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Staging Review finding: Warning alert unlikely to be announced by screen readers #82854

Closed shiragoodman closed 3 months ago

shiragoodman commented 4 months ago

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Product Information

Team: Pension benefits Product: 527EZ Feature: Update multi-response (single page list loop) pattern

Findings details Experience Standard - issue: User doesn't have enough information to complete a task. Experience Standard - category: Comprehension Launch-blocking: No Design System review: No Collab Cycle Reviewer: @briandeconinck (Accessibility)


On /employment/current/history when the maximum number of jobs has been entered, the "You've entered the maximum number of items allowed" message is likely to be missed by screen reader users.

When a screen reader user moves through a form, they don't typically have their screen reader announce all of the text on the page as they might on an informational page. Instead, they tab through the interactive elements on the page (buttons, links, form inputs) and hear their screen reader announce the labels programmatically associated with those elements.

The "You've entered the maximum..." message isn't programmatically associated with anything else, and blind users won't get the visual cue that something new has appeared on the page once they've added their second job. This could lead to confusion -- why isn't the Add another button there anymore?

Recommended action

There are a few ways to solve this, but I think the lowest-effort and most reliable option might be to add helper text to the legend telling users up front what the limit is. Something like:

        <h3>Current employment</h3>
        <span>Enter all your current jobs</span>
        <span>You may enter up to two jobs.</span>

The warning alert once the maximum has been entered can be kept as-is. It's not exactly duplicative of the suggested helper text, but it's close enough that I wouldn't consider it a requirement that the warning be announced.


Next Steps for the VFS Team

echin393 commented 4 months ago

After reviewing our form, I've noticed that instructional text tends to live as a part of the sub-heading (h4), or as a part of a question label if preceding radio buttons.

In this case, I'd suggest changing the current h4 heading from Enter all your current jobs to Enter up to two of your current jobs

image.png image.png
aplatt-coforma commented 4 months ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @ToddWebDev @TaiWilkin