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Discovery: Do research on how to provision SOCKS access for Lighthouse resources #83023

Open RachalCassity opened 1 month ago

RachalCassity commented 1 month ago


Currently, users that need SOCKS access have to go through the Platform Orientation. Lighthouse Engineers and engineers from other services should not have to go through Platform Orientation. A new issue template needs to be created to allow users access to SOCKS without being a VFS team member. We need to insure that the SOCKS access template has an option for a Lighthouse resource (include some kind of icon to note that they are Lighthouse seats but have SOCKS access)

This work will need to be coordinated with the Governance and Support teams, because there may be some training or onboarding changes or updates that will need to be documented in the onboarding/offboarding process.

Slack Thread


Acceptance Criteria

jhouse-solvd commented 2 weeks ago

@jennb33 @RachalCassity - You might consider updating this and related documentation as part of the AC.

If I can provide any useful info/background/etc as you're working through this, please don't hesitate to reach out. Once you've got a new template working, I'll be happy to help amplify messaging and share with folks on the Lighthouse side so they know how to request SOCKS moving forward.

jennb33 commented 1 day ago

@shiragoodman and @alyssagallion heads-up that we will be reaching out to coordinate this work, as it might involve some process changes.

shiragoodman commented 1 day ago

@jennb33 you are I are on the same page. We have an initiative planned for later this year to remove the "onboarding" tasks from Platform Orientation. Would love to talk with you soon as I think there's some small incremental changes your team could make that we could pivot on later.

rmtolmach commented 1 day ago

My recommendation: Unless there's a Lighthouse roster we can check (see # 1 below), we can implement the quick fix (# 2) while # 3 is in the works. # 3 might ultimately solve the problem, but we shouldn't wait on it. See deets below.

After reading this ticket and the Slack thread, I had a few thoughts:

  1. Is there a different roster we can check instead of Atlas? A Lighthouse roster? @jhouse-solvd - do you know?
  2. As a quick fix, we could add a checkbox to the SOCKS template asking if they're Lighthouse. If the Lighthouse box is checked, Tier 1 or 2 Support can add them to Atlas (maybe after checking to make sure they're in Slack? or a member of the repo?)
  3. In the initiative Shira linked above, it sounds like there are some changes coming to the New VFS Team Member Template. This template is 1) how a person is added to Atlas and 2) confusing/not exactly appropriate for a Lighthouse eng to be filling out. So it's possible that the changes to the template make it so it's more appropriate for LH to filling it out?