgressForm record? If so, how does the presence of this record affect the UX?
mengA6 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks! Commenting to get updates on this. cc @evelynhilbrichdavis

evelynhilbrichdavis commented 2 weeks ago

First, the high level understanding of the relationship between submission and deleting the IPF/ITF.

A record of their submission is created every time a Veteran hits submit, even if it fails. The jobs to clean up the IPF/ITF after submission happen after the Claim ID is established and all of the perform-ancillary-jobs (see visual for included jobs for uploads, 4142,0781,8940, etc) run. If there is any failure before these jobs are triggered, it will never reach the cleanup job. As a result, the IPF remains available and open to Veterans for resubmission until that cleanup is complete.

def perforn_ancillary_jobs(first_name)

Breaking down what happens based on different user experiences

1. Veteran receives a "We're sorry" submission failure error with no claim ID

2. Veteran is told their claim was successfully submitted with claim ID

3. Veterans are told submission is "taking longer" without claim ID

4. Veterans are waiting on the loading screen after hitting submit, but decide to go back and try to resubmit

evelynhilbrichdavis commented 1 week ago

Veteran hits back during submit loading screen Veteran submission fails, returns to In Progress Form

lisacapaccioli commented 1 week ago

@SamStuckey Is this ticket still needed or did you get your answers?