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[spike] DR | Initialize & use DataDog RUM on pages outside our forms #83078

Open Mottie opened 1 month ago

Mottie commented 1 month ago

Value Statement

As a Benefits Decision Reviews team member We want to see DataDog Real User Monitoring on pages outside our forms So that analyze and determine the flow leading into and out of our form

Background Context

Currently, our DataDog Real User Monitoring is initialized after the user starts the form. You won't see pages external to the form, which includes the introduction and confirmation pages.

We would also want to include this list of static pages directly related to our decision review forms:

Benefit hub detail pages:

R&S pages in the decision reviews category:

Also note this Slack discussion with Steve Albers


Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Ready

Definition of Done

Mottie commented 1 month ago

Current progress:

I've collected a list of entity IDs and current template for each listed path:

EntityId Template Path Page views per month
3071 landing_page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews ~70700
3011 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/supplemental-claim ~5460
3003 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/higher-level-review ~20300
3029 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/board-appeal ~8500
3010 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/board-appeal/veterans-law-judge-hearing ~1300
3013 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/board-appeal/after-board-appeal-decision ~760
3008 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/after-you-request-review ~1800
3030 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/contested-claims ~5000
3025 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/insurance-claims ~480
3016 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/fiduciary-claims ~870
3102 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/legacy-appeals ~2560
3103 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/legacy-appeals/priority-review ~2380
57215 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/clinical-appeals ~2180
57308 page.drupal.liquid decision-reviews/family-caregiver-program-reviews ~850
62667 page.drupal.liquid get-help-with-review-request 2
23290 support_resources_detail_page.drupal.liquid resources/choosing-a-decision-review-option ~20500
50010 support_resources_detail_page.drupal.liquid resources/decision-reviews-faqs ~3600
64063 support_resources_detail_page.drupal.liquid resources/hearing-coordinators-for-the-board-of-veterans-appeals ~80
8520 step_by_step.drupal.liquid resources/how-to-check-your-va-claim-appeal-or-decision-review-status-online ~19050
53778 support_resources_detail_page.drupal.liquid resources/requesting-a-virtual-hearing-for-a-board-appeal ~460
49994 support_resources_detail_page.drupal.liquid resources/vas-duty-to-assist ~3270
9626 support_resources_detail_page.drupal.liquid resources/what-your-decision-review-or-appeal-status-means ~7030

From my current understanding:

Open questions:

Mottie commented 1 month ago

After chatting with @dsasser this is our plan of action:

Mottie commented 1 month ago

This work is blocked until we can do the following - after speaking with Steve Albers on Friday, we need to:

saderagsdale commented 1 month ago
Mottie commented 1 month ago

@saderagsdale I updated the previous comment with the analytics I found - it looks like the decision-reviews page is the clear winner with about 70,700 views/month

Mottie commented 1 month ago

I reached out to Steve Albers today. He'll be in Denver at offsite next week, but will try to get work on this finished tomorrow.

Mottie commented 4 weeks ago

On hold until we determine who requested and will monitor these RUM sessions

va-albers commented 1 week ago

RUM code block & configuration has been set up & script was sent to @Mottie

jilladams commented 1 week ago

Folks on this ticket reached out to Public Websites to request a CMS feature toggle to enable this work, tracked here: We think we can accommodate that in our current sprint, but will help if y'all can provide info on hard time requirements, on that ticket. I've commented over there and tagged @Mottie