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Metrics for Github content performance #82755

Open kdmeg-bluetiger opened 1 month ago

kdmeg-bluetiger commented 1 month ago

To establish baseline performance and track engagement with our support content over time, we can gather some metrics from Github pages via API. This will help us understand if folks are finding our content, moving through content they're viewing, and whether they're clicking through links to resources shared in #vsp-identity.

Github developer documentation:

Note: it's clear we can gather page view data for Github pages. It's not clear if we can get referral data or not (this may be limited to repos only). The effort of this ticket would be to investigate what metrics are possible for the pages identified below, and set up a way for the UX team to access the metrics.

List of Github pages we'd like to track:

kdmeg-bluetiger commented 1 month ago

@claytonzook - CCing you on this ticket as a partner to loop in when the ticket is completed. Once engineering determines what's possible and gathers baseline metrics, we'll want to download the initial data set available. Github page view data is only available on a 14-day rolling basis so the first data we get will be our closest measure for baseline performance.

kdmeg-bluetiger commented 1 month ago

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